Chapter 6

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Yongsun is in charge of marketing for Dahl Electronics and the latest product blew her mind, they are having a lot of preparations for the launch. Every brochure, training for the product specialist, social media release, press conferences, and demos are making her busy. Whoever invented this tech sure has a god-given talent, she figured that once the product is released, she will get more busy promoting every new item everywhere. Everyone in Dahl is in commotion, the tech is perfect and already prepared and the release is already at their noses. Then it hit them, hard, sales went up, every retailer wants to sell Dahl, every homeowner wants to own a Dahl. Yongsun first hand tried the product, it's great and she replaced every appliance in her house. She got to promote it on news, tech shows and she even had magazine interviews. Yongsun almost became the face of Dahl and no one is doubting her capabilities in promoting, her sophistication and beauty attract more buyers, saying if Yongsun is using Dahl they will too if that's the effect of working less in their homes.

As it was happening the London based company was monitoring the situation in Korea, Byul and Hyejin saw the sales went up to the roof. As they were having breakfast they tuned in the evening news as one of the marketing teams is having an interview with the launch of the new products. And there she was, Byul can't believe what she's seeing, Kim Yongsun all dressed sophisticated and explaining the new tech as if she knew it, the interview went well as per Hyejin's view but Byul just stopped functioning as soon as she saw the love of her life, she almost cried knowing that they are in the same circle again as if it was destined that they meet each other again. All she has to do is go back to Korea but she is not yet done with her work and Korea can wait. Everything is fine for a year, Dahl Electronics was leading innovator, it changes peoples' way of life then a tragedy happened.

Moon Kanghyun visited Beijing for a business meeting using his private plane, he was just there to confirm the contracts of new parts for some Dahl's products. It's just a typical day for him and he can't wait to go home and rest. It's only two hours of travel from Beijing to Seoul, he decided to sleep when all of a sudden he felt hard turbulence, he saw one of his engines blew up and next thing he knew they crashed and everything went black. Rescuers saw the crash site, everyone in the family is informed at what happened, Byul and Hyejin flew back to Korea immediately and they communicated with the investigators and the police as soon as they get into the mansion. They were waiting for the news and as soon as the rescuers confirmed that no one survived the crash and Moon Kanghyun's body was found, they immediately transferred the remains to Seoul. He was cremated and they plan a short funeral for him, and then the remains will be brought to England to his wife.

At the mansion two days after the funeral, Seoho went to England to bring the remains of Kanghyun to Haewon and the two remaining children. Byul and Hyejin remained in Korea, all the executives were talking to her about the future of the company. Of course, its only been 2 days but the leadership of Dahl is needed to be secured or else the economy would crumble, the stocks of Dahl Electronics will affect the entire country especially since its been sitting at the top for a long time. They are worried that Moon Byul would not be able to handle it since she is still young and inexperienced, They are discussing who would be the best to be the temporary chairman but they were stopped in the middle of their talk by Hyejin.

"Moon Byul is more than capable to run Dahl than anyone of you" Hyejin declared

"And who are you to interrupt the board" one gentleman was irritated at Hyejin's interruption.

"I am Moon Byul's personal secretary, bodyguard and Moon Kanghyun's adopted daughter" everyone murmured, they heard the rumored adopted child within the executives, the Olympic medalist that brought honor to Korea

"Forgive my rudeness, it is nice to know the famous and honorable child of Kanghyun. But we are in a desperate situation, we need a new chairman, we thought Kanghyun would live a long life and we are all happy with what he has done for the company since the new innovation of Dahl products" said the man worriedly and everyone was nodding their heads in confirmation.

"The inventor of the new technology that brought Dahl to new heights is none other than Moon Byul" Hyejin declared, she is proudly announcing the achievement of her sister, Byul wants to crack up because this is all very fascinating for her, but she can't show weakness at this desperate times, she wants her father to be proud of her even if he's gone.

The board went into a frenzy, they haven't got much info about Moon Byul since she went to London to study, all they know is that she went there for university and manage the London based company but never this. They requested for the portfolio of the incoming chairman to study and to be discussed and if Moon Byul is qualified enough, she will be announced to the media for the next 2 days. Hyejin's portfolio is also requested since they are both going to be the new heirs of Dahl, everything is ready and Hyejin just distributed their portfolios so as not to waste any time. The board read their files and they are more than impressed that the two young girls in front of them have succeeded to have individual companies and thriving financially since the release of the new tech. If the new chairman invents the technology and not by just some hired engineers, they will be ensured until the next generation, all they have to do is protect Moon Byul at all cost and not reveal her status as inventor outside of the company.

"The board has decided, we are very happy to announce that Moon Byul will be the next chairman of Dahl Electronics, but! we have one specific condition." Byul and Hyejin were curious about what this condition is.

"Chairman Moon has to be protected at all times, all her vehicles will be checked thoroughly, every public appearance must be tight with security. We don't want another incident to happen, we became so lax with Kanghyun that we failed to anticipate this situation." Byul was relieved

"We assure you that we will take care of everything," Hyejin said as they finally reached the end of their meeting.

"And since the two of you will be closely working with each other, we know you're her personal secretary but we would like to ask you to become the President of Internal Affairs that manages all of Chairman Moon's responsibilities." Hyejin didn't protest, its practically her job.

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