Chapter 18 (M) 🔞

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Byul and Yongsun went to the bedroom, she was dragging the girl in a hurry and when they entered Yongsun's face was in awe on how big Byul room is

"Whoa, it's like a whole apartment in here, you don't have to go outside except to eat" Byul smiled at Yongsun thinking of inviting her often at her house

"Do you like it unnie? You can come here anytime you want, in fact, you can just live here" Yongsun hit Byul on her arm

"Yah! Are you asking me to move in with you?"
"What if I am"

"Don't joke about something like that, I might believe it" Byul just smiled and let go of the conversation

"Do you want to take a bath?" Yongsun nods and Byul showed her the things she bought for her and accompany her to the bathroom

"Wow, its like a hotel bathroom" she glides her hands on the marble sink and looked at the organized things on the counter

"Do you organize this" pointing at Byuls personal things

"Yes, but once they saw how its placed, they just put it back according to my preference when they clean it"

"Oh, ok I'll take a bath now"

"Can I watch?" Byul said naughtily while Yongsun cringe

"Get out! pervert!" Byul laughed out loud and close the door behind her. After Yongsun finished she was followed by Byul and then when they were both are done, they head out the balcony of Byul's room

"I thought we're gonna watch a movie?"

"Yes but I want to show you something" Byul played music on her player and went back beside Yongsun and in a matter of seconds the sky was lit by beautiful fireworks

"Woooowww! it's so beautiful! You really outdid yourself this time Byul-ah"

"Only the best for you Yong" Byul looked at Yongsun's lips and then back to her eyes, Yongsun knowing what her lover wants, closed her eyes and waited for Byul to softly put her lips in hers and they kissed deeply making Byul pull her by the back and hug her making their bodies so close and they felt the heat coming from the inside of their bodies begging to be released.

The movie was long forgotten Byul pulled Yongsun by the arms walking back towards the bed. All those making out on the couch of the office and the office bedroom will happen at the very bed she wanted the older girl to be. Yongsun has been very careful around Byul she doesn't want the girl to feel uncomfortable especially when they're making out at the office since Hyejin might stumble upon them accidentally, she feels that Byul is now very relaxed since she was in the comfort of her place. Byul placed her to sit on the edge of the bed, eyeing her and taking in the beauty in front of her, she may be excited but she wants to savor every moment of it

"Can I touch you?" Byul asks for permission

"Byul-ah you can do anything you want" she smiled at the younger girl standing in front of her while breathing heavily in anticipation. Byul bends low to catch Yongsuns' lips, her hand crept inside her shirt feeling the soft skin of her stomach, Yongsun breathes heavily and felt her nipples harden at the touch, she slowly laid down on the bed as Byul's body pressed on her. Byul was feeling the older girls nipples that she break off the kiss, lifted her shirt and bite on that hard nipple and suck the perky breast while massaging the other. She grinds on her and Yongsun was moaning with pleasure,

"Love come here" they went further into the bed, Byul lifting her shirt and removed her shorts and underwear altogether, leaving Yongsun bare for her eyes to see.

"God you're so beautiful" she slides her hand from her thigh up to her breasts appreciating the soft skin, then she removed her clothes one by one and Yongsun was staring intently on every inch of her body the way her breast goes up and down while she breathes and those slim abs going in making Yongsun salivate just by staring

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