Chapter 28 /end

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3 pov

After changing into his dry clothes, Jimin made his way back out towards the pool to see what everyone else was doing.
Everybody was still sitting down for the most part, except for Jin, who was cleaning up the rest of the party supplies.
Namjoon and Hobi seemed to be too focused on their conversation to notice that he was back, but a certain someone came up to him right away. And by a certain someone I mean Taehyung, who had the two kids trailing right behind him.

"Uncle! Uncle! We have a question.." Doyoung murmered grabbing Taehyung's hand in the process.

"Oh yeah? And what is this question?"

"Can you drive us to get ice cream!" Taeil and Taehyung blurted out at the same time.

"And who's idea was this?" Jimin asked, crossing his arms.
The two shortest immediately pointed there fingers up at Taehyung who gasped dramatically.

"You little snitches!" he then bent down to their height, "This was supposed to benefit all of us, and there's no use in all of this if we don't get ice cream in the end." All of them peeked their eyes up at Jimin before they took a step back and started whispering to each other.

"What are you three planning now?"

"Uncle look!" Doyoung shouted, pointing towards the sky.

He looked to where he pointed, but when he turned back they were gone, and so was his bag.

"Haha we're gonna get ice cream without you!!" Doyoung said playfully as him Taehyung and Taeil were running out the door with Jimin's car keys in his hand.
"Taehyung you don't even have a license what are you doing?!" Jimin yelled, chasing after them.


"Are you guys happy now?" Jimin huffed, crossing his arms while the others were sat down peacefully licking at their ice cream.

"mmm..for the the most part I guess I am." Taehyung said playfully, smirking slightly to himself.

"Eh? What do you mean! I got you ice cream—"

"I didn't finish yet, I was going to say that a kiss from uncle Jiminie would make me even happier."

A light blush spread across the latter's face, "n-not right now, the kids are looking.."

Taehyung then turned his head towards the two tiny ones that he just noticed were staring intently at the scene unfolding in front of them.
"We'll I'm sure they see their own parents doing it all the time, what's the difference now? It's not like only married couples kiss, you know we weren't married when we first—"

"Why must you always try and say such inappropriate things near children?" Jimin huffed, shaking his head slightly.

"I was gonna say kiss, you big idiot." Taehyung retorted, which earned himself a flick on the head from the latter.
"Sorry, sorry, I meant big lovely idiot."

"That's better. Now, let's get going, we don't want to miss Yugyeom's surprise now, right?" he said, patting the two small ones who were finishing up their ice creams.

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