Dimitri x Reader [I Never Left]

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I know I have a couple of unfinished requests from earlier, but I promise I'll get those done. The purpose of this chapter is just so I can get myself back into Fire Emblem oneshot flow, sorry about that. In return, I'll put a lot of time and effort into this chapter!

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[Y/n's P.O.V.]

A soft sigh escaped my lips as I relaxed, slouching in my seat in the Blue Lions' classroom. I, like the many of my fellow peers in my class, had just finished the quiz, right before class ended and the familiar chime of the academy's bells rung through our ears. 

I scrambled out of the classroom, afraid I'd be held up if I stayed any longer. I fumbled the accumulative amount of items in my arms, nearly dropping something almost every second. Eventually, I had dropped all of them, one by one landing on the ground. Gods, what a klutzy life I live. 

I knelt down and picked up each one, the unfortunate lunchtime rush of students bumping into me, unforgiving, as it seemed. Sometimes I wish I wasn't looked down upon so often; or rather, looked over and ignored, worse, in my opinion. 

I stood up after recollecting everything I had dropped, which was indeed everything, when another figure bumped into me, knocking the both of us down, scattering my belongings once again.

"I'm terribly sorry," The person spoke, whom I recognized as my house leader Dimitri. "I'll help you out with that."

"No, don't, I've got in under control," I grunt. I don't have anything under control anymore, but that's beyond his knowledge, and I wouldn't want my dearest friend to worry about me. Nonetheless, he ignored what I said and helped me gather my things. "Dimitri, I said I didn't need help," I repeat.

"But that won't stop me from helping you, now will it?"

I roll my eyes. "His royal highness, leaving his kind imprint on the world."

He glares at me for a mere second, before his look returns to gaze. "What's gotten into you today?"

"Nothing," I shrug, "Just tired. Insomnia can have bad effects on your mood, I've heard."

Dimitri looks rather skeptical about my answer but shakes it off and stands up in the now clearer hall. "Shall I walk to the dining hall with you?" He offers, helping me off the stone floor.

I brush off my knees, now raw from kneeling for so long. "I was going to start homework early, no thank you. I'll head off to my dormitory, just knock if you need me."

I just told a blunt-faced lie and I knew it, but Dimitri didn't and that's all that matters in my opinion. The truth about this whole situation was that the professor, the new one with the blue-ish hair, of the Black Eagles had offered to let me join her class. I'd noticed that the Black Eagles have better skill in fighting than any other class in the monastery, so there was really no way I could find it in myself to decline.

With one problematic barrier out of the way, which was my decision to join, I now had a new one, which was, well, going along with the action. As much as some of the Blue Lions often ticked me off, mainly Sylvain, I couldn't even begin to think of leaving them.

But I'm not really leaving them, I remind myself, I'll still be friends with all of them, and we can still talk, I just won't be in the same class as them anymore.

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