Chapter 7

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Hyejin briefed the security officers of Dahl Electronics, she also briefed the bodyguards of Moon Kanghyun and give specific instructions. On the other hand, Yongsun took care of the press conference but she didn't need to be there as instructed by the security team. She was curious about who will take over Dahl but she doesn't care at all since all they need to do is get their job done. The day of the press conference arrived and Moon Byul is more than ready to address the public as long as Hyejin is by her side, her mother and sisters are still mourning their father but they managed to call Byul and reminded her to take care and be safe. When she told them about the increased security they are somehow relieved and cheered her on. After the press conference, Moon Byul head straight to Dahl Electronics' main building where she will do her job. They announced the emergency meeting for all the executives since no one knew their new chairman yet. Before they entered the building, a lot of security personnel scattered all over the lobby, Moon Byul is protected by thirty guards and one fierce Ahn Hyejin ready to kill in case anyone would try to hurt Moon Byul. The employees are all surprised to see a lot of people protecting the new chairman, they were at least six meters away from her. They head straight to the conference room and there they found all the executives of the company waiting for them briefed and checked by the security.

Yongsun was surprised to be checked by the security team, she was so irritated that she almost throws the coffee she was drinking at them. But it can't be helped, the sudden death of the chairman sends everyone into paranoia, so she held her temper and went to the conference room to meet the new chairman. They are waiting for five minutes when they heard a lot of heavy footsteps behind the closed door, all thirty men were entering and surrounding the whole conference room, then a fierce woman entered and eyed all of them as if checking everyone before a striking beautiful handsome woman in pinstripe suit and glasses entered the room. Everyone is in awe, even Yongsun thought she has drool on her lip, she is much more attractive in person and the TV she was watching on did not give her justice, she plans to replace it for a better one. Everyone settled, Chairman Moon Byul and President Ahn Hyejin sat side by side.

"Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for your presence today, as you all know my father left us because of an unfortunate accident and we are mourning his death, me and my family are greatly devastated but we don't want our people to suffer economically that's why I decided to step up for all of us. I am Moon Byul E promising to do my job well and I am asking for your assistance in making Dahl Electronics be the leading innovator in the country and the whole world." she then bowed in front of them and Moon Byul's speech was received well and all the executives are clapping for the new chairman. As she was sitting, she roamed her eyes around the room and saw a familiar face, the one she greatly missed, the love of her life, Kim Yongsun. She unconsciously smiled her beautiful smile that she heard gasps of breath around the room, the executives are in awe with their chairman and dreamily looks at her. After Byul left, Hyejin briefed the executives of the new plans for the company, she is planning to take Yongsun in her personal staff so that she and Byul will work closely with each other.

Moon Byul's reputation spread like wildfire, she is very strict with the production team where she always lingers, while her office is having a major renovation with all the tech she specifically required to continue the work that she left in London. She became the talk of the company because of her very good looks, calm but cold personality and strictness. They can't get close to her as she is always surrounded by guards which they learned that it was directed by the whole board of directors. After a month the chairman's office is finished, Hyejin reviewed the specifications and she is satisfied with it, they put security fingerprint lock on her door, only Hyejin and Byul are allowed inside, but sneaky Hyejin tricked Yongsun and told her that all executives have access to Byul's office and it is not allowed to be revealed by anyone and even to each other. Yongsun is afraid of something that might happen to their chairman because of her own doing decided to keep it to herself.

"Miss Kim please come to my office" Hyejin called Yongsun over, so she hurriedly went to the top floor and welcomed by the guards surrounding the elevator. She directly went to President Ahn's office and knock a few times.

"Come in" she heard from the other side of the door, so she entered the office

"Miss Kim, please sit down" she sat down and await Hyejin while she's finishing some paperwork

"I saw your credentials and you graduated in business, marketing and finance, well that's a triple threat Miss Kim" Hyejin smiled, impressed with her future sister-in-law

"It's not that much President Ahn, I just want to help my parents back then but Dahl Electronics presented a much better opportunity." Hyejin smirked, 'Oh you don't know how much better it's going to be' she thought.

"I'd like you to work under me, as you can see I'm understaffed" Yongsun look around but no one other than Hyejin and her is in the room.

"You mean, you don't have staff?" she said questioningly, Hyejin laughed out loud and it made Yongsun feel awkward.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to laugh" Hyejin covering her face and can't stop waving her hand as if she too was embarrassed by her actions

"Its ok President Ahn" Yongsun assured

"Well to continue what I'm saying, you will be promoted as Vice President of Internal Affairs" Yongsun couldn't reply, she can't believe that she will be working directly under Chairman Moon


"Yes, you have the right qualifications for it and I saw you handle the launch of the new products, you deserve this, I assure you" Hyejin give Yongsun a reassuring smile.

"Thank you, President Ahn, what will I do now?" she is so excited she's having a mental breakdown

"First I want you to settle on this floor, all personnel and guards will be informed that you will be working here, you have your own office across mine. You have this whole day to do that and if you finish early I will brief you with the things you need to do from now on." Yongsun nods and starts to get going.

Hyejin went to Byuls' office to check on her and inform her of the new changes.

"Byul, I have a surprise for you" Byul looked up from the papers she's working on and smiled at Hyejin

"What?" she asks still smiling

"You have a new staff on this floor" Byul looked at her, eyes-wide-open


"Kim Yongsun" and that distracted Chairman Moon Byul the entire day.

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