Seteth x Reckless!Reader [Didn't Have to Tell Me]

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Before I start thanking people I wanna warn y'all, I coughed yesterday so if I don't update in a while I be dead fellas. 

Thanks to @kookie_inhawaii for the request! Umm, sorry if this is bad, because I can't get any inspiration easily while stuck inside quarantine. 

Ok so I finished 300 words then came up with this GREAT idea so I deleted everything and now I regret it. 

AU where you and Seteth are students in the monastery before the events of the game.

> > > > >

3rd Person P.O.V.

Sunlight shone down on the Garreg mach Monastery, kissing everything it touched with its bright, golden rays.

A tall boy with green hair walked around the monastery, looking for his chaotic companion. It was early in the morning, so not that many people were out and about yet, but he knew his friend, and they would get out early as possible just to break the rules. 

Everything around him was silent, all except the wind whistling in his ears, and the rustling of a trees' leaves. Even once the breeze stopped, the tree still rustled, confusing the poor boy. Inching closer and closer to it, inspecting it carefully, he looked into a part in the leaves only to be greeted by a face popping out and smiling at him. 

"Hey Seteth! What're ya doing out here so early?"

Seteth sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Looking for you, actually," He replied. "Y/n, get down from there."

Ignoring his words, she climbed up on a branch and standing on its edge, watching it wobble with no fear in her eyes. 

"Get down, you're going to get hurt," Seteth said, concern coating his voice while he carefully watched Y/n get closer and closer to the edge of the branch. 

"Hey, Seteth," The girl called, catching the boy's attention, "Catch!" She yelled, barely giving him any time to process, yet he still caught her. She sat in his arms before patting his head saying: "Thanks, man."

Seteth rolls his eyes as he sets you on your feet, and as you immediately start to walk away he stops you. You turn around and tilt your head slightly, giving him a questioning look. 

"Are you not going to do anything? Check yourself for any wounds? Clean the leaves out of your hair?" He pulls you towards him and looks down at your head. "I hope you don't mind," He says, before pinching the leaves and plucking them from your hair.

"Monkey," You say, and he replies with a small hum. "Monkeys groom each other like this, did you know that?"


You smirk. You know he probably doesn't care about your weird and random facts, but sometimes it's just fun to say them nonetheless. 

Once all the leaves and twigs were out of your hair, you asked Seteth if you could use his bottle of ink during class today. "Why on Earth would you need to use mine?" He had asked, to which you simply pointed at the ground and said: "I was swinging on a branch and it fell out of my pocket."

"Why did you even have it in your- nevermind. Yes, you can share mine."


"Y/n, Seteth!" A voice from behind the two rang. They turned around to see their friend, Jeralt. (My brain is imagining Jeralt and Seteth as students; I love this idea so much now it's kinda cute) 

"Jeralt!" You yelled, running to him before closing your arms around him, trapping him in a hug. Seteth walked calmly over to pry your arms off the blonde boy. You were smiling, Jeralt looked incredibly awkward, and Seteth looked fairly aloof. This was your small yet practically perfect friend group.

Y/n's eyes widened as she realized something. "Crap! I left last night's homework in my room! Stay here while I go grab it," She shouted, her voice fading as she ran away at the speed of sound to get her homework before the lectures started. 

While she was gone, Jeralt turned to Seteth and sighed. "When are you ever going to tell her?"

"Jeralt, not this again-"

"Yes, this again! You can't just leave your hopes hanging!"

"I told you, I'm careful and up-tight. Y/n's reckless and carefree, it'll never work."

"Listen to yourself," Jeralt states, causing Seteth to look down at his feet, "Just tell her. Or ask her, I don't know how you want to approach her about this." Jeralt puts weight on his left foot, looking past Seteth's shoulder. "Speaking of approach, you might wanna look out."

The green-haired male, in confusion and curiosity, turned around only to be practically pummelled to the ground by his friend. Before hitting the gravel, Y/n placed her hand behind Seteth's head to protect it. She may be reckless, but she certainly had common sense. 

This action left Seteth blushing, which he hoped would go unnoticed. It did, but only to Y/n, leaving Jeralt taunting yet encouraging him for the rest of the day.

"Tell her," He would whisper any time he caught Seteth staring at Y/n, which was most of the day. The hours carried on slowly, mocking Seteth as he stalled.

Finally, lectures were over and everyone met at the dining hall like any normal night. Seteth stared down at his food, aware that he had no appetite. He felt bad for wasting any food, but he still consumed nothing. 

The stars outside shone only brighter than Y/n's smile by only slightly as she sat down in between her friends. Immediately scarfing down her food, she looked over at Seteth, whom she noticed hadn't eaten a thing.

"Why are you eating?" She asked, crumbs falling loose from her face. 

"Nothing much, I'm not hungry." He looked over at her, easing her worry with a closed-eye smile. He opened his eyes to look at his crumb-covered friend. He subconsciously brought his hand up to her face, wiping away the crumbs as she swept her skirt with her hands. 

Eventually, her face was near clean, and as Seteth swept his thumb over the last crumb, he realized where both his finger and his eyes had landed; Y/n lips. He tried to ignore the burning urge to kiss her right here, right now, though he didn't even have to. 

Y/n grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand away from her face and yanking his arm, crashing her lips onto his. Jeralt stared at them in shock, and Seteth seemed to carry the same expression. Once the two separated, Y/n smirked. 

"Jeralt doesn't whisper very quietly," She giggled, watching Jeralt as he grinned.

Entirely, Jeralt wasn't only encouraging Seteth, but Y/n as well. His plan was to have her hear. Thankfully, it all went well and she liked him back. 

Jeralt speaks over the crowd in the dining hall: "I told you to tell her," He complains before Y/n laughs. 

"He didn't even have to," She says before kissing him again.

> > > > >

Gosh that turned out a lot better than I had thought. I think I need to write in 3rd person more often, what do you guys think?

Anyway, random fact:
Last night I painted my nails black and now I look edgy as fu-
Slightly more important fact depending on how you view my opinion:
I ended up falling in love with Vocaloid again .3.

Yeah I don't know exactly how it happened, I think I just found a good song on my recommended and was like "D A M N THAT'S GOOD" so now Vocaloid is 90% of what I listen to now. 

Back to subject, I think I'll be opening requests after I finish my current 'batch' because y'all have amazing ideas. 

Have a great day and wash your hands thoroughly.

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