Chapter 5

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Yongsun always thought of Byul for a year, it isn't normal for her to get confessed by a girl and she's already interested in her in the first place. When Byul and Hyejin left Korea every girl in the school felt sad, now she notices the ones that liked Moon Byul, sometimes they hear girls during lunch how they weren't able to confess and that no other girl can replace the girl crush Moon Byul in their eyes. Yongsun hasn't told anyone about Byuls confession to her even her close friends, she wants to savor the information that the mighty girl crush only has eyes for her. Well, who would believe her now, no Byul is going to confirm the things she's going to say, she might be accused of being delusional too, so she kept it to herself. Every week is a burden for her because there are still guys who confessed but none of them can even come close to what Moon Byul did, they just only remind her of Byul.

When the time she graduated from high school, Yongsun took up Business Administration, Marketing and Finance. She wanted to know more about how business works. Initially, she wants to help her parents, because of her good grades and she has taken up a lot of degree in business she landed an internship at Dahl Electronics. Since the company is big and known worldwide she grabbed the opportunity to gain experience in the field. Due to her hard work and knowledge, she was offered a position in marketing which she excelled, she was offered a good salary and she was able to help her parents and buy her own apartment unit.

Byul and Hyejin arrived in London they are welcomed by the whole Moon family, Seulgi and Yesol are so excited to finally get to be with their unnie. Byul was so happy to see her sisters after she left from their vacation last year

"Finally! We're gonna be together all the time unnie" Seulgi said

"Yey, unnie let's play!" said Yesol dragging her unnie towards her pillow fort

Hyejin was left in the living room and Haewon welcomed her with open arms

"Hyejinah, we are your family now, I know you've been taking care of Byul at home and at school, Kanghyun is so proud of you." Hyejin blushed she didn't expect that her adopted mother would praise her so much.

Haewon introduced Hyejin to Seulgi and Yesol and the girls accepted Hyejin also as their unnie. They played every day and became close to each other, Hyejin protecting all of the Moon daughters.

Byul enrolled in Cambridge-MIT and learn everything about the latest production and development in technology, she was always awarded for her inventions and productions that her father always goes back to London to celebrate her achievements. Hyejin, on the other hand, took up business and finance in Oxford to help with the family, she also joined martial arts during her stay in the university, since her dream is to qualify for the Olympics which the Moon family always support, she trains very hard and Kanghyun hired a personal coach for her to help her achieve it. Byul and Hyejin train in their personal gym, complete with ring for sparring sessions and advanced equipment. If anyone would observe these two it would look like they are preparing to conquer the world.

Moon Byul graduated top of her class and a lot of special awards for her original inventions in technology, but she hasn't brought out the big guns yet because she plans to advance Dahl Electronics when she took over the company. One small technology in her hands would make a big leap in the world once she polished it to be available in the market. Hyejin won a gold medal in the Olympics representing Britain and she is also recognized in Korea for her decent. The whole family is very happy with the achievement of the 2 older girls, they had a trip to Europe before they start their work in Dahl Electronics based in London. Byul worked on production and since Hyejin wants to be with Byul all the time, she then assigned by Kanghyun as her personal secretary and bodyguard. Byul teased Hyejin because of her role as her bodyguard but Hyejin is determined to give back the kindness of the whole family by protecting Byul.

"I am going to incorporate my small invention in our appliances this will help us advance in the playing field, after a short while I will sell it to our competitors because they wouldn't know what will hit them after I release it. Just make sure that my distribution of this product will not be connected with Dahl, I will build a separate company and make it as large as Dahl in the future" Byul told Hyejin in one of their official private meetings

"Enough with this business, we are strong enough, why do you have to build another company?" Hyejin asks skeptically with the way Byul is planning things.

"I don't want to solely run Dahl in the future, I want Seulgi and Yesol to handle it. Seulgi is very good in business, she's young but she already has a good marketing strategy with her online business and Yesol is good with numbers, I have a feeling that the three of us working together will make Dahl Electronics stronger." Hyejin nods and agreed with her

"Well, let's start with your company then?" Byul smiled and discussed with Hyejin her plans and started calling people that will be able to help build it.

After 3 months, Byuls company Crescent was operating on the first product of Byul that she will incorporate in the system of all the appliances. With much-needed items, it will be enough for the distribution of Dahl and after 9 months for the competitors. Moon Kanghyun approved the proposal of Byul and they started the transition of the old model of appliances to the advanced one that Byul invented. When it released, the sales sky-rocketed by up to 300%, everyone wants the improved models and it made their every day lives easier. The competition companies were dumbfounded, they want the new technology but they don't know where to purchase it, it seems that only Dahl has the prototype. they tried to copy it but they always fail. Byul and Hyejin timed the hype for the tech, they waited for at least 80% of the products sold before they contacted other companies for the tech. Kanghyun is very proud of the two for great strategies in business, he never thought that Dahl would pioneer such a product and its all because of his daughters.

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