Chapter 34

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"Byul-ah" the Chairman can't stop kissing and sucking at Yongsun's neck, chest and pretty much all over her body

"You're mine Yongsun" she kissed her supple lips while Yongsun's body is squirming under Byul's touches, the younger girl keep attacking her breast leaving prominent marks around it, by now the older girl will have bruises at how rough Byul is handling her. Feeling her future wife's touches no matter how soft or rough they get still gives her great joy

"No one will touch you other than me, you hear me" Byul's breath is rugged she feels powerful just knowing Yongsun is not leaving her anymore

"I'm your's don't you even doubt it" they kissed roughly their teeth almost chattering, their body molding as one as they sat naked on the bed. Yongsun is straddling Byul as they hugged each other tightly leaving no space between them, their sweats from intense lovemaking are trickling down as they grind to each other

"I love you so much Yongsun," Byul said as she sucked her shoulders and leaving another bruise

"Fill me in" with that being said Yongsun was being screwed senseless all night.


"Oh my god! Moon Byul E!!!!!!!!!!" Yongsun's voice was heard all over the mansion, Byul woke up startled almost falling off the bed

"Unnie?" she asked looking for the screaming voice, Yongsun stomped her foot back to the bedroom with a bathrobe openly exposed making Byul know what she did

"Explain!!!" the young girl smiled sheepishly while scratching her neck, she gave Yongsun her cutest smile, nose scrunching up and teeth displayed knowing she will be scolded endlessly

"I looked like I've been punched a hundred times all over my body, I know it felt good but these bruises are gonna take a week before they disappear!!! Yah!!!" Yongsun is frustrated now, she's having a tantrum like a child. They are in the middle of it when someone knocked at the door. Yongsun walked towards it while closing her bathrobe

"What happened, Yongsun, you're scream was heard all over the house?" Haewon asks as Yongsun was shocked to see Mrs. Moon looking at her realizing that her future mother in law was now caressing her neck and opening her bathrobe slightly towards her shoulder.

"Omo! You went hard last night Byul" as she removed her hands and look at her daughter hiding behind the side of the bed naked

"The breakfast is ready, we will leave London after eating" that made Yongsun returned from her state of shock

"We? You're coming back with us?" Byul asked from the other side of the room

"Yes, All of us" Haewon closed the door leaving the two girls scrambling as they hurriedly prepare for their flight

The family arrived in Korea, Haewon went to a separate car which made the kids looked at each other

"Where is mother going?" Seulgi asks her older sister

"She must have had an important meeting, she wouldn't come back if she doesn't have one," she said as they move towards their car

"Hyejin take Seulgi and Yesol with you, we have something to do at the office" she gestured Yongsun to follow her on the other car and went straight to the company

"Well looks like we're back to reality" Wheein sighed

"We can hang out in Myeongdeong if you want" Hyejin suggested and that made the three girls jump for joy


It's a little late before dinner when Haewon arrived at her destination, she stood in front of a door and ring the bell

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