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Hello fellow readers new and old, I have an announcement. 

This book is going on a semi-hiatus. Woohoo. God, I hate myself for doing this. 

Why is it going on semi-hiatus?

❁ I haven't been feeling inspired by Fire Emblem lately, and I need a bit to rewind and get back into the medieval fantasy flow. 

❁ I also want to update other books, and maybe start a few, so I'm taking a break from this one for a little while. 

How long will the semi-hiatus take?

❁ Being honest, I have no clue, but it shouldn't last more than a month at most. 

And what happens once the hiatus is over?

❁ I might open requests for a bit, but altogether it's just going to be the same as usual. 

Any last words?

❁ Wait what the fu-

Just kidding! 

Hiatus started ☞ 04/28/2020

Hiatus ended ☞ 05/28/2020

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