Yuri x Reader [Not on Purpose]

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Requested by EllaUwU99 and ZoeMoonThomas! I have no prompt for this at all, so let's sit down and see how badly the whole thing goes. Yuri might be a bit OOC in this, by the way.

> > > > > 

Y/n's P.O.V.

"Yuri!" I shouted, catching the attention of a certain lavender-haired boy. He turns his head in my direction, and his eyes find mine. 

"Oh, Y/n, I didn't think you'd be out this early," He remarks, walking up to me. 

"Oh, shut up," I joke, playfully punching his shoulder. "Just because I'm not a morning person doesn't mean I lay in bed until noon."

"Sure it doesn't," He responds, and I give him a warning glare. 

"Anyway," I say, my voice immediately perking up in tone, "What do you want to do?"


I frown. "Don't you remember? Last night you said you had something to tell me tomorrow, and since you said that yesterday, today is tomorrow."

Yuri chuckles. "You're making this really confusing, Y/n."

"Let me try explaining this again," I sigh, "Last night you told me you were going to tell me something important, and that you'd tell me today!"

"O- Oh, right, that," He says, looking a little flustered. "Um, let's go do something first, I'll tell you later."

"Aww," I whine, "But I'm just dying from curiosity!"

"Then suffer," He smirks, and I frown. 

"Fine, what do you want to do?"

He shrugs. "I don't know, something." 

"So you suggest doing something but you don't even know what?" I say, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Well, there isn't much to do around here if you hadn't noticed!" He snaps at me, and I flinch. "Sorry."

"'S fine."

He sighs. "Well, if anything, we could just sit on the bridge and talk."

"Sounds nice," I reply, already dragging him to the bridge and sitting on one of the ledges. "So, are you going to tell me now?"


"You're so stubborn," I tease, watching Yuri's face burn bright red.

"Say that again and I'm pushing you into the water," He warns jokingly.

I laugh. "Violence is never the answer, Yuri."

"You're right," He says, causing me to grin before he lunges at me, "But this just might," He adds, grabbing my sides and tickling them. 

"N- No," I say, trying my best to hold in uncontrollable laughter. "Stop!"

I attempt to fight Yuri off of me to free myself from the cage that was his arms. I finally let out my laughter, listening to it echo through the Abyss. I grip his shoulders and pry him off of me, and we both tumble to the side, where we land on the bridge's stone pavement.

"Oww," I groan, grabbing my sides which were in pain from my laughter. "Yuriiiiiii," I nag, trying to get him to feel remorseful as I fell back down on my side. 

"Your laugh is cute," He says, extending his hand to help me up. "I regret nothing."

"God damnit Yuri-" I start, but he cuts me off by tickling me again.

"Say that again, I dare you."

I laugh uncontrollably, unable to respond. He takes his hands off me. "That's what I thought."

"Yuri just tell me," I say suddenly, and it seems to give him a bit of shock. 


"Yuri, you've been torturing me all day, just tell me already!"

"No," He repeats. 

"Why not?" I ask. 

He inhales deeply. "I just don't know how you'd respond to it, and that's making me really anxious."

"Don't worry about it, Yuri, just tell me!"

"I can't," He says nervously. 

I grab his shoulders and look into his eyes. "So you can fight monsters and phantom knights left and right but not tell me one simple thing?!"

"Y/n, please-"

"You promised me you'd tell me today!"

"I know!" He yells. "But those things are different! I have the skills for fighting monsters, but not the skills to tell you I love you!"

"Yuri just- Wait did you just say..."

Yuri slaps his hand over his mouth and turns away. "Sorry," He says, his voice muffled by his hand. 

I walk up to him and rest my hand on his shoulder. He turns his head and looks at me. I smile. 

I step in front of him and wrap my arms around him, his hand lifting off his mouth to hug me back. 

"Is this a hug of sympathy?" He asks, his voice cracking on the verge of tears. 

"No," I reply.

"Then is it..?"

"Yes, it is," I look up at him. "I love you too." I lightly press my lips against his, his frown turning into a grin on top of my own. 

"Thank you," I say, and he looks at me confused. "For slipping up, I mean. It was cute."

"It wasn't on purpose, though."

"I know," I grin, "But I love it, still."

> > > > > 

This chapter was just too damn fluffy, like honestly. 

I was interrupted too many times and this took me three fucking hours lol. 

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