Yuri x Reader (Angst) [Trust]

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Requested by TheSchemer24!

I'm not too far into the DLC yet so sorry if this is a bit off.

> > > > >

Yuri's P.O.V.

I sit on the edge of one of the staircases in the Abyss. I love this place, I really do, it just sucks that we're cast out. The world is terrible for people sometimes, and I've come to accept that. 

"No one from the surface can be trusted," I'd always say, until that one night. 

~ ~ ~

It was quiet, only the soft flow of water echoing through the maze-like halls. Out of nowhere, I hear these soft footsteps, tapping against the wet stone floor. I stand up, gripping the hilt of my sword, in the case this was an enemy. 

I listen for the general direction of the footsteps. I head that way, silently. The figure who appears before me isn't a knight, but not an Abyss dweller either. It was a girl. She stared at me with wonder in her eyes, like a child. 

She wore a monastery uniform with long sleeves and shorts, accompanied by knee-high boots. One of her hands rested upon the stone wall of the stairwell, her fingers tracing over the rough stone. She said not a word, only stared at me and the underground community.

I spoke up. "Who are you and what is your business here?" She looked back at me but remained silent. "I said-"

"I know, I heard," She says, interrupting me rudely. "What is this place?"

"Why should I tell you? Give me your name and reason for being here or else you'll be bleeding on the floor in a few moments." My threat was clear and blunt, though it didn't seem to shock her in the least. 

"My name is Y/n, I take classes in the monastery. I found a part of one of the outside walls where the brick was crumbling with light shining from the other side, and naturally, with curiosity, came to see what it was."

"So you weren't sent by a surface knight?" She shakes her head. "How can I be sure you're not lying?"

She opens her mouth to protest, but closes it, lacking logic. Moments later she prepares to speak again. "If I was sent here I would probably know what this place is and who you are."

Damn... she makes a good point. To add, she doesn't have any weapons or tomes on her person...

She starts to step down the stairs, approaching further into Abyss. 

"Halt!" I yell. "I never gave you permission to enter!"

Y/n stops. Silence rings between us. She looks down at the sword in my hands and says: "Aren't you going to kill me for entering your territory?"

Shock hits my heart, and my arms drop back to my sides, the blade of my sword scraping across the floor. "You think that I'd kill you?"

She nods. "I've never met anyone like you, I've never seen or heard of this place before, it was obviously meant to be kept secret. If I know, how can you be sure I won't tell someone, like the archbishop?"

~ ~ ~

I told her that I trusted her, and since that day, she hasn't told a soul. Every day she would sneak into the Abyss for a bit, sometimes even just to say hello. I introduced her to the others, Balthus, Constance, and Hapi. After meeting them, they immediately became friends. 

I waited by the usual stairwell, waiting for Y/n. She usually came around this time. Minutes passed. She didn't come. An hour. Still nobody. In my heart was a mixture of worry and discouragement. 

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