Chapter 26 (M) R🔞

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The girls were having a great night, they were drinking in a highly exclusive club, full of celebrities and well-known personalities in different fields. They were in a private room with a full view of the dance floor below. Wheein was having a really great time, she was like a teenager waving her scarf over her head and dancing near the window of the booth. Some people below were looking at her and giving her cheers while dancing, Hyejin wasn't surprised at the girls' hyperactivity since she rarely sees her in a mellow mood. After some time the puppy got tired and she almost spilled her drink while going back to her girlfriends' side, she was a little tipsy but she still can handle it. Wheein sat down beside Hyejin and she started biting her neck not caring who is in the room anymore, she can feel Hyejin wincing but then change it to an affectionate kiss then back to biting again. Yongsun was drinking her champagne when she saw what her dongsaeng did and almost spat out the drink, Byul was surprised at her partner's sudden action, she was looking for a tissue when she saw the action happening in front of her. Hyejin's tilted head was leaning at the back of the couch and was being bitten by a cute but over eager pup with her eyes close and lips slightly opened. Byul took a gulp and look at Yongsun who is so shocked that she is almost paralyzed at the scene, she suddenly covered the older girls eyes with her hand

"Oh my god!" Yongsun whispered at Byul after leaving her trance state

"I've never seen my sister so turned on like that!" she replied also in a whisper

"Should we disturb them? You know let them know we're here"

"Yeah I think so too, maybe they're a little drunk to care" the two of them nod, they feel bad for interrupting the two but they can't take it anymore

"Oi you two! we are here you know!" Byul shouted making the two girls jumped out. Wheein was so embarrassed she forgot that her unnie is still there, now she can't shake the thought that she saw her biting Hyejin off.

"I..I'm sorry unnies! I forgot! I was-" she tried to explain but Byul stopped her

"It's ok Whee, now I know how those bruises end up in Hyejin's skin," she said looking at her sister with an all-knowing smirk. Hyejin wants to be swallowed whole, she never loses control in public but knowing that they are in a private booth with only her closest friends and sister made her feel safe that she loosen up a lot.

"I think we should go home, we don't want you to do anything here out in the open" Byul chuckled knowing they need to continue doing it in private, and of course she's also looking forward to doing it to her own unnie too.

They all went to the mansion since Byul informed Seoho that she's with a bunch of drunk ladies, he instructed the maids to prepare a new set of clothes for two people, one in Byul's and one in Hyejin's. They also prepared a bubble bath in both their en suites and put some chocolates, iced tea, and water at the bedside table. Seoho instructed the kitchen to make a Haejangguk tomorrow morning for breakfast aside from the usual pastries, eggs, sausage, and bacon that the girls love. The four girls arrived at the mansion and Wheein had her mouth open as she saw the house for the first time.

"You live here?" she asks Hyejin almost not believing what she's seeing

"Yes pup" she smiled at her tenderly

"Welcome home!" Byul told Wheein as they entered the house. Wheein was awestruck, she looked at the maids lined up to welcome them. The maids are also low key ogling at the beautiful ladies they have seen growing up through their eyes. At the end of the line, Seoho was standing tall and bowed at the 4 girls

"Welcome home Miss' you're clothes are already prepared at your rooms" he looked at the two sisters

"We also prepared a bubble bath and some snacks by your bedside tables, tomorrow we will prepare hangover soup for anyone who needs it," he informed the girls

"Thank you so much Uncle Seoho, see you tomorrow then," Byul said smiling at him and dragging Yongsun behind her while bowing to Seoho

"Daebak! Is this real?" Wheein stared at every corner of the house and the people are almost giggling at her reaction. Hyejin smiled at Seoho and also pulled her pup upstairs in her bedroom. When they entered the room, the look on Wheein's face is priceless, she hasn't seen a room this big in all her life, she ran across the room making Hyejin laugh at her childish reaction. The pup saw the chocolates and immediately devoured some of it, then she walked towards the bathroom and saw the bath filled with bubbles and rose petals.

"Why does it feel like we are in some sort of hotel?" she ask Hyejin completely curious, the lion can't help but be smitten by her adorable girlfriend

"We are well taken care of since we work hard every day because if we went lazy everyone will be hungry," she said in a matter of fact

"Wow, I'm glad you work hard, you deserve all of this," she told Hyejin with soft eyes

"Come on, lets clean up" Hyejin started stripping and took a quick shower before going inside the tub, Wheein followed her girlfriend they relaxed in each other's arms for a while. Wheein had other ideas, she likes to please the lion so she turned around on all fours and started licking and biting Hyejin's chest. The other girl can't help but moan, it's like she is pampered so well having this wonderful bath and her love trying to pleasure her

"You wanna continue this on the bed?" Hyejin asks her

"Yes" Wheein smiled, they got up and rinse each other, Hyejin kissed her girlfriend after they dried themselves and didn't bother to put clothes on. Wheein is in the mood, Hyejin can tell since the girl doesn't bother to move her hand away. They stumble on the bed and Wheein grinds her pussy on the others pussy and continued doing so until they are wet all over with their arousal. They hump each other feeling their orgasm coming at the same time, Wheein so worked up that her mouth is salivating she bends down and bites Hyejin when she herself is going to come. With both action Wheein growled on the bite as the wave of orgasm hit her, Hyejin opens her mouth silently screaming to the pleasure that occurred within her. They are breathing heavily, Wheein grabbed Hyejin's head and kissed her intensely making the other known how much she enjoyed their time.

Yongsun was downing her 2nd coffee when the other two arrived, they look so beaten that Seoho asks the maids to get two hangover soup.

"Why do we have to eat outside, my eyes hurt from all this brightness" Wheein complained

"We need some fresh air in the morning" Byul said nonchalantly while looking at the morning paper

"Why do you look like a married couple?" Wheein suddenly blurted looking at how relaxed her two unnies are. Yongsun almost choked on her coffee and glared at Wheein, then she picked the beautiful danish that she had grown to love during her stay in the mansion

"Wheein-ah I never knew you're a biter" Wheein almost choked on her orange juice, seemed that Yongsun timed her question well

"Can you just forget it unnie?" Hyejin chuckled at the two girls bickering

"What are you laughing at Hyejin-ah? Do you think I could forget your reaction to those bites?"

"Yah! who told you to look?" Hyejin whined

"And who told you to do that in front of me? Urgh! Its etched in my brain now" Byul shakes her head while holding her temples between her fingers

"Your house looks nicer in the morning though" the pup attempted to change the subject

"Can I vlog this?" she asks Byul

"No, it might be dangerous" the youngest of them pouts while eating her sausage

"I can help you to another travel vlog if you like?" she compromised as she doesn't want to get on her sister's girlfriend bad side

"Really, where?" Wheein sounds too excited for her liking

"London." said Byul decidedly

Wheein shouted with too much excitement at the news but Yongsun became catatonic as the dreaded meeting the family is nearing.

A/N: The girls enjoyed a lot in this chapter, I'm bobbing my head while writing this since I'm imagining the club even though there's no sound while I'm writing hehe :D Hope you enjoyed this one.

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