Hilda x Fem!Reader [Makeup's Trials]

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Requested by hildawifey!

Thank you so much for giving me that adorable scenario, by the way, I absolutely love the idea!

Thank you so much for giving me that adorable scenario, by the way, I absolutely love the idea!

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And since it says six days ago you guys can see how much I procrastinate, whoops. 

> > > > >

Y/n's P.O.V.

"And the winner of the White Heron Cup is..." Alois starts, as Hilda and I grasp each other's hands, silently praying that Lysithea would win. We both insisted she should have worn makeup and boost her cuteness, but she refused and went to the contest as she was. "The Golden Deer house!" 

Lysithea looks around in disbelief, while Hilda and I are already on our way to engulf her in a congratulating embrace. "Great job!" Hilda exclaims enthusiastically. 

"You did so well, I'm so proud of you!" I say, ruffling around her perfect white hair. 

"Guys," She warns, "Stop treating me like a child."

"Oh dear, we didn't mean to!" Hilda quickly apologizes. "We were just about to leave anyway, right Y/n?"

"Yeah! We have to get ready for the ball," I agree, swaying around as if I were dancing with an invisible person.  

"Did any of you get asked to dance?" Lysithea asks.

"Technically," I say, sighing in disappointment. "Only by Sylvain and Lorenz, though they're just trying to show off."

Hilda smirks, and her face just has that all-too-familiar look of plotting. "What if one of them actually likes you, Y/n?" I practically gag at the thought. "Just kidding! C'mon, we should be on our way right about now."

So, as she said, we left the reception hall and went right to her dormitory, where she already had makeup pallet over makeup pallet prepared for us. 

"Choose your style!" She says cheerfully, and I consider the options. One of the pallets is more pastel, one is natural, one is dark, and one is at least twenty shades of pink in itself. "Oh no! I totally forgot!" She exclaims, and I raise a brow, looking at her confused. "I, uh, let Annette and Mercedes use the other one."

"What was in that one?"

"It mostly had metallic and sparkly stuff, like gold, silver, and my favorite: rose gold." 

"That actually doesn't sound half bad," I declare, and Hilda's state goes from relaxed to rushed in seconds. 

"I can go ask if they're done! I'll be back in just a minute!" She shouts right before running out the door at incredible speed, her pink pigtails flowing behind her. 

While I'm left alone, I take a look around her room. This isn't a bad idea at all, I think sarcastically. It's fine, we're friends. If anything I can just say I accidentally knocked an earring off her desk and started looking for it. 

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