Chapter 27

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"You have an interview at a tv show since you're becoming a celebrity" Hyejin teased Byul

"Well it's a good public image," she said nonchalantly

"I have some of the questions they're going to ask, mind if you take a look and prepare some answers?" she took the paper from Hyejin and examined some of it

"Did you read this already?"

"Yes," she said, making Byuls' eyebrow went up

"You mean you want me to answer something about Yongsun?" Hyejin shrugged

"It's not like you're not out about it, I think the public is very interested in your love story so why not make our stocks soar higher since it's like a fairy tale" Hyejin laughed and Byul went sulking

"I wish, it's just between the two of us," she said pouting

There was a sudden rush in the studio, Hyejin told the guards to check the security where the interview will take place, the producers and staffs are quite shaken, they didn't know that that much security is needed for their guest. After the security finished their sweep through the studio they informed Hyejin that it's ok to send Chairman Moon in. The duo went inside with another batch of guards, they are welcomed by the shows PD and was ushered at the set. Chairman Moon was wearing a black mini skirt, ruffled white blouse black blazer and silver stiletto, her hair has soft curls with light makeup and gorgeous earrings to accentuate her beauty more. The host was in awe by the beauty in front of her, long forgotten the powerful androgynous Chairman Moon she used to know. This person in front of her is a totally different person, so delicate and soft, a lot is going on in her mind but then the Chairman spoke in front of her.

"Thank you for inviting me," Byul said extending her hand for a shake

"It was a pleasure to meet you too Chairman Moon," the host said and they both started the interview. The whole nation is tuning in since the start of the program waiting for the much-awaited Chairman of Dahl Electronics. During the break, they are at the top spot of the ratings and will surely shoot up once the Chairman goes on air. All questions are based on future plans and success of the company which is quite easy for Byul to answer.

"There is a company that is making quite a buzz in the electronics industry that has the latest technology and is this company a threat to Dahl's future endeavor?" Byul smiled she is contemplating if she wants to reveal this since she doesn't want her love life to be broadcasted by the media.

"Actually, the truth is its not a threat to me since I'm the CEO of Crescent Industries" everyone in the studio became silent, the host almost couldn't compose herself, she sees Moon Byul as a powerful woman almost owning the whole electronics industry at the palm of her hands. She did her research, they are not a business talk show for nothing if she didn't do her job well. Hyejin who is smirking at her completely amused at the alibi her sister made just to escape the question about her and Yongsun.

Suddenly every phone in the studio is ringing nonstop, Hyejin looked at her phone and answered, Byul was looking at her since the commercial break was on. Hyejin was smiling from ear to ear and approached Byul at the set.

"The stocks are up by 10%, a lot of people are buying no matter the price but they can't get a lot since you own 70% percent and some stocks you named to Seulgi and Yesol. So they were buying a lot of Crescent stocks which is up by 30%" she smiled at the achievement she made by revealing the truth

"Even our acquisitions are having a sort of increase in stocks" so Byul decided to cut the interview short

"I think, I need to go," she told the host, she was confused that she looked at her PD for the cut short interview, so the PD went forward and shook Byuls hand thanking her for her time and told her that he understands as he retreated to make way for the busy Chairman.

"I know what you did" Hyejin declared in the car

"It went well as I predicted," she said while looking at her phone to check the developments of the two companies.

"Now that it's out of the way, can we talk about the trip to London," the President asked. After the deal with Lee Electronics, they all agreed that Yongsun should be the COO and since she still works under Byul, she remained in her Dahl office. Hyejin returned and resumed her previous post.

"Yes, can you take care of all the necessary paper works for Yongsun and Wheein?"

"Of course, are mother and the girls ok with that?" Hyejin asks

"Yes, Mother is fine with it, she can't wait to meet the two" Byul smiled reassuringly at Hyejin. Their conversation was interrupted with Hyejin's phone call.

"Well, you have a fashion magazine interview for the next months' issue" Byuls' eyes were wide open at the news

"You said it's for publicity," Hyejin said shrugging her shoulders

"Hyejinah! I was right here, you could've asked me" Hyejin wasn't listening to her

"Oh look you are topping Naver's search list" she stalled

"Really?" Byul said surprised and leans on Hyejins' phone. The two were still on the phone when they arrived at the company.

Yongsun went to the Chairman's office, she wants to congratulate the other girl for a job well done, she hasn't seen the chairman since the interview. The paper works she had to do were overwhelming since Hyejin left everything on her, although she got to help sometime but its still a lot of responsibility. She doesn't even know if she can go with them to London with all the work.

"Hey" she called the girl who was sitting and looking outside the window. When Byul stood up and turned around to acknowledge her girlfriend, the older girl was shocked to see Byul all glammed up

"Oh my gosh!" she walked hurriedly at Byul's side, its like something sparked within her, she didn't know she would be turned on by the sight of her beautiful girlfriend. Byul was surprised at her girlfriends' action, Yongsun was kissing Byul all over her face and neck, her hands where touching Byul's abs, then she hugged her underneath the blazer and roamed her hands at her back, she was rubbing their chest together and putting her thigh in between Byuls skirt.

'What is happening to me, am I too tired to be doing this' she thought but she kept doing what she's doing until she heard Byul moaning. That made her stop, which the other girl whined.

"Why did you stop? You are this close to ripping my blouse" she said with a sour tone.

"I don't know, we are at work" she explained

"As if that stopped the two of us or did you forget that only three people can access that door?" her eyes looked directly at the door

"I don't know what happened, but you look so beautiful I can't stop myself. I think I'm tired" she confessed

"You've been working hard, come on let's go out and have some fun" Byul missed the hangouts she and Yongsun did that she ask her impromptu

"I think I know where will we go" she pulled Byul inside the office bedroom and locked it

"Let's just have coffee later" she winked and starts undressing Byul.

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