Marianne x Gender Neutral!Reader [I can't say It]

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Requested by StarlightPika! That image looks like me right now, not even gonna lie.   

> > > > > 

Marianne's P.O.V.

I sighed, laying down on a hill right outside the monastery. I honestly don't know how I got here, nor do I know how to get back in. Oh well, no one would miss me, anyway. 

A small, red bird flitted next to me, and I smiled at it. "You understand, don't you? If you leave you don't matter, but at least you know how to get back."

Something seemed to startle the bird, for it flew away speedily. I heard yelling in the distance, but I couldn't tell what they were saying. Eventually, the yelling came closer and closer, and I could make out the fact they were yelling my name, and that 'they' were Y/n.

I stood up and brushes any grass off my skirt and headed for their voice. "Y/n?" I inquire, searching for an answer.

"Marianne!" They reply. "There you are!"

"You were looking for me?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

I shrug, trying to shake away my concern and sorrow. "Just thought my curse could have affected you, too." Clearly, when I try something it usually never works. 

"Marianne, would you like to come back inside the monastery, or do you want to stay out there?"

I take a look at my surroundings. It's serene. "I'll stay out here."

"Alright," Y/n says before doing something I hadn't imagined: They started to climb up the entrance gate when no one was looking and jumped over. They grunted when they landed, wincing lightly in pain.

"Y/n, you didn't have to do that," I say. 

"Yeah, you're right," They reply, their voice tense as they jog in place to get the pain out of their ankles. "I just wanted to be with you, y'know?" I raise an eyebrow at them. "You're my friend, Marianne, just let us act like friends for once, instead of avoiding each other to evade bad luck."

"So... this is all just an act... I see."

"No, no, that's not what I meant at all!"

"You don't have to try to hide it, Y/n." I take a few deep breaths, trying to hide my melancholy. "I already know what you mean."

"But you don't! Marianne, I'm telling you the truth right here, right now!" They yell, stomping their foot on the ground. "I love you, and no matter what you see, that will never change!"

"You... l- lo- lo..." I struggle to get the word out of my mouth. 

"Yes, I do. Let me help you, Marianne, and we can get through this together!"

"I lo-" I grunt. "You too, but I can't accept your offer."

"Why not?" Y/n asks, and I can't tell if they're concerned or impatient, or maybe both. Either way, I stay silent, staring down at the green grass. "Tell me why," Y/n repeats, inching closer, causing me to step further back. 

"I just don't want you hurt because I lov-" I still can't say it. I'm so pathetic, I can't even express my feelings. 

I feel bark back up against my back, and I turn my head and see a large tree behind me. Y/n's arms trap me, and I won't even bother trying to duck out of the 'cage'.

"Marianne, please."

I say nothing. I don't plan to unless I'm somehow provoked. 

"Marianne," They address me once again. "Listen to me." I look up at their face. They have a courageous sparkle in their eyes. "I love you and always will, no matter what. I don't care if you continue to be pessimistic, I don't care if you look down on yourself, because I never will. I love you, so please..." Y/n speaks, their voice cracking ever so slightly as tears begin to well up in their eyes. 

"I can't even say it," I finally utter, the words coming out only slightly louder than a whisper. 


"I can't say it," I repeat, "The three words. Three syllables. Eight letters. Why?"

Y/n smiles gently. "Just keep trying until you truly say and mean it," They say, encouraging me.

"I lo-" I choke on my own words. 

"I believe in you," Y/n continues to reassure me. 

We stood there for what felt like hours, Y/n waiting patiently until the sun began to set. That's when it happened. 

"I love you." I finally said it. The words rolled off my tongue from there. "I love you too, I'll never stop loving you, I want to be with you forever, I want you to feel lucky when you're with me, and I... I love you... So much..." 

At this point, I had broken into tears, the little water droplets silently rolling down my face. Y/n's lips press against mine, and I can feel the warmth they hold. It's comforting, and I never want it to stop, but at the same time I needed air. 

"Well, Marianne," Y/n perks up, "You finally said it."

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Weeeeeee third update today! (Two on my P5 oneshots and then this one)

I feel so god damn accomplished. I am also, very tired, so imma get a cup of coffee and maybe update another time, who knows.

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