Ignatz x Reader [Pretty Paint]

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I'm really digging the new cover, what about you guys? I edited it myself .3.

Oneshot requested by TheOneWeirdOtaku

> > > > >

Ignatz's P.O.V.

I lifted my practice sword off the stone pavement and gripped it in my hand. "You're going to have to try harder if you want to knock me down, Y/n!" I yell confidently. She smirks at me before charging at me with her gauntlets.

I swiftly dodge to the left, avoiding her fist, but that's not what she was trying to do. She then punched me in the stomach, her eyes on me as I stumbled backward and fell on the ground. "Apparently I tried hard enough," She said, taking off her gauntlets before she offered her hand to help me up.

Earlier today we had made a deal. I asked Y/n if I could paint her, though to do so, she would need to stay near me, standing still for at least an hour. She told me she would only let me paint her if I could beat her in a small one-on-one battle. I had three tries at beating her, and with how everything is going so far, I don't think I'm going to win.

"Rematch after lunch?" She asks, awaiting my opinion. 

I smile. "Sure!"

During lunch, she sits with her friends, Lysithea and Hilda, laughing the whole time. Her smile would look beautiful painted on a canvas. 

Caspar plops his tray next to me, breaking my train of thought. "Hey!" He exclaims, making sure his arrival at the table was known as he sat down. "Did you win against Y/n yet?" He asks, his question directed at me. I shake my head and he frowns. "You win if she falls, right?"

"Yeah, that was the deal," I say, rubbing the back of my head with my hand. 

"Just aim for her ankles, then!" (Scooter ankle scooter ankle- That would destroy poor Y/n I'm just kidding. Or am I?)

"That seems like cheating, though..."

"Look," He starts, sounding almost like he's about to say something genuine, "The only rules are the deals you made, I'm sure hitting her ankles won't count as cheating." I sigh, not whether to believe him or not.

"It's only for a painting," I explain, "I'm sure I could just find another way to-"

"But why?" He asks, cutting my sentence short.


"Why do you want to paint her? You could paint Marriane, or Flayn, or even me! But you chose her, why?" 

I try to think. Why did I choose to paint her over everyone else? "She's pretty, beautiful, and just seems like she'd look amazing if I painted her."

Caspar looks at me with his jaw open before declaring: "Come with me outside, I need to talk to you about something." I raise a brow, but get out of my seat and follow him outside anyway. 

"Ignatz," Caspar says my name dramatically. "You like Y/n, and I'm sure of it!" He points at me and flashes a bright smile as if he was a comical detective solving a case. Heat rushes to my face as I realize: Caspar's absolutely right.

I dig my hands underneath my glasses and rub my eyes. How did I never notice how I felt?  Caspar grabs my wrists and pulls them down, revealing my face. He whispers to me, "You have to tell her." His face is so close to mine while he says this that I can see every last spark of determination in his eyes. 

"Okay, okay, I will,"I say, trying to pry Caspar away. "Can we go back inside now? I'm getting hungry." Caspar nods and immediately goes to messily eating his food. I slow down when I walk back inside, and I notice that Y/n is turned around in her seat and facing me. She smiles, waving at me before mouthing 'We're going to talk'. 

After lunch I head back for the training grounds, my fake sword in hand as I suddenly realized: I don't want to hurt Y/n, which would make this whole fight a fiasco if I didn't attack. 

By the time I reached the training grounds, Y/n was already waiting there, strapping her gauntlets onto her wrists. She hears the door close, and her head perks up at the sudden sound. "Oh, Ignatz," She says with slight relief, "You ready?" She asks as she shakes around her wrists, making sure the gauntlets were on tight and wouldn't fall off. 

"Yeah, you better prepare yourself this time!" I say, and the look on Y/n's face tells me she's acting like she knows what I'm planning. It's mixed with confusion and determination, slowly turning more to determination.

Caspar's voice rings through my thoughts. Aim for her ankles, then.

I give in to Caspar's imaginary pleads and swing the sword, knocking into her ankles. One of her feet slips but she jumps back and punches me midair as she starts back down. I grab my nose and pretend to be hurt. She doesn't fall for it. I swing at her ankles while she's running and she falls forward, her hands barely stopping her fall, yet she pouts. She looks defeated, because she is.

She grumbles angrily, crossing her arms over her chest. "Unfair," She complains, whipping her head to the side sassily, though she smirks, breaking her mask of anger. I help her up and shake her hand.

"Good job, I was starting to worry I wouldn't be able to beat you," I say, and Y/n smiles at the compliment. "Oh, um, earlier, you said you wanted to talk to me about something?"

"Oh! Yeah, I was going to say I was going to let you paint me whether you won or lost, but I guess I forgot," She laughs, nervously scratching the back of her neck. "On the bright side, we got in some really good practice!"

"Yeah," I chuckle. "So, when do you have time to-"

"In a few minutes, actually," She declares, and I'm surprised she agreed so quickly. "I promised Dedue I'd help with the gardening for a bit today, but I'm sure if I tell him he'll excuse me."

"Oh, that's great! Can you bring a few flowers when you get back? I'd love it if you could because I was thinking of drawing you in nature, with birds, and butterflies, maybe like an enchanted forest type of style... Oh! And-"

"Okay, okay!" She says, laughing as I excuse myself for my artistic mind getting the better of me. "Hey, um, it's kind of cute how you have this all planned out, I'm sure it'll look great once it's finished!"

"Oh- Thank you!" I was taken aback by her statement. Did she say she thought it was cute? 

"I also have another thing to add, when I said I wanted to talk to you." I look at her.

"What is it, Y/n?"

"Well, you were talking with Caspar during lunch and you looked pretty flustered, what was that about? You don't have to tell me of course if you don't want to, I was only curious-"

"Y/n I like you!"

It had come out of my mouth so quickly I didn't even know that I said it out loud until I saw Y/n tomato of a face. 

"W- What?" She asks. 

This time I feel more composed, more confident. "Y/n, I like you. As in a crush. I hadn't noticed it myself until Caspar mentioned it to me." I pause, unsure of what to say, and Y/n seems to be that way too. "Um... Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

Y/n hugs me tightly, smiling into my shoulder. "Yes," She replies. 

I hug her back. "Your beauty was painted into your soul," I state. "I'd never be able to replicate it."

"And you won't ever have to, because I'll be at your side whenever you need me," She says, finishing her sentence by kissing me, short and sweet. 

"No painting will ever be as beautiful as you."

> > > > >

I actually don't have much to say this time so um, have a good day!

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