Chapter 17

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As predicted even only hours from happening, the news of Chairman Moon dating a woman spreads all through every social media, taken by their employees and shared everywhere on the net. The content of every evening news on television is showing the clips of the recorded scene of the kiss in the lobby, Hyejin is fully aware of the situation every board member of Dahl is calling her and asking her about it. They want to talk with Chairman Moon and ask for an immediate conference meeting to lessen the damage that will impact the company but Hyejin knows better. They need to wait until this night ends or they might as well sell their stocks and leave the company. Hyejin was sitting by the kitchen island, looking at her phone and drinking her wine, Wheein was busy editing her videos, finishing it before they eat their dinner.

"Aren't you done?" Hyejin asks as she finished her wine

"I'm coming!" Wheein shouted over her shoulder

"These men are exhausting me"

"Who?" said the pup while walking towards Hyejin

"The board" she opened her arms and Wheein cuddled in between her

"Did something happened?"

"Oh haven't you seen the news?" Wheein shakes her head saying she hasn't

"Well Chairman Moon and Miss Kim kissed at the lobby earlier to teach a man a lesson" Wheein let go of her embrace and surprisingly looked at Hyejin

"What!? They're dating?" then she stopped and think

"Well, it's obvious really and the guy that she dated, I saw him, he doesn't even have the chance in the first place" Hyejin looked at her pup confused

"Well Yongsun unnie is like an executioner in our college days, she doesn't have a boyfriend but he will lure guys especially the ones who hurt her friends and teach them a lesson. She became popular in the campus and all guys made sure that they won't mess with her and her friends" Wheein explained

"Wow, she sounds scary"

"Oh she is but she is the best friend you could ever have, she always helped me during those times, even the guys who just want to mess with me will regret having to face her." Hyejin was glad that Wheein found a good friend in Yongsun, she doesn't want anyone to mess with her pup.

"So can you tell me what's going on between the two?" Hyejin and Wheein talked about the love story of Chairman Moon over dinner making them laugh and cringe at the same time.

Byul and Yongsun were laughing so hard in the car after their show

"Did you see the look on his face?" Yongsun laughed so hard

"Yeah, he became so pale I thought he will faint on the spot, I even saw Hyejin threatening him even after we've left," said Byul while she looked at the laughing person beside her

"It was fun, I always do that when I was in college" Byul looked at her curiously, Yongsun saw her reaction and explained

"I helped my friends when their boyfriends were being jerks, that's how I met Wheein, I saw her crying one day and I'm smitten with those puppy eyes and decided to help her and made the guy pay for cheating on her. How could you cheat on a sweet girl like that?" Byul almost laughs when she remembered the marks on Hyejin's chest thinking that she's not that sweet of a girl.

"Anyway, where are we going?" Yongsun asks interrupting her thoughts.


"My home?" Byul shakes her head

"No, mine" Yongsun looks surprised she has never stepped inside Byuls' world other than the office, usually they just lounge around the room adjacent to the office that she never even thought where Byul actually lives.

"Why, what's going on?" Byul smiled at her

"Its a surprise".

Byul and Yongsun arrived at the mansion, Yongsun couldn't close her mouth at the vastness of the property, it's like they had to travel for an hour just to get from the gate to the house. When they got down at the front door, all the maids are lined up to welcome the two of them. Yongsun is speechless and she was getting dragged by Byul until they got to the garden where there is a setup table with a view of the sunset.

"Wooooowww, it's beautiful!" is all Yongsun managed to say

"I was thinking about bringing you here for a long time now" Yongsun snorted

"I really thought you live at the office, I was surprised that you have a house this big"

"It's old but well taken care of" they both sat down and the staff started to serve them drinks and appetizers

"I say that our plan went well so lets toast to that" Byul raised her glass followed by Yongsun

"Cheers!" they both drink their champagne and ate the rest of the meal

The two of them walked around the garden holding hands, smiling with every gaze, completely forgetting the happenings around them

"Do you want to stay for the night unnie?" Byul looked at Yongsun shyly which made the latter smile at the cuteness of the chairman

"Yes, I would like that but I don't have clothes to wear"

"You don't have to worry about that, I prepared some clothes for you tonight" Yongsun gave her a cheeky smile

"You really planned this huh?"

"Not really, want to watch some movies in my room?"

"Not really my ass, stop being humble Byulie, you don't have to be shy, I'm yours already, well always have, I would gladly enjoy everything that we do together" then the hamster grabbed her unnies hand and they both went to her bedroom

Seoho was watching the news at the kitchen and saw what happened at the company earlier, he tried to call Hyejin but the girl isn't answering her calls. Byul is so busy with Yongsun that he doesn't have the chance to talk to her in private and since it doesn't bother Byul a bit he opted to talk to her about it the next day. He focused to do the things Hyejin ask of him by the schedule to give Byuls visitor the best time of her life. He was deep in thought when his phone ring, looking at the caller ID made him worried so he hurriedly answered the call

"Seoho what is happening?" Haewon ask the man in a soft voice

"Uhm the girl who is with Miss Byul in the news is here at the mansion madam" he reported and told her what happened at the garden and the plans that Hyejin asks him to do

"Hmmm it seems that Byul really like this girl to sacrifice her image and the company, the fact that she isn't worried at all means something" Haewon analyzed

"Miss Byul didn't like anyone since she was young, the only person she brought in the house is Miss Hyejin, so this is very unlike her"

"Seoho, get everything you need to know about the girl, where she came from, which family, where she studied, who she acquainted with, everything. Report it to me as soon as possible"

"Yes madam" Seoho dropped the call and get to work immediately.

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