Ashe x Reader [Soup and Bread Rolls]

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Requested by  yeetus. This takes me back to the good ol' days when I murdered Ashe with love and support. ALsO- Thanks to my discord server for the ideas and support!

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Y/n's P.O.V.

"Y/n," The professor calls, "Remember, you have cooki-"

"Cooking duty tonight, I know," I reply, my voice lacking enthusiasm.

"I could give you detention right now for talking back to a teacher," Byleth says almost threateningly.

I grumble in response, my arms sloppily dangling at my sides as I walked away. I opened the door to my dorm room, set down my books, and flopped onto my bed. "I'm too tired for this right now," I mumbled to myself. 

For a while, I laid there, staring up at the ceiling, finally moving after I heard a knock at my door. "Who is it?" I asked, heading to the closed doors. 

"It's Ashe," They responded, the sweet voice of my companion immediately recognizable. I opened the doors to greet him. "The professor sent me because you were taking too long to-"

"Tell her I don't want to."

"Y/n I don't think that's how it works," He explained, nervously chuckling. 

"I don't care," I whine, "I'm not going."

"C'mon, I'll help you with it!"

I think over this proposition for a bit. "Deal," I say, watching as an adorable smile spreads across Ashe's face. 

Upon reaching the kitchen, nobody was there. Well, except for the cook, of course. She gave us the soup recipe and pointed out each of the instructions, and bid us good luck.

"Was it just me, or did you find that mildly unsettling?" I asked, holding the flour-covered parchment in my hand.

"Yeah..." Ashe says, his voice trailing before clearing his throat and starting again. "We'd better start working since we're already a few minutes late."

We gather the ingredients and supplies, the closing of cupboards, the clattering of pans on the counters, and the sizzling of the meal being cooked. 

The recipe called for diced carrots, hence grabbing the written quantity and a kitchen knife. I set the orange vegetable on the cutting board, laying my hand on top of it to keep it steady. Ashe looked over, running to stop me before I started cutting. 

"Y/n be careful!" He yelled, grabbing the wrist with the knife and the other holding down the vegetable. "You have to curl your fingers beneath your knuckles, so you don't cut your fingers off. Like this..." He instructs, giving a demonstration. "Now you try." I take the knife and try to position my fingers, but it doesn't look right. 

Ashe sets his hands on mine, individually arranging my fingers to look like his example. 

"Now you have it," Ashe congratulates, "Be more careful next time." After that he turns and leaves to go back to his part of the work. He was in charge of the soup's broth and the meat, while I was in charge of dicing vegetables and baking bread rolls.

I heard a sharp inhale from Ashe's side, and looked over to see him wincing. "You okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine, just splashed some boiling water on my hand," He explains carelessly. I want to take his word for it, but I just can't find it in my heart to be untroubled by his injury, minor or not. 

"Let me see it," I say, grabbing his hand and inspecting it. It was only a bit red, it didn't look too bad. "Try rinsing it in cold water for a minute or two, that should help." I go back to doing my part in the cooking, looking back at him every so often to check. 

"Ashe," I announce, "I finished chopping the vegetables." I bring the tray with all the greens and scrape them into the broth with a knife. 

"We're almost done, just have to finish it up with the rolls," Ashe reminds.

Relief washes through me. "Oh thank the goddess, this felt like forever!"

"Really? I enjoyed it, personally." Ashe smiles, and he can't help but laugh at my tired and sarcastic reaction. 

My arms were tired by now from mixing the dough, my wrists cramping as I held the egg beater. I groan from the feeling of my arm being so sore. 

"Y/n, you're doing it wrong," Ashe claims, and I feel like slamming my head on the counter.

"You've got to be kidding me-" I say abruptly, done with all this cooking nonsense. I decided to just gather different ingredients and mix them in a different bowl, watching Ashe's example once again. I didn't completely understand what I did incorrectly, and I could only hope that I was doing it right in this batch. 

We took the dough and rolled them around on the pan before putting them into the oven, one batch at a time. 

Ashe looks at me for a few moments before declaring, "You have some dough on your face." I reach up to my nose. "No, more down..." I move my hand to my cheek. "Here just- let me get it," He offers. 

He steps closer, rubbing some flour off my forehead with his thumb first. "How'd you get so messy?" He laughs.

"As if I know," I respond, shrugging. 

I hadn't noticed it at first, but his face was undeniably getting closer to mine. Our lips touch, his moving a bit, separating after removing the stray dough from my face. 

"I didn't take you for that kind of guy, Ashe," I say, joking around. 

"What do you mean?"

"That was a courageous move, you know."

His face turns bright red, hiding his freckles under a shade of crimson. (A/N: I've been sitting here for ten minutes and I still haven't thought of a way to end this h e c k -)

I press my lips gently on the tip of his nose, standing slightly on my toes. I laugh at his shocked expression. "I had you thinking I didn't like you back, didn't I?" 

"Yes, Y/n. Yes, you did." 

We share another short yet sweet kiss before exiting the hushed kitchen. 

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rebjfjbdfbjdbjldfblvfbhfbfvfvvffvbhfbhdhbdhbldvhjbbhd I had no inspiration the entire time I'm so tired. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmgoodbye I wanna sleep more.

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