Kronya x Male!Reader [Me Too]

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Requested by leikesdark Kronya is hot I'm a female come and fight me, hoes. But this is an x male reader so I shall suffer not to write from a female p.o.v. Shit.

Oh, possible spoilers I guess. Pretty much, if you don't know who Kronya is, don't read this if you don't want spoiled.

> > > > > 

Y/n's P.O.V.

I watched Kronya as she mercilessly slaughtered a crowd of Seiros knights. Though I was on her side, she frightened me as she was. No matter how much I tell myself she won't hurt me, I can't help but be slightly unnerved by her nature. 

Once the entirety of the band of knights was a pile of dead bodies in a pool of blood, Kronya looked over her shoulder to look at me and smiled. She's my subordinate, meaning I watch over her as she "trains". I use the word 'train' very lightly, as she mainly massacres people for a job, working for me, as I work for Solon. 

We are both from Agartha, an ancient civilization, those of which were advanced in dark magic. Of course, seeing as how we're supposed to blend in, my Agarthan technology is hidden beneath a black cloak. I have blades on my wrists and ankles, and when the cut across human skin, they expose a lot of blood, causing most people to succumb to unconsciousness. 

Kronya runs to me, a murderous, yet sweet, smile spreading across her inhumanely pale face. "You got the job done?" I ask, watching her hair shake in the breeze as she nods. "We should head back to the monastery," I state, turning around and stepping towards the said building. 

Her smile phases, turning into a pout. "Ugh, that place? It's so uptight and filled with mobs of those- those vermin!"

I sigh heavily, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Look, I don't want to be there either, but we have to go with the plan." I pause, waiting for an answer but never getting one. "Kronya," I call, and I can hear her steps in the grass behind me. "Please, just- Look, it wouldn't do either of us any good if we didn't follow our given orders, because that would be taken as an act of betrayal to Those Who Slither in the Dark."

"But we're not traitors!" Kronya angrily exclaims. 

"You're correct, and that's why we must follow orders." I clench my teeth. Why does she always have to make things much more complicated than they are?

"We're getting in range of the church," I announce, and Kronya takes this as a hint to change back to her form of trickery, now taking in the appearance of "Monica". 

"I hate this stupid uniform!" She groans, seeming dramatic.

"I know you do, you've said so many times."

"Maybe you should put one on! Then you'd understand why I hate it so much!"

I sigh and use my Agarthan magic, praying that this isn't taken as abuse of ancient power. Immediately, my wrist and ankle blades cut through the fabric, so I place my cloak over my shoulders again. The black fabric of the uniform is uncomfortably tight and practically unbearable.

"I hate this already." I declare, though fully grounded on the knowledge that I would have to wear this to blend in. I've never had to step inside Garreg Mach until now, as strange as that is. 

Upon arriving at the stone structure, we roamed around the maze-like academy, searching for the training grounds, where we were told to meet Edelgard.

It was weird walking next to someone I knew, but not always remembering that they're not the person they look like. 

Eventually, we gave up on finding the training grounds and just asked a woman we saw. Her blue hair flowed over her shoulders. This must be the new professor, I thought, as I secretly nudged Kronya's- Monica's ankle, making sure she was aware of who we were talking to, so she wouldn't screw this up. 

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