Constance x Male!Reader [Beauty]

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Requested by LetsPlayMax!

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[Y/n's P.O.V.]

When I began to wander around the monastery, I didn't expect to find a shady hole in the wall, nor did I think I would actually go inside of it. I don't know what sparked up the courage to do it, but it's been done, and now I'm on a stone stairwell into who knows where. 

The atmosphere got darker the farther I went down, and it started getting a bit danker, too. Every once in a while, a drop of water would splash onto my face or the stairs. I was a little anxious about this whole thing. I'm sure I'm not supposed to be down here, let alone allowed in the first place. 

A bit of light peeked through the darkness I had been shortly traveling through, and like any other person with normal human instincts, I walked towards it. 

With a mysterious place like this, you can't help but be even a little skeptical, but I must have been shaking and quaking, because I slipped and fell right down the rest of the stairs. I rubbed the palm of hand against my forehead where it had hit the ground and looked up. 

I can't tell whether I was going insane from possible brain damage or not, but I'm pretty sure that there was a beautiful girl standing in front of me. She had curled blonde hair that seemed to be... purple? Inside the curls and in between her neck and the outer side of her hair. Her eyes were a pale lavender, complementing the hues of her hair. 

"Oh dear, are you okay?" The girl asks. "You took quite a stumble back there, I'd hate for you to feel any anguish from it!"

I grumble as I shakily stand up, still holding my head in my hands. "I- I think I'm fine, thanks for asking, though." I remove my hands from my head and look at them. I don't think they should be red, nor should I be feeling something dripping down from my hairline. 

"No no, you're not fine at all! I shall provide hospitality while you treat your wounds!"

"It's fine, really. You don't need to worry or-" I couldn't even finish before I gripped my head again, getting a splitting headache and feeling dizzy so suddenly. 

"Come, I'm keeping you here until you're fully healed. You're in no condition to go out on your own."

I frown. "You say that like I'm a child..."

"That's not what I meant at all! I was merely stating that going outside and doing reckless things would be rather risky for your wellbeing!"

I shrug as she smiles at me. "You're not wrong, but how can I trust a stranger I only just met?"

The girl gasps dramatically. "Had I not introduced myself? Lords, how foolish of me!" She hisses to herself before continuing, "I am Constance von Nuvelle, welcome to Abyss! I'll provide assistance if you want to stroll around since the setup is quite baffling."

"W- Well, Miss Constance, it's nice to meet you. I'm Y/n, and I'm a student in the monastery above. And I would indeed like to use your help to get around," I say, bowing slightly. 

"No need for the formalities!" She laughs, waving her hand in front of me as I return to a slouched standing position. "I shall lead you to an extra room, from there I'll locate a healer and we can get this issue settled."

With those words, she turned on her heel and walked in the opposite direction, leading me through what looked like an underground market, and then a short hallway with a few rooms connected to each wall. We eventually stop in a room that vaguely resembles those in the monastery that are used for the classrooms. 

Constance speaks up. "You can stay here in the meantime, I'll only be a few minutes."

I nod, "Alright, take your time if you need it." She waves herself off and goes back into the semi-darkness of the Abyss. 

I don't think I've ever been happier that I'd gotten injured. Sure, I'm bleeding from the skull and could have possible brain damage and all this is just some really weird dream, but either way, I'm glad I met Constance. 

She seems nice, especially for someone I only just met. Also on that note, I've been captivated by her beauty from the very beginning. I don't know whether I'll be staying down here too long while I get healed, but I know for sure I'll be coming back sometime soon. 

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Sorry if this sounds like garbage, I wrote this during a writer's block while also sleep deprived and running off coffee and donuts so uhhh

That's how my quarantine's going, how's yall's?

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