Chapter 11

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All new Dahl phones finished production, they tested it and showed great results since its been in Byuls' prototype for so long, Yongsun was so happy to have replaced her old phone with the one like hers. She has been testing her phone as per Byul's request since she's her former Marketing Executive and asks her ideas on how to promote the new phone with vibrance. She suggested that they don't use famous artists but an influencer since Jung Wheein is the hottest influencer in the country today, they should try to persuade her. So Byul asks her executives to come up and think of strategies to get the people to buy their new phone since its already expensive, she also suggested to review Jung Wheein if she is suitable for the role and can help them boost sales, her people get to work and they left the meeting.

"Unnie come let's go up" Byul whispered to Yongsun

"I will follow you upstairs, I just need to talk to my former team" Byul nods and left towards her office

Yongsun went to the Marketing Department and were welcomed by her former colleagues

"Vice President Kim!" everyone stood up and bowed to her

"Guys no need for that, I'm just here to remind you about our dinner since its Friday I thought we could hang out, are you all available tonight?" she asks

"Yes!" everybody cheered

"I want you to be there too Irene-ssi" Irene Bae the new marketing executive nods her head in appreciation

"Thank you for the invitation VP Kim" Irene smiled

"Ok guys see you later!" they bowed again before she left.

Yongsun is finishing her work faster as she needs to meet her colleagues at the samgyeopsal restaurant near the building when Byul went to see her.

"Hello unnie, busy?" she greeted

"Ah yes, do you need anything?" she asks

"I just wanted to invite you for dinner tonight," Byul asks excitedly

"Oh I'm sorry Byul, I have dinner with the marketing team since I promised to treat them because of my promotion" Byul was kinda sad, she pouted

"Ok unnie, are you gonna drink?"

"Yes I think so" Byul was thinking hard

"Ok unnie, you take care" then she left Yongsun alone

Byul called Hyejin to tell her that she might stay in the company just to make sure Yongsun will get home safe after their dinner party if ever she crashed their party she instructed the guards to be discreet this time. Yongsun and her colleagues are having a great time and since they have their VP around they started to ask questions about the rumors surrounding their sunbaenim.

"Ms. Kim, what's the deal between you and Chairman Moon?" Yongsun was surprised by the question

"Why did you ask?" her colleagues are so curious they want to get an answer

"There are rumors that something is intimate is happening with you and Chairman" Yongsun smiled but entertain their question since she doesn't want others to misunderstand

"Chairman Moon and I were classmates from Pre-School to 1st year of High School," she said clearly

"Ahhhhhh, you really are acquainted then Miss Kim" they nodded their heads as if they finally have the answer

"Yes, that is correct" everyone was satisfied with Yongsun's answer that they didn't ask any more questions.

Yongsun was clearly drunk after the dinner party, everyone was, they were splitting up by group and as she is their senior, she took care of them.

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