Chapter 10

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Jimin's pov

Jin pulled up in the drive way of my house, and me and Tae got out of the car.
"Thanks for hanging out today guys." I said to everyone.

"No problem, thanks for inviting us."
Namjoon said through Jin's open window.

We waved goodbye and walked into the house. I was about to walk up to my room when I noticed that Taehyung had flopped down on the couch.
"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I'm too tired to tired to walk up the stairs." he said with with his face muffled in a pillow.

I quietly laughed at his remark and continued to walk up the stairs.
"Goodnight Tae".


When I woke up, I looked at the clock in my room, the time reading 7:00. I groaned as I realized that I had a million messages from my friends. I decided to respond to them before I got up, or else the notifications would bug me for the rest of the day.
It was mainly from Hoseok and Jin, but also from Namjoon Trying to calm down Yoongi.
He was mad at Hoseok for waking him up early in the morning just so that he could see a double rainbow that was outside. I laughed as I read the previous messages from the group chat.
I asked Everyone if they wanted to go to the mall with me and Taehyung. Which reminds me, I need to ask if he wants to come with me in the first place. I set down my phone and got out of bed and started walking towards the couch he fell asleep on. I don't know why I felt nervous, I'm just asking him to go to the mall with me. I walked down the stairs and sat down next to him on the couch.

"So uh, do you want to go to the mall with me and everyone else?"
I said quietly while fiddling with the tag on the end of my shirt.

It was taking him a while to respond so I figured that he didn't want to go
"it's ok if you don't want to go, I just thought it would be fun for us to go-"

"I'll go."
He said suddenly
I looked up from the floor with smile on my face, "Really! I thought you were gonna say no, but you actually are gonna go! "
I don't know how long I went on for, but eventually he had to stop me from talking cause it was almost time to leave. I texted everyone that he would be coming, and they all seemed excited.


Taehyung's pov

Me and Jimin decided to walk to the mall since, one, it wasn't that far away, and two, we don't have a car. One thing I didn't anticipate was how cold it would be, it was a twenty minute walk and Jimin's sweater didn't exactly look like it was keeping him warm. So to take his mind off of the cold weather, I tried starting a conversation with him.

"So, do you like anyone at school?" I asked Jimin.

"Oh uh, not really. But there is this one person that-" Jimin said, but randomly stopped mid sentence. "What I mean is that I don't exactly socialize with many people out side of our friend group. So can we just you know, uh forget about this topic? " Jimin said while awkwardly smiling.

"Ooooooh, does Jimin have a crushh?" I said while dragging out the end a little bit.

"Nooo." He said in denial. "Plus, why do you want to know?" Jimin asked while looking at me weirdly.
Eventually I planned to drop the topic because I was worried that Jimin might like someone.
Wait. Why was I worried about that? Do I like him? No Taehyung, he's just your friend. Do I like him though? He is really nice, and cute, and- oh my god what am I even thinking.
I thought to myself. I slapped my hand against my forehead to discontinue my own thoughts from my head.

"What's the matter?" Jimin asked me.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking." I answered back to him.


After a couple more minutes of walking, we had arrived at the mall and looked for Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok and Jin. Jimin gasped as if he had just seen a meteor fall from outer space. I asked him what it was, and he grabbed my arm and pointed to an ice cream shop in the mall. I laughed at his remark.
"Do you want me to buy you some?"
I asked him, but considering the look he had on his face when he saw it I could already tell what his answer was going to be.

We walked up to the counter and he ordered two ice cream cones, one for me and one for him, I payed at the register and started walking to where we were supposed to meet them, unconsciously, we started holding hands, neither me or Jimin noticed it, but it just felt right some how.

We found a group of people sitting at a picnic table outside of the food court that looked like all our friends sitting there. Jimin called out Jin's name. He then waved to us and called for us to sit down with them, so we started walking over to them.

3 pov

Jimin and Tae had walked up to where they were sitting and finished there ice cream as they arrived at the table. After Jimin and Tae said hi to all of them, Jin looked down at their hands and gasped while pointing at them. Jimin and Taehyung looked at each other and pulled their hands away at the same time. Both of them now a bright red color having just now noticed what they were doing.
After they had all gotten over teasing them, they all decided to go to the new arcade in the mall. Hoseok was practically begging Yoongi and Jin to do Lazer tag with him, and after bribing them with free dinner later, everyone decided to join in on the game.

They both separated in to equal teams of 3 vs 3, Jimin, Namjoon and Yoongi being on one team, and Taehyung, Jin and Hoseok on the other team. When they were getting their vests on, Taehyung started to tease Jimin about being bad at Lazer tag.
"I bet your too short to even hit anyone's vest" Taehyung said as he poked Jimin on his shoulder.
"well let's make a deal ok? If I win, you have to buy me more ice cream. "
"ok, fine and if I win, you have to buy ME ice cream"



After they got the signal to start, there was a multitude of flashing lights flying across the room.
Jimin of course was looking for Taehyung's bright red hair, thinking that he had the dis-advantage in this situation, but Taehyung went for a back approach and was just about to shoot Jimin's vest from close up, when he tripped over nothing somehow and landed on top of Jimin. Since Jimin had heard some foot steps from behind him, he was in the middle of turning around right when Tae had tripped over, they were facing each other while laying on the ground, Neither of them really noticing what was happening.


Das gay bro

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