Chapter 25

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3 pov

Jimin's dad left when he had just ended his second year in primary school. But this was when they were still in Korea.

His mom knew that he wasn't the best man, but she still loved him, he was their father after all.


Mrs. Park had just picked up Jungkook and Jimin from school, and were going to celebrate the end of the school year.
They arrived at their house, and
were about to go inside, but they noticed that their Dad's car wasn't in the driveway.

"mom where's dad? Didn't he say he was going to celebrate with us?" Jimin asked, slinging his heavy backpack off his shoulders.

"I'm sure he's just getting stuff for you guys at the store right now. Come on, let's go inside." she instructed them after patting them on their heads.

Deep down inside she had a weird feeling about all of this, Mr. Park usually has today off as well. So why wasn't he here?

She followed them inside and sat down on the couch with Jimin.
"are you excited to open your present Jiminie?"

He nodded his head vigorously while smiling widely.

"Do you know where gukkie went?"

"He said he was going to our room to put away our bags. He's a nice brother." he explained swinging his short legs back and forth,

She smiled at his response and thanked him before getting up to see what was taking him so long.

"Jungkook?" she called out, pushing the bedroom door open a bit. When she looked in he was standing in the middle of the room, holding a piece of paper in his hand.

"What's that piece of paper?"

She didn't notice it at first, but when he looked up at her he had tears rolling down his cheeks, silently crying.
"What's the matter? What does the paper say?"
she walked over towards him and wrapped him in her arms.
"are you alright jungkook?"

He sniffled and nodded, there were still tears on his face when he pulled back, but he handed her the paper none the less.

“what's the point of trying to lie, Im leaving you. There's no hope for me in that family. I'm not even sure if I love the kids anymore. I've sold the house to someone else already. They move in in a few weeks. Good luck. ”

Anger and sadness began to pool up in Mrs. Park as she read the note.
Why would he even do this?
She knew their relationship wasn't the absolute best it could have been, but she loved him. I guess he didn't feel the same way.

"Does he really not love us anymore? Was it my fault?" Jungkook asked,

When she looked back up at him, she saw the most hurt look in his eyes, it made tears well up in her own eyes. She never wants to see that look in his eyes again. "It's not your fault kookie, don't worry, you did nothing. None of this is your fault."

"Do we tell Jimin?"

She slowly shook her head, "Let's not ruin this day for him. Please try to keep this a secret for now."

"Ok," he replied, wiping the tears off of his face, and bringing his own small hands up to his mother's face, wiping her tears away as well.

"Come on, let's go open your present."

*end flashback*

So then it began, all the lies to protect Jimin from the truth.

One of the worst parts of this is that they could no longer live in their childhood home anymore.
Their family, even with their dad there, could barely get enough money each month to pay off the house. So without their dad, there was no hope.

This lead them to their last resort. Moving all the way to America to start a new life.

The way they got around telling Jimin about his dad this time, was that Mr. Park had gotten a new job in the US,

But as he grew older, the lies no longer convinced him.
He slowly pieced together every thing that had happened in the course of that year. He was nine years old, almost ten, when he found out that he really just left them.

He refused to leave his room for at least a month, and only ate every now and then. His mom and Jungkook tried everything to get him to feel better, and it eventually worked, but only after about two months of waiting was Jimin finally back to his 'normal' self.

Which is why he was confused at why Jimin wasn't crying more for Taehyung. He knew that he was probably one of the most important people in his life at them moment, and for them to be separated now, well, he just figured that he would seem. How do i put it. More sad.
Jungkook has no problem with him not being sad, but it's just unusual for him to be acting this way.

Jungkook had just finished making Jimin's drink, he grabbed the mug and started to walk up to his room.

When he opened the door he saw Jimin sitting on his bed staring at nothing. He was acting strange. But Jungkook didn't exactly feel like questioning him about that right now.

"Here you go," he began, handing Jimin his hot chocolate, and sitting down on the end of his bed.
he cleared his throat, "So, you don't have to answer this, but, you weren't really at Jin and Namjoon's house, were you?"

"" Jimin muttered, taking a small sip of his drink.

"Not that it's any of my business, but where did you end up going?"
He asked, with a look of anticipation on his face.

"We flew to his sisters house in Paris." Jimin saw Jungkook's jaw drop from the corner of his eye, "Please don't tell mom though. She already is overwhelmed with work, and I don't want to stress her out any more."

"I—wow, that's, like-" he took a deep breath before speaking again, "I won't tell mom that you flew across the country, but we should probably tell her about Taehyung. Ok?"

Jimin nodded slowly, "just tell me if you want me to get you anything, I'll be down stairs," jungkook said while walking towards the door.

Before he walked out the door, he turned back to look at Jimin. He just looked so, broken, in a way.

Jungkook just hoped for the best for him.
He just wants him to be happy again.


hehe, I forgot to update again. oops.
I'll try to update again when I get the chance. Also thank you for 2k+ reads! I hope you guys are enjoying the story 💜

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