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"Unnie! You're always busy! You don't have time for me!" Byul was shouting on her phone while standing in the middle of the lobby, the guards were looking at each other wondering what happened. Chairman Moon was fuming the employees are looking at her wondering if it's a huge fight between the two lovers. Its been 8 months since their engagement and Chairman Moon finished the tech she plans to distribute in Korea, that's why Crescent Industries is so busy with the negotiations particularly Kim Yongsun. Inventor and Marketing are very different especially the workload after she finished it, Yongsun was all over the place, being the inventor gave her breaks on her own but the older girl has no break so she only have limited time for her and all they did for a week is give each other phone calls. Chairman Moon is in her limit and the VIP visit that she didn't anticipate was waiting for her at the conference room.

"Dahee unnie?" the look on Byul's face is a mix of confused, angry and surprise

"You don't look happy to see me Byul," the older woman asked disappointed at her dongsaeng

"I-I'm sorry Unnie, it's just Yongsun and I had some argument over the phone" she apologizes

"Trouble in paradise?" Dahee looked at her sharply disappointed that the two lovers are fighting

"It's just she's so busy, we haven't seen each other for a week now" she whined in front of her unnie

"Aigoo Byul-ah, I have news that you're having a big project with Crescent and since Yongsun is in charge of the company, I think you should cut her some slack, it's not easy managing your company you know" Byul felt ashamed

"Anyway Unnie, what brings you to Korea?"

"I was invited by your mother, she said it's about your wedding?"

"Wedding?" the Chairman was confused, she didn't know anything about it

"Oh no..." Dahee covered her blabbering mouth

"Unnie?" now Byul is staring harshly at Dahee

"I think we should see your mother" Dahee started walking away followed by an even more annoyed Byul


"Uhm we plan to have a surprise wedding for you and Yongsun" Haewon confessed giving Dahee a stabbing look, the sophisticated woman was getting embarrassed by the slip up she caused
"Hmmm, I think I like it" since Yongsun is too busy with work, it's her opportunity to do something special and productive

"Dahee unnie can you be my maid of honor?" Byul asked the older girl

"It's my pleasure" Dahee gave Byul the most tender smile

"Well that's settled then" Haewon clapped her hands and added Byul in their group chat that they made for the surprise wedding

S - Why is unnie here? 😱

CM - Busted 😏

D - Sorry guys I slipped

O - Just let her, it's her wedding anyway and she needs to do something with her time

H - Did you and Yongsun unnie fight?

CM - How did you know?

H - I'm the head of security remember?

O - What did you fight about?

CM - She has no time for me, I miss her

W - Heol! You have the guts to fight unnie when you're the one that made her busy 😒

CM - Sorry Wheeinah!

H - I think you should apologize

CM - I will 😔

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