Balthus x Chaotic!Male!Reader [Surprises]

976 13 10

Requested by MidNight_Dawg!

> > > > >

3rd Person P.O.V.

Two friends, one named Balthus and the other named Y/n, were walking through the dark corridors of the Abyss.

"Hey uh, Balthus?" Y/n asks, catching the other's attention. 

"What's up?" He responds.

"Do you want to make a bit of mischief tonight? Set off some fireworks by the monastery bridge?"

Balthus stands still, considering his friend's dangerous suggestion. "Sure, I guess, let's just be extra careful while doing it."

"Oh come on!" Y/n exclaims. "We'll be fine. I am great with my tomes, after all."

His bragging couldn't be taken seriously by his friend, though he did his best to believe him. 

Through the rest of the day, the two planned how to pull the stunt off without getting caught. They flipped through silencing spells, fire spells, explosion spells, until they finally had what they needed. 

They waited until the Abyss had gone silent, everyone except for the two, tucking in for the night. 

"We should at least wait another thirty minutes, to let everyone fall asleep," Y/n whispers, his plot slowly falling into place. 

From the look on his face, Balthus was feeling uneasy about the whole thing. Would they get caught? What would happen if they were?

Seeing his friend's discomfort, Y/n rests his hands on his shoulders and pulls Balthus to face him. He stares into his eyes confidently. "We're going to get through this fine, it's just a bunch of fireworks. Nothing bad will happen, just trust me."

Balthus sighs, as he had no choice but to trust Y/n. Thirty minutes passed, and the couple of companions snuck outside into the night. 

"So what you're telling me," Balthus says, trying to think things through just once more, "Is that we just have to sprinkle this potion on the ground, put the silencing spell on it, then light it on fire? How does that make fireworks?"

"It's magic!" Y/n explains sarcastically, doing a little bit of jazz hands for effect. "Now come on, if we don't hurry the sun will come up before we can light one!"

"You're exaggerating," Balthus complains as he takes the potion bottle and shakes it around on the dried grass. He watches closely as Y/n produces the silencing spell and makes sure it took effect on all of the potion. 

"Time to light it up!" Y/n cheers, forcing his hand forwards and producing fire out of nothing, lighting the potion and running away as it began to spark. 

The two realized how odd it was to have fireworks with no sound, but neither cared. It was beautiful anyway, the colors splashing against the black sky. 

Y/n's jaw was down in awe, while Balthus smiled. 

All of a sudden, Y/n said something that sent both of their hearts racing. "This would be a nice moment to kiss someone," He says, his eyes still glued onto the sky. 

"Can I kiss you in a bro kind of way?" Balthus asks after considering Y/n's sentence. 

"Can I kiss you in a non-bro kind of way?"

Both of their faces were bright red, Y/n's especially. 

"W- What?!" Balthus almost yells. "I mean, I'm not judging you for it, you just surprised me!"

"Was it a good surprise?"

Balthus chuckles. "The best."

Y/n grabs Balthus' hands, pulling him closer until their lips touch. 

"Does this mean we're lovers, then?" Balthus asks after cutting off the kiss. 

"There's nothing wrong with that, is there?"

"Not at all!" Balthus responds. 

The final firework sets off, the only one that wasn't silenced. The sudden sound caused Y/n to jump. 

"Sorry, that just caught me by surprise," Y/n laughs awkwardly, Balthus laughing loudly in retaliation. 

"I guess we're just full of surprises today, aren't we?"

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I'm so sorry this one is so short, I just couldn't find anything to do with the chapterrrrrr.

I have a surprise for all of you... Requests will be opening again!

Also for those of you stuck in quarantine, Yu-Gi-Oh! has over 200 episodes which takes around 166 days so uhhh, I suppose you could start watching it like me if you have nothing to do!

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