Chapter 8

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Taehyung's pov

We were all sitting in the living room, eating Jin's cooking,and laughing at the idiotic, yet hilarious shows on the tv.
"Thanks for dinner Jin." I said to him with a mouth full of food.

"Your welcome," he said with a smile on his face.
We all just sat there for a while, until Hoseok sat up really quickly and gasped.
"What is it?" I asked him.

"I have an idea." Hoseok said to us.

"If this is your oh so great plan to go bungee jumping again, I'm not going."
Yoongi said to him.

"No no, it's not that, but I am a little hurt that you wouldn't want to go bungee jumping with me again. My idea is that we should play hide and seek." He told us while finishing his dinner.

"Really? We aren't in kindergarten Hobi." yoongi told him.

"Well maybe you aren't, but I am." Jimin said while standing up to sit near Hoseok.

"Me too." I said to him.

"One more thing, whoever wins, get twenty dollars." Hoseok said while pulling the money out of his pocket.

"Ugh, fine. I guess I'll do it." said Yoongi.

"That's good, but what about Joon and Jin?" Jimin asked.

"We'll play." said Namjoon, also speaking for Jin.

"Ok, but who's gonna be it?" I asked them.

"I'll be it, since I'm the one who suggested playing the game. I'll give you guys two minutes to hide, I'll be sitting in that corner right there." Hoseok said while sitting down in his designated corner. "Also, if you want to move your spot at anytime, but if you get tagged while your switching spots, then your out." Hoseok explained to us.

"Ok, ready. set. go!" Hobi said before we all started running in different directions.

Jimin's pov

I already had a hiding spot in mind, I thought of it when Hobi had first suggested the game in the first place. I didn't know if we were aloud to hide outside, but I was going to do it anyway. I ran outside and found the big tree in the back yard and started to climb up it.
It had only been about a minute before I started to get bored of just sitting in one place, and I had forgotten my phone inside, so I had basically nothing to do except stare at the sky. I had no problem with doing this though, since the sky was really clear today, and the sun had just barely started to set now, so the colors all faded really nicely together.

I was sitting in the tree for about four minutes before I started to hear any movement inside the house. I was wondering who was getting chased around  in the house, but then I heard the back door opening. I thought I was going to get cought, but then I heard Hoseok start talking to him self a bit.
"Shit, I lost him." Hoseok said while walking around the backyard some more.
I closed my eyes, and put my hand over my mouth, hoping that it would muffle  the sound of my breathing.
Hoseok then shouted
"Hah! I found you!"

I sighed, thinking that I had been found. But then I opened my eyes to find Hoseok looking under a picnic and table that was only a couple of feet away from me.
"Poor Yoongi, looks like your not getting the twenty dollars anymore." Hoseok said while Yoongi climbed out from under the table.
"Ugh, fine. But tell me one thing, was I the first one found?" Yoongi said while tilting his head to the side a little.

"Yes, you were the first one found."
Hoseok said while patting him on the head.
Yoongi slumped his shoulders and started to walk in side with Hoseok.

I sighed as I realized I would be out here for quite some time.
But about three minutes later I heard Hoseok running after another person, then after another thirty seconds, I heard Hobi, Namjoon and Yoongi talking inside. I figured that they both had cought him and were coming up with a plan to find me Tae and Jin.
The talking stopped suddenly, and a bush near the back door started to rustle. I shifted in my uncomfortable spot in the tree, and continued to watch the bush, until I saw Taehyung pop out from behind it with tiny leaves in his hair. I whisper shouted his name to get his attention.

"Jimin? Is that you?" Tae quietly asked me.
"Yeah, I've been up here for like ten minutes. Hobi ran right past me, or I guess us." I said while looking down at him from the tree.

"Can I come up there with you? This bush is starting to get kind of itchy." He said while scratching his arm.

"Sure, but hurry up, before they come out here again and start looking for us."
I said as he began to walk over to the bottom of the tree.
"You can climb up on the picnic table, and then I'll grab your hand and pull you up."
"Alright." he said as he began to climb on top of the structure. I grabbed his hand and he hoisted himself up to where I was sitting.
"So, what have you been doing up here all this time?" Taehyung asked me.

"Nothing really. I mean, I left my phone inside, so I have basically nothing to do up here." I sighed and rested my arm on my knee.

"Oh, well we can listen to music. I brought my earbuds out here if you want to." Taehyung said while plugging the ear bud cord into his phone.

"Of course." I said to him as he handed me an earbud.
After a couple moments, I had put my head on Taehyung's shoulder, and he set his head on mine.

I had lost track of time after the first couple of songs, and before I knew it, there were numerous amounts of flashing lights in me and Tae's face.
I opened my eyes to find Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi with their phones out either recording us, or taking photos of us.
Taehyung mumbled a couple of incoherent words to him self before taking the earbuds out of our ears.
"What are you guys doing?" He asked them while squinting his eyes at the bright lights.

"Oh nothing, just recording you two idiots who practically fell asleep together in a tree." Jin said while snickering.
Hoseok laughed along with him and handed Yoongi twenty dollars.

"Why does he get the money? we were found last." I said to Hoseok.

"Because he came up with the great idea to take photos of you two out here." Namjoon said while helping me and Tae out of the tree.

"Well me and Joon have classes tomorrow, so you guys can find your own way home cause I'm tired, and I don't want to drive anywhere. So goodnight everyone. No need to thank me for dinner, I already know it was great." Jin said while waving bye to us.

We all started to walk in side of the house and almost immediately started a conversation.
" Me and Hobi better get going now, thanks for letting us come over Joon." Yoongi said while walking towards the door with Hoseok.

"Bye guys." we all said to to them as they left.

"If you guys want, I can give you a ride home. It's kinda late, and it's starting to get cold." Namjoon said while picking up his car keys.

"But will Jin be upset?" I asked him.

"Nah, he'll be fine. Plus, he takes like thirty minutes to get ready for bed. So that gives us some time." Namjoon said to us.

"Thank you." Taehyung said while smiling at him.

"No problem."

Oof, I got some big plans for the next couple of chapters, maybe. I'm still deciding on whether or not I should actually go through with it. I'm gonna try to update again tomorrow as well.
I just started playing the new Animal Crossing game, so that's pretty fun.

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