Chapter 24

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Taehyung's pov

I don't understand.
Why would he leave?

It just doesn't make sense. He seemed so happy.
Did I do something wrong?

Was my dad telling the truth?

Maybe I'm just not a good judge of character.

Maybe he never really liked me.
He probably just pitied me.

Jungkook was right not to like me, I've wasted so much of Jimin's time,

At this point I was just aimlessly searching for answers, but getting no answers.

It's been about an hour since my parents locked me in here. I don't know
how much longer I'll be here for, but one thing I do know is that I just want to get Jimin back. I love him, and I can't lose him now. Not after everything.

I wish I could just reverse time.

Jimin's pov

Why am I in a car? I thought I was in a room a moment ago.

I sat up a bit and realized that my hands were tied together.

"Oh look, tiny boy woke up."
spoke a man sitting in the seat in front of me.

"w-why am I here? Who are you guys? Where's Taehyung?" I impatiently asked,

"Wow, someone has a lot of questions," said the man sitting in the driver's seat

"Of course I have questions, my hands are tied together and I'm in a strange van. You guys probably kidnapped me for all I know."

"Relax, we didn't kidnap you. Mr. Kim asked us to bring you back to your house."

I was still confused, I don't remember getting in a car. I thought I was in Paris.
I was searching through my mind to see if I could remember anything, but then it came to me suddenly.

*flashback to the room*

I stood up, Taehyung looked at me as I began to walk towards the other door.

"I'll be really quick ok?"

I nodded and followed his dad into the door way, and it closed behind me as I walked over and sat down in a chair across from Mr. Kim

"So, your Taehyung's boyfriend?"
He asked, grabbing two glasses from his desk.

"Uhm, y-yeah." I hesitantly answered.

"Park Jimin, right?"

I nodded in response as he brought the cups to a glass pitcher and poured a red substance into them.

I looked away from him for a moment, but for a split second, it seemed as if I saw him drop something into one of the glasses.
I just ignored it and continued to stare at the floor.

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