Chapter 3

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Yongsun is a hard-working kid, she doesn't excel in any subjects but she tried to get high marks in all of it. She is very popular among her peers although she's used to it, everyone wants to be friends with her. Her parents managed to get her into a good school and she knows how hard-working her parents are so she wants them to be proud of her.

She is playing with her friends when they heard them talked about a particular girl

"Do you know Moon Byul?" one of her friends asks her other friend

"Yes, I heard that she won another competition" her friends wow-ed and talk about being friends with Moon Byul so that she could help them with their assignments, but Yongsun interrupted them

"You should study hard or we could help each other, we don't have to ask someone else for that." Her friends nodded and agreed with her, so they made a study session every week in their houses.

One day, there's a cute girl from afar reading by the tree at school grounds, Yongsun noticed her as she was waiting for her friends to go home. Then a group of boys started walking towards her, Yongsun thought that they want to be friends with her since she's cute. All of a sudden, this boy took the book from the girl and throw it on the ground. The girl did not stand up, she remained seated and looks like she is trying hard to act brave. She could tell that she's being bullied by the boys, so she started walking up to them but before she arrived, a girl came from behind the group of boys and started to beat them one by one. She was surprised by the sudden turn of events and the two girls hurriedly went outside the school grounds and hopped inside a car.

Yongsun wondered who that girl is for a long time, she is quite familiar but she can't put her finger on and since she's so far that time she couldn't recognize her face. While thinking, she accidentally stares straight at Moon Byul, lost in her thoughts. Byul was reading when she feels like someone has their eyes on her and caught Yongsun staring right at her. Her heart beats fast then she flustered at the thought of Yongsun finally acknowledging her. But then Yongsun yawned and continue doing what she's doing on her table, her expectation dropped at that moment, she wants to get close with Yongsun but she is really shy and her situation doesn't help at all. She has a lot of scheduled competitions again in different subjects, she won't be able to gather enough courage to face her and introduce herself.

Hyejin looks at Byul she keeps on sighing as if something is bothering her so she decided to ask her

"Hey what's wrong?" Byul suddenly looks at her oblivious

"Huh? Nothing"

"Then why are you always sighing? It's bothering me now" since they are already friends for a year and Hyejin is always there to protect her she decided to tell the truth about the secret she kept for so long.

"I like someone, it's a girl and I've been liking her since preschool. And the reason why I'm studying here is because of her." Hyejin perked up

"Really!? Who?"

"It's Kim Yongsun" Hyejin can't believe what she heard

"What!? But you don't even talk to her or I never saw you looking at her, how could you even convince me that you like her. Well, you are very good at pretending since you have kept this for so long." Byul sighed again, she doesn't know what to do with it
"We are going to high school in a matter of months and your father wants you to study in London, what are you gonna do about it?" Hyejin said

Byul planned to confess to Yongsun in High School at least once before leaving, but when her father planned to send her back to London to continue her studies, its like time is not on her side anymore. She convinced her father to at least let her study a year before leaving so she could have some time.

Yongsun and Byul went to a same high school, Hyejin thinks it's creepy that Byul is like stalking Yongsun, but it can't be helped, they only have a year to do what she has to do here in Korea, too bad if she can't make herself do that after pending the trip to London. As for Ahn Hyejin, Moon Kanghyun legally adopted her to be with Byul all the time, but she kept her name as per her request since it's the only thing that has left of her origin. Kanghyun agreed to what she wants as long as she's happy and healthy. Byul is thrilled to have Hyejin by her side, she feels like Hyejin is her protector ever since she saved her from those bullies. Hyejin still loves martial arts as if it was part of her life, she doesn't need to excel since Kanghyun is providing her everything but she really loves the sport, she dreams of going to the Olympics and Kanghyun is there to support her all the way.

Yongsun hit puberty when she started High School, it's like she bloomed and her looks although still young but really attractive. A lot of boys keep approaching her and she can't help but be irritated by it. Every week she got a confession and every week some boy lost hope, she became known as a heart breaker. Yongsun isn't interested in relationships, she likes to study hard because she wants to give her parents everything and make them relax from time to time. Her family is her priority, her older sister Yonghee is going into college, that means her parents have to work twice as hard. Their business still is enough for all of them, but she tried to help her parents by supporting herself for the things she needs in school and if she wants to go out, she doesn't want to ask for money from them. Her parents are proud of her because she grew up to be a really good kid and now a responsible one, they couldn't ask for more.

Byul was getting more and more resistant in confessing to Yongsun now that almost all the boys in high school are like making it a hobby to confess to her. She is still happy that Yongsun rejects all of them and seems not interested in those boys but this makes her anxious, the more she puts it aside the more time she is wasting. Half of the year is up and Hyejin is getting on her nerves too.

"Why are you moping here?" Hyejin asked irritated

"She got another confession today Hyejinah, I want to confess to her today but I heard that she got angry at the boy who did it, she doesn't like it anymore," Byul said almost crying

"Well it can't be helped, she doesn't have the reputation of a heart breaker if she likes it. Wait! doesn't she know you? I mean if you're with her since preschool and you are quite popular during our elementary, I think she might have heard about you." Byul thought about it for a while

"Yeah, but we never talked, I never talked to anyone" Byul pouted

"Well I think this is the right time to do it, I will help you." Byul looked at Hyejin with hopeful eyes

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