Timeskip!Dimitri x Reader [Belief]

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I just kind of needed this don't mind me. Sorry for holding up requests by the way .3.

By the way, most of the story, you are referred to as "You" when Dimitri is thinking or speaking. Also there's a bit of l i m e in there so I'll put a warning.

> > > > >

Dimitri's P.O.V.

I watch as you jump down from your wyvern, your hair flowing upwards with the gusts of wind. Upon seeing me you smile. I haven't had anyone smile at me in quite a while. 

You start to walk towards me, and subconsciously I inch backward, afraid of hurting you. You start to move quicker, and before I can start to react you grab my hand. Your fingers are intertwined with mine as you smile. 

You never hold my hand. Your skin is soft, and I can feel it through my glove. It's comforting. 

When I look down at you, you're not looking at me anymore. Your eyes are on your wyvern, and you excuse yourself before you pat its head to calm it down. I sigh. 

You're so beautiful.

You never realize anything about yourself, you never knew how important you were to me. You still don't know. I don't think that's something you even want to know. 

Look at me. A monster covered in blood. A boar, as some would say. Despite everything that ever happened to me-to us- I never let go, and neither did you. 

You look up at the sky and realize that it's raining. You smile. You've always liked the rain. You say that it's calming and there's no need to rush indoors. I set my cloak on your shoulders, and you grab one side with each of your hands. I can tell that you find it comforting, and though it shields you from the rain that you love so, you keep it. I wonder why. 

You continue to look at the greying clouds, letting the rain splatter onto your face without hesitation. You don't squint or blink or cover your eyes. I remember you saying that rain is a blessing to some people, and we should embrace it entirely. 

It starts to pour, and I speak up. "Are you sure you want to stay outside? You might catch a cold."

"It's fine, believe me."

And I do. I always did and always will. I believed you when you said we were going to get through the war together. We sound like we're lovers, and I could ever wish so. You'd never want to be in love with a psychopath like me, no matter how much you cherish every little thing in the world. 

Our hair is drenched, and you must be feeling freezing, yet you still smile, all until you sneeze. "We're going inside," I say, and you start to pout like a child.

"I don't want to, I want to stay out here!" You sneeze more and by the look on your face, you want to deny it. I pick you up, holding you in my arms, watching you shiver. I find a seat in the cathedral and set you down, and you immediately slump down, sliding on the polished wood. 

You hold my cloak closer, wrapping yourself in it because it's warm and fluffy, as your optimistic self would say.

Your hand grabs my wrist and pulls me into the seat beside you, and you rest your head against my shoulder. You seem comfortable with your life.

"Do you ever wish we were still like we were before the war?" I ask, and you look up at me.

"What do you mean?"

"Pure," I start, "we hadn't touched so many dead bodies, so much blood. We smiled. We laughed. We were all friends."

"We still do laugh and smile, we still are friends," You say.

"Most of us." I grip the palms of my hands as my fists clench, thinking of that witch, that traitor. 

"We have each other."

"Yes, we do..." I state, my voice trailing off.

The next thing you say catches me off guard. "I love you, Dimitri," You declare, your voice sounding intent.

It shouldn't shatter my heart, but it does. Love is supposed to mend. I don't want her to feel burdened by me, she deserves to stay free. 

"Dimitri?" You call.

"I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry," I repeat. "I don't know how you could possibly fall for me."

"I'll leave that for you to figure out," You announce before pressing your lips gently on mine. Your lips are still wet from the rain, yet they're still warm. 

I swiftly wrap my arms around your waist, and you bury your hands in my messy hair. You seemed unprepared for my action, though you seemed fine after a second or so. I bite your lower lip, already knowing how badly I've messed up.

WheEze- Lime warning-

Despite your defending efforts, your lips part. My tongue ventures inside your mouth, your tongue finding its way to mine. Mine is dominant, playing around with yours before it goes weak and our lips separate. 

You're panting and so am I, we're out of breath. Your face is a vibrant red. I smirk. 

Surprise it's already over

Your arms are still around me, gripping tighter on the shirt beneath my armor. I pull you closer, embracing you tightly, burying my face into your shoulder. You smell like flowers and meadows, though I haven't seen either of those in so long. 

I can feel your face against my hair, and I can feel you smile next to my ear. 

"I love you so much Dimitri," You whisper.

"And I believe you."

> > > > >

I had no idea what I was writing I'm going to be completely honest. 


I'll go back to my actual requests when I get the chance, so uhhh I don't know what I was going to say after that whoops. 

I leave you with this, use it wisely.

I leave you with this, use it wisely

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