Chapter 25

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Hyejin was laughing at Byul's office, she was so amused at what happened at the meeting. She cant imagine her sister's reaction at Yongsun's sudden date.

"I told you, that guy is into you," she said matter of factly

"I know, he is not going to accept our offer, he just wants to get in my pants," Yongsun said, Byul is sulking at the corner not liking the conversation they're having

"So what are you planning to do unnie?"

"Well he thinks that I would fall into his trap so I might as well give him a dose of his own medicine"

"Why do I feel like this is going to end badly on his part?" Hyejin said while having goosebumps at the menacing look Yongsun's face

Yongsun went home to prepare for dinner, Byul went home with her taking her clothes from the office. She's so paranoid that even for preparation she wants to be beside Yongsun. The other girl did not protest, she likes the chairman hanging around her anyway if Byul feels jealous of others, well she's even more possessive of the other girl. She picked out the gorgeous red dress that she bought with Byul in that mall, she feels empowered with it, so she put on her best makeup and her new Louboutins'. Byul wore her custom made Tom Ford with a shiny finish to the fabric fitted to perfection paired with her LV Opera Derby dress shoes, she is the epitome of a perfect girl crush. Both of them looked at each other with lust, if it's up to them they will just make Sandeul wait until his eyes turned white while they undress each other and spent the whole night in bed exploring each other's body.

"You look wonderful" Byul blurted out

"And you are too delicious to ignore" Yongsun flirted which made the younger girl flustered

"Are you ready?" Hyejin rolled her eyes at the two horny adults

"All set" they went out of her apartment escorted by Hyejin and head straight to the restaurant. The ambiance of the place is pretty unique, European in style, they had a small garden and open windows that are lit by warm lights. They could already see Sandeul waiting by the window drinking his wine.

"You know what to do" Byul reminded Yongsun

"Yes, see you later honey" she gave Byul a small peck on the lips and went out of the car. The sisters were looking at Yongsun while entering the restaurant, they just have to sit back and wait.

"Do you have reservations Miss?" the maitre d', host asks

"I'm with Mr. Lee Sandeul"

"Oh, follow me, Miss, this way," she leads Yongsun at their table, Sandeul saw her and he stands up as he acknowledges her, they both sat down and look at each

"Do you care for some wine?" he asks signing at one of the waiters

"Yes please," she said politely

"So Mr. Lee about the offer-" Sandeul cut her off by holding his hand up

"Let's not waste this wonderful night with business Miss Kim" Yongsun was pissed off by getting cut off, she wants to end it fast so that she can go home and be with Byul because that specimen shouldn't be kept in waiting.

"You can just tell me your decision so we can get this over with" she retorts

"Don't be too hasty, we have all night" he sipped his wine while relaxing and ogling at the beautiful lady in front of him

"You have all night but I don't," Yongsun said getting irritated by the minute, she sends something on her phone discreetly while Sandeul is busy making an impression which made him look pathetic

Then suddenly Moon Byul entered the restaurant completely ignoring the host since she turned catatonic when she glimpse at her. Sandeul was distracted since the person who entered look very familiar to him

"Chairman Moon!" Sandeul called Byul's attention which in turn ignored him and went directly at Yongsun and gave her a passionate kiss. Everyone in the restaurant was looking at the two very elegant women who are making out by the window. Sandeul was shocked he almost accidentally tipped his wine glass over. The two stopped and Byul sat beside Yongsun and wrap her arms around her

"Hello, Mr. Lee" Byul said finally acknowledging the man in front of her

"Y-you two know each other?" he stuttered, he can't believe the image he saw earlier

"Yongsun is my girlfriend, haven't you seen the news?" she asked informing him that they were public

"I-I uh... No..." he was dumbfounded

"So how did the deal go?" Byul asked the other girl casually completely ignoring Sandeul

"Well Mr. Lee here seems uninterested with my company" Byul looked shocked, leaving Sandeul confused

"Really? But you have the best technology there is" Yongsun was caught off guard at what Byul said, 'did she just praise herself?' she thought

"You supply Dahl Electronics?" the guy asked, Yongsun realized that he's talking to her nods

"But my team said you don't own any stocks in Dahl?" he asked accusingly

"That's because we pay their offered price," Byul said matter of factly

"See Mr. Lee, we only buy stocks if the company can't afford our technology, that's why we gave them discounts because we part-owned the company" she explained so Sandeul can understand it clearly

"We supply the latest innovation in technology and the only company in Korea that doesn't use it, is yours" she dropped the bomb on Sandeuls' face

"So honey, I think you're done here, let's leave Mr. Lee with his thoughts" Byul stands up and held Yongsun's hands while leaving

"Oh thank you for the wine Mr. Lee" the couple left leaving Sandeul thinking on how he's going to fire the people who rejected Yongsun's offer.

"How did it go?" Hyejin asks

"As expected," Yongsun said and the three of them laughed hysterically as they went to fetch Wheein before heading to their reservations.


"What are you thinking?" Hyejin asks since she's afraid of what she's thinking

"I will tell him that I'm dating Byul," she said simply

"Isn't that too revealing? They might know who's the real owner of Crescent if you tell him that the two of you are dating" Yongsun gave her a confident look

"He's so oblivious about the prank that we set up in the lobby, I doubt he would figure out that Byul is the owner of Crescent when it's your name that is on the COO table" she winked at her

"He doesn't seem aware of our proposal since he kept asking his advisers during the meeting" Byul points out leaving her sulking chair in the corner

"We will also tell him that Dahl buys tech from Crescent"

"Ok, that's your plan?" Hyejin asks confused

"Of course, we should lay out the obvious to him, since he's the only company who wouldn't have our technology which means he will be left behind. Let's see if he wouldn't come crawling back to us and beg us to sell him our tech" Hyejin was impressed

"Wow I never thought about it on that perspective" she shook her head in disbelief

"It's like the tables have turned" Byul and Yongsun was smiling at each other

"I told you, Yongsun unnie should've been the COO" Hyejin reminded Byul

"Wait, what? You two talked about this?" Yongsun was surprised

"Well since she thought about this, why not give her the promotion if this becomes a success" the older was looking back and forth at the two sisters

"We know that it will, besides, I will have more time with my pup if that happens" Byul and Hyejin smiled at each other while Yongsun was still stunned

"I'll better call Wheein for our celebration tonight".

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