Chapter 16

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Lee Joo Heon is a very shallow man, all that matters to him is position and girls that would fall head over heels for him, getting to Dahl Electronics is one of his achievements in life. Being able to work in a prestigious company brings pride to himself and reason to brag to his friends and old colleagues. Girls always flock around him because of his looks so his sense of confidence is being fed to the roof. One day he saw Yongsun walking in the lobby, he was smitten at her beauty, with the elegance that can't be seen around any of the departments. He wondered who she was since he doesn't see her often, he tried to wait for her at the lobby when going in and out of the building but he can't seem to time her. So when he saw her at the cafeteria he told his friends about her and since they are all the same level in the company, everyone didn't recognize the sophisticated beauty in front of them.

"I told you, no one can resist my charms," Joo Heon said to his friends

"Ok, ok, a bet is a bet, we are in charge of your lunch for the whole month," Ki-hyun said

"Good it was nice doing business with you my friends" Joo Heon wink at them

"Good luck on your date" they went back to their post and Joo Heon was anticipating his date.

Yongsun went up to her office after her break with Wheein, but before she went in, she decided to have a chat with Chairman Moon. Byul was busy looking at her next project when she heard the door open.

"Byul-ah" she looked at the love of her life and motioned for her to sit down at the couch

"What is it unnie?" she moved beside Yongsun and Yong sat on her lap.

"I'm going to have a date on Friday" Byul was taken aback and look at Yongsun with a question on her face

"Its nothing to worry about hammy, I'm just going to teach someone a lesson" Before going up she went to her friends in Marketing and asked about the new junior manager at the finance department. There were rumors that the guy is practically a heart breaker and has the reputation of being a womanizer. Since he has good looks and a strong personality a lot of girls in the company fall for his charms and left the current one he's dating with a new prospect. And since she is being the targeted one this time, she doesn't gonna let this pass and avenge some girls that he hurt along the way.

"Who is this person?" ask Byul

"Hmmm someone who doesn't even need your attention but I might use you for this one" Byul snickered, she loves this side of Yongsun that is playful

"What do I have to do?" Yongsun describe the situation and Byuls' role in her plan and she nodded

"Byul-ah, are you sure it's ok with you?" Byul smiled at her

"I think it's about time" They both laugh and Yongsun straddled Byul and showered her with kisses and they made out for a long time.

Its already Friday, Yongsun finished her work before 5 pm and informed Byul and Hyejin that she's going first. She went to the restroom and check herself before she went down to the lobby. When she entered the cafe she saw Joo Heon waiting for her at one of the tables, he waved at her and she went to him and sat in front.

"I thought you're gonna stand me up" Joo Heon started

"Why would I?"

"I don't know, why don't you tell me about yourself?" Yongsun smiled at him but inside she eagerly wants to get this over with so he gave him information about herself

"Wow, I never thought that you're my sunbaenim, you look so young, beautiful and sophisticated, may I ask, do you have a boyfriend?" Joo Heon bluntly asks her and it made Yongsun cringe. While Joo Heon is talking she looked at her watch and looks at the elevator on the other side of the building.

"Boyfriend? I don't have one" she said while preparing to leave, Joo Heon took notice so he was surprised that his date is already leaving him, so he also stood up and followed Yongsun outside of the cafe

"Hey if you don't have a boyfriend, maybe we could try," Joo Heon said while hurrying to be at Yongsun side

"Hmmm, maybe... but Joo Heon-ssi I'm not interested" In front of Yongsun there is a handsome woman in a very sophisticated brown suit, so refined that everyone in the lobby stops what they where doing even Joo Heon is fixed on the spot with the presence.

Chairman Moon was walking slowly towards Yongsun, they saw each other from the other sides of the building, for Yongsun, Byul is the most beautiful person she had seen in her life both on the outside and inside. She smiled at her and Byul gave her a smirk and when they met in the middle of the lobby, Byul slides her hand at the back of Yongsun's neck and pulled her for a passionate kiss, Yongsun slid her hand inside Byul's coat caressing her back. The people in the lobby where dumbfounded, no one speaks, it's like they were holding their breath on the scene unfolding before them. After their kiss, Byul and Yongsun was interrupted by Joo Heon

"Hey! Who are you and what are you doing with my date?" he said moving forward to where Byul and Yongsun are. Suddenly the 30 guards encircle the two women, creating some human shield.

"How dare you talk to Chairman Moon like that?!" Hyejin shouted from behind Joo Heon. He was so startled that he couldn't move a muscle, he didn't realize that it was his superior

"I'm warning you, don't come near me and Miss Kim, that is, if you want to keep your job," Byul said while holding Yongsun protectively in her arms.

"I'm sorry Chairman Moon, I'll make sure we will not cross paths, please just don't fire me," Joo Heon said cowering and bowing in front of Byul

"Well, in that case, good luck" Byul and Yongsun left the building

"I'll be watching you," Hyejin told Joo Heon before leaving with the entourage


"Are you ready?" Hyejin asks Byul

"I am," she said confidently

"You know what will happen once you do this" Hyejin's making sure that she will handle it

"Of course Hyejinah, you know that Yongsun is my everything right? It's only a matter of time before we get married" Hyejin was surprised

"Did you propose already?!" Byul laughed at Hyejin

"Not yet idiot, did you think that I won't make it grand? and of course, you're part of it" she assured her

"Oh, I thought you did already"

"Yongsun is my future and I will not have it any other way" Byul was so serious that she thought if this plan went south Byul might actually hurt the guy.

"So guards, stay back for a while if Mr. Lee do something that might threaten Chairman Moon you will engage immediately"

"Yes President Ahn" the boys said at the same time

"So if this went out on social media we will have to release an official statement" Byul smiled

"Damage control is your expertise Hyejinah, I think you can handle it," she said confidently

"Oh, by the way, those things that I ask, are they ready?"

"Ready when you are" Hyejin winked mischievously.

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