Chapter 29

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Hyejin was reviewing the places that she and Wheein will go to once they get to London while Wheein is busy packing her things she will be needing in her bag

"What time are we leaving again?" she asks Hyejin

"Around 3 am tomorrow morning"

"Why so early?"

"So it could lessen the jet lag, Don't worry you have plenty of time to sleep on the plane" she reassured

"Are we taking the same plane we used in Japan or we booked flights?"

"No, we are taking the new jet since it arrived a month ago, it has bedrooms so we can sleep comfortably" Wheein was surprised by the news

"Really!? Byul bought a new plane?" Hyejin smiled at her girlfriend

"Since the plane used by Father crashed, Byul decided to buy a new one and she customized it with state of the art technology that can monitor the status of the plane in the mansion and at the London house with added security made by her" Wheein almost got dizzy with the information

"Well that made me excited" she rolled her eyes

"There are crews who will cook and bring us wine" she added

"That's more like it" the two girlfriends giggled

Wheein is cranky when she woke up from her nap in the mansion they went straight to the plane along with Chairman Moon and Yongsun. Hyejin didn't sleep since she took care of the plane's condition, Wheein is in a bad mood until she saw her Lion giving out instructions in the tarmac, she took care of everything especially their things. Byul and Yongsun are also quite sleepy they didn't shower since they will do it on the plane, they boarded and sat at the custom made seats with black leather covers and gold details pretty much what Byulie always prefers.

"I thought this has beds? Wheein whined

"You have beds?" Yongsun asks curiously, Byul couldn't help but laugh at the look on her girlfriend's face who really wants to sleep at the moment and lights up at the mention of the bed

"Yes unnie, but we have to get to the air first before we can go to bed" then the sulky look on Yongsun and Wheein returns

"Where is Hyejin?!" Byul got surprised at the sudden tantrum of her friend

"I'm here pup" Hyejin entered the plane when she heard Wheein from the door, walking towards her and hugged the whining puppy.

The crew prepared the beds to accommodate the couples who can't wait, Hyejin stayed until the pup fell asleep before she left and took care of the final preparations for the whole flight. After 7 hours the dining is ready for the brunch and the girls got up and refresh themselves as Wheein instructed since she'll be filming inside.

"You promised I can film this" she warned Byul

"As promised you can film as freely as you like" the Chairman is almost scared at the pups demand

"Jinnie come closer I want to take a video of us," Wheein said excitedly, all Hyejin could do is follow and enjoy the time with her girlfriend while the two other couple enjoyed watching the YouTubers. They played some games and watched movies before they took another couple of hours to sleep before landing in London.

They arrived at 7 am in London and the couples are well-rested and can't wait to go about their day, but first Yongsun and Wheein will have to meet their girlfriend's mother which made them both nervous since this is gonna be a big deal to both of them. They arrived at the mansion and they are welcomed the same as in the mansion with all the staff gathered at the entrance to greet them, with Haewon and her butler at the end of the line.

"Welcome back Chairman Moon" Haewon bowed followed by the staff, Byul hugged her mother and kissed her cheeks followed by Hyejin.

"Omma this is Yongsun" said Byul

"Omma this is Wheein" said Hyejin

"Welcome to our home" Haewon smiled and approached the two with arms wide open Yongsun wide-eyed hesitated to approach the woman, she looked at Byul and she signalled that it's ok, so Yongsun slowly walked towards Haewon and the older woman hugged Yongsun tightly

"Take care of my daughter" she whispered at her ears which send chills to her whole body yet she smiled and nods at Haewon's embrace. After they embraced Wheein was all giddy, she is like a puppy who wants hugs too so when Haewon saw her all jumpy she smiled at her and open her arms. Wheein suddenly jumped at Haewon and smiled at the older woman which made her laugh with the excitement that Wheein brought.

"Aigoo, you are like a cute puppy" she rubs Wheein's head and looked at Hyejin

"Hyejinah, take care of her," she said seriously

"I will omma" she replied softly

"Come on let's have breakfast in the garden, the two girls aren't awake yet" they all went to the garden and Wheein started filming the foods that are prepared, the two friends are so used to the Moon mansion which is quite similar to the mansion that is in London that they are not indifferent to the setup. They get their breakfast at the buffet table and sat down, Haewon was talking a lot at her daughter's girlfriends when Seulgi and Yesol came in the garden.

"Unnies!!!!" the two of them shouted when they saw their older sisters, Byul and Hyejin stood up and welcome their running sisters and gave them hugs and kisses

"Unnie I miss you!" Yesol told Byul

"Yah! why don't you visit a lot!" Seulgi yelled at her unnie

"We are quite busy and a lot of projects and acquisitions have been made. You know I'm doing this for the both of you, I want you to help me run Dahl" she said to her sisters quite frankly

"Business can be talked about later, just enjoy your stay here and give a tour to these two lovely ladies" as soon as their mother talked about the girlfriends the two sisters giggly went over Yongsun and Wheein

"Hello! I'm Seulgi and this is Yesol, we heard a lot about the two of you and its true that you are so beautiful" Seulgi blurted out which made Yongsun and Wheein blushed as red as the roses sitting on the table

"Yah! stop harassing our girlfriends" Hyejin told her two sisters

"Awww unnie! you know we've been waiting to meet them!" Yesol whined Byul was so happy at the view of her sisters and girlfriend talking and getting to know one another. Haewon was looking at her eldest daughter and felt relieved to see the calm and loving eyes her daughter was giving, she wouldn't mind moving back to Korea if she will see her daughter happy every day.

They are all eating and chatting when a sudden visitor appeared at the garden

"O-Oh" Yesol blurted out

"What is it?" Seulgi asked her sister quietly

"This is not good" Yesol replied all the while Yongsun was eavesdropping at the two girls beside her and looked at the general direction their eyes are looking at. A tall elegant woman in red dress and white long coat is approaching the family while smiling beautifully. They all looked at her and Byul's eyes were wide open, she stood up and run towards the woman

"Unnie!" she hugged the woman smiling widely, which made Yongsun interested at the sight she was witnessing

"Really!" Seulgi almost shouted clearly not happy, Yongsun was looking at Seulgi interestingly

"Why, who is she?" Yongsun asked

"She's Byulie unnie's senior in university and Dahl London COO, Lee Dahee".

A/N: woooooop!!! we are in London now! weeee! trouble in paradise? hahaha hope you enjoy this

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