Chapter 2

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Byul was determined to make a friend to please her father, but it's rather difficult since she is not used to approaching people. She wasn't listening to the lesson since she already knows everything, so she scouted her classmates, looking at each and every one of them. She sees Yongsun but decided not to make her a friend since she likes her to be her everything, so she looked some more. Then she spotted the girl with fierce eyes, like a lion if she will describe, she is also cute because she looks like a baby, she wondered what she's like and then Byul realized that if she's wondering about this girl means that she's interested with her. So before everyone went out for lunch she pulled all of her courage to approach the lion-like girl.

"Uhm Hi! I'm Moon Byul" she said at the still seated girl. The lion-like girl look up and raised her eyebrows

"What do you want?'' Byul was taken aback, she didn't expect the girl to be harsh, every ounce of courage is slowly drifting away with every minute she spent to be friends with this girl.

"I just want to be your friend" The lion-like girl eyed her from head to foot

"Do you have food?" she asks

"Uhm I could treat you lunch at the canteen and have anything you want" the girls' eyes sparkled at her

"Ok let's go" the next thing Byul knows is she's being dragged out of the classroom towards the canteen.

"I'm Ahn Hyejin, can I really eat what I want?" Byul nodded and laughed at Hyejin, the scary girl she thought she became like a hungry cub asking for food.

"Yes, take anything you want to eat, it's my treat but I want to be friends" Hyejin looks at her and thinks

"If you will treat me food every day I will let you be my friend" Byul knows she is going to have to spend a lot with this girl but it doesn't matter, as long as she has a friend to show her father.

Everyday Byul and Hyejin always hang out during lunch, although at first Hyejin doesn't need to talk to Byul and just eat her lunch, she became quite curious about her so-called friend.

"Why do you want to be friends with me if you don't want to talk to me?" Byul sighed that she finally asked the question

"I'm not good at talking to anyone"

"You must have talked to someone," Hyejin said matter of factly

"Yes but not on a friendly level"

"So which level do you talk to?" Hyejin was making Byul laugh about something so ridiculous

"I think you are beyond the level of people I talk to" she chuckled

"Why are you laughing, did I say something wrong?"

"You're interesting"

"Oh! How so?" Byul closed the book she was reading and focused her attention to Hyejin

"You always eat healthy food, unlike other kids who gets candies and chips for lunch if they got the chance, but you, you always get the meals even I told you a lot of times that you can get what you want"

"I like food, I like to feel full and you can only get it if you eat rice" Hyejin answered satisfactorily

"And you agreed to be my friend, so after 2 weeks of eating lunch with me, why is this the only time you ask me that question?" Byul asks curiously

"It's boring when eating alone, but I feel more bored when I'm with someone but I feel like I'm not with someone" Byul laughed again at Hyejin's answer

"Do you have anything to do after school?" Hyejin ears perked up

"Nothing, why?"

"Want to play at my house? But you have to promise me that you can't tell anyone about it"

"You're my only friend, who would I tell that to?" Hyejin rolled her eyes and Byul continued laughing

School ended and Byul will finally introduce her friend Hyejin to her father. Seoho had a questioning look when Byul introduced Hyejin as her friend, Seoho shrugged and open the door for the two kids. Hyejin's eyes are looking everywhere inside the car like she hadn't been in one.

"Is this your first time to ride a car?" Hyejin nods her head

"Can we go home for a bit, I need to tell my guardian that I'm going out" Byul nodded and asked Seoho to stop at Hyejin's place before going home.

"So this is where you live, why is there a lot of kids? Are they your siblings?" Byul asks

"No, we are not related" Byul was surprised

"Why? Where are you're family?"

"I don't have a family, I'm an orphan" well that shocked Byul, she never knew a person who didn't have parents

"Oh, sorry I didn't know" Hyejin smiled at Byul

"Of course you didn't" and they continue going at Byul's house

Hyejins' eyes almost bulged out when she saw her house, she's also shocked at the people welcoming them as if they are princesses. She always looks at Byul and she just smiles back to her.

"Who are you?" Hyejin asks Byul

"I'm Byul" she laughs at Hyejins reaction

"Come on, let's go to my room, I have a lot of toys that we can play with"

Although they are in 5th grade both girls still love playing toys, Byul being a loner and Hyejin being an orphan

both know how to find fun in things that are available to them. It was almost dinner when they are called by Seoho to join Moon Kanghyun. Kanghyun beforehand was informed of Byul's visitor, he asks his assistants to know anything about Ahn Hyejin, it surprised Kanghyun that the girl her daughter befriend is an orphan, but not just an ordinary orphan.

Ahn Hyejin grew up in an orphanage in Seoul, all the kids in the orphanage are going to public school free of charge as per mandated by the government. Hyejin is a very smart child so she was scouted by the private school that Byul is currently studying at and she is on scholarship. Her current after school activity is martial arts, she excelled in that activity that she is also brought to different competitions and winning every single time, just like Byul. Kanghyun thought that Hyejin will be a good influence on her and he is currently thinking about what he can do for Hyejin, if their friendship flourished, Kanghyun will definitely do something about Hyejin's situation.

"Father" Byul called his attention, he saw Hyejin standing beside his daughter

"Oh Byul-ah, who's this with you" Kanghyun eyes Hyejin, which made her go behind Byul

"This is Ahn Hyejin, my friend," says Byul proudly

Kanghyun clapped and stood up going to Hyejin

"Hello, Hyejin! it's nice to meet you! this is a rare time Byulie brought a friend over" he said to her smiling widely

Since Hyejin felt that she is welcomed by Byul's father, she went back beside Byul and bowed at Kanghyun.

"Come, kids, sit down let's celebrate for Hyejin's welcome party!" Byul is so happy at her fathers' reaction that they all enjoyed their dinner together.

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