Chapter 1

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Yongsun watches the morning news on TV before going to work, 4 nights ago the Chairman of Dahl Electronics was reported dead due to a private plane crash near the mountains of China. It was said that he came from a business trip and experienced a technical malfunction that causes the crash. As of this morning, the news is still aired since Dahl Electronics is the pioneer brand that introduced Korea to the world and the heir or the next Chairman was needed to announce to ensure the future of the company and prevent the fall in the stock market. The press conference that she is watching is going to announce the next head of the multi-billion company.

"After the unfortunate loss that we all face, we need to be strong and assertive towards the future of the company and no other person who embodies this to keep us steady and move forward. We would like to announce the next Chairman of Dahl Electronics, Moon Byul" the focus of the cameras turned to a stoic beautiful face in a pinstriped suit, with her glasses perfectly fall on her pointy nose. Yongsun looked at the girl on the screen and whispered "Moon Byul" and sipped her coffee before leaving for work.


A small hamster-like girl is sitting alone in the corner of the classroom, while everyone around her is playing with each other, she draws a lot of cartoon characters. She's so immersed in what she's doing that when its time to go home and almost all of her classmates had gone home, her teacher has to get her attention since her butler has arrived to pick her up.

"Miss Byul, let's go home," said Seoho

"Ok" Seoho picked up the things Byul is using and following the cute kid.

The drive to the mansion was uneventful, Seoho looked at the back and found Byul sleeping with her mouth open, he can't make himself to wake up the girl so he picked her up carefully and carried her inside towards the room. The maids that always line up at the entrance to welcome a Moon, saw the cute sleeping girl and all of them smiled and blushed at the sight. Seoho stopped at the middle and face the main maid

"Miss Byul will probably wake up after an hour, can you please prepare some snacks for her" The main maid nods and ushered the others towards the kitchen.

After an hour as expected Byul woke up, Seoho alerted the maids to bring the food at Byuls' room

"Uncle Seoho, where is father?" He looked at the adorable kid and said

"Your father will be here at dinner, he is looking forward to eating with you" Byul smiled widely she always wanted to have dinner with her father since he's quite busy since he became the Chairman after her grandfather died.

Moon Kanghyun is the Chairman of Dahl Electronics one of the largest and most famous brands around the world and since the company doesn't bore the family's name, it helped the Moon family conceal their identities and somehow blend with the public whenever they want. He had 3 kids Byul, Seulgi and Yesol, his wife Haewon lived in London together with their younger daughters Seulgi (3) and Yesol (1). Before his father died and became the chairman the whole family lived in Britain since they want to start something big for the company they settled there to help Kanghyun's father. When his father died, the family decided that Kanghyun and Byul would return to Korea as the heirs of the company leaving Haewon pregnant with Yesol at that time.

Moon Byul studied at a small preschool near their district, they decided that she has to learn the customs since she will definitely take over in the future. They also wanted her to experience a normal life as a child so that she can gain friends. But Byul is a genius child, she picks up information 3 times faster than her peers, that's why her classmates were so amazed by her, unfortunately, she is really shy and a loner. Only one reason why she kept on going to school and it's because of the chubby-cheeked girl who is friends with everyone, Kim Yongsun.

Kim Yongsun is the daughter of a simple businessman, they are not that rich but there is enough for them to live on. The girl is so bubbly and friendly that every kid in school wants to be with her, there is only one she can't talk to at school because of her cold personality. She doesn't know her name because she's afraid to ask and she's too busy playing with her other friends that she doesn't need to talk to her.

Moon Byul and Kim Yongsun also studied in the same Elementary School but they still didn't have the chance to interact with one another for the reason that Moon Byul is always joining different competitions outside of school as their genius representative. So even though her reputation is making the school popular, the shy girl wouldn't be seen going around the school, whenever she is there. Because of her impressive grades, Byul doesn't have to join after school clubs and activities. She was always on time to leave the school as Seoho is always there to pick her up. No one at school knows the real identity of Byul, her father always kept it a secret, whatever Byul does she will always get as a reward for her hard work and excellent grades. That's why Moon Kanghyun is intrigued why Byul wanted to study at her school, he interviewed Seoho many times if there is someone that Byul hangs out with for her to choose that. Little did they know Byul always kept what she feels for Yongsun, Seoho never noticed since she hardly communicates nor interacts with her.

One night her father asked Byul

"My sweet star! how come you want to study at that school, it doesn't have an impressive portfolio and I think you already finished doing everything in your curriculum, so why there?" Kanghyun was seriously curious.

"Well if that worries you father you don't have to, I will make that school great and it will be known as the best in the country" Kanghyun sighed, failing to get across her daughter his real intention

"It's not like that, I mean do you have friends there? Is that the reason why you want to study at that school?" Byul was confused at her fathers' question but immediately realized that he is digging further into her motives.

"I don't have time to get to know people and be friends with them," she told her father stoically.

"My star, you need friends in life, what would happen to you if you're always alone? I don't want you to be unhappy, please promise me that you can have at least one friend?" she can't reject her father, she knows it or else he will just pester her in the future so she decided to agree with him

"Yes father I will" and that made Kanghyun relieved.

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