Chapter 10

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Byul cant concentrate on her project, she always thinks about Yongsun so she stands up and went out of her office. Yongsun was looking at the files when she heard a knock on her door knowing its probably Hyejin

"Come in" she didn't bother looking up when she felt the presence beside her

"Byul! Why are you here? Do you need anything?"

"I'm bored do you wanna go out?"

"Go out?" she's contemplating on what to do but she can't refuse Byul since she's her boss

"Yeah um... like go somewhere?" little by little Byul is getting discouraged

"Sure!" Byul sighed loudly and Yongsun looked at her like she's going out of her mind

Byul messaged Hyejin and asked her to be in charge of the company, she assigned 5 of her most trusted guards to follow Byul discreetly.

Byul and Yongsun left the company and drive to the outskirts of town

"Where are we going?" Yongsun asks excitedly

"I was thinking of visiting an art gallery just outside of Seoul, I heard it was good and there are not many people during this time of day" she scratched her neck

"Are you nervous?" asked Yongsun, she picked up this habit of Byul every time she's nervous

"Me? no, no, no!" the two of them laughed since its quite obvious that she is

"Hey, unnie! Did you think about me when I left?" Yongsun looked at Byul and she smiled knowing what the other wants to hear

"You know Byul, I was sad when you left, I think we could have been friends if you didn't leave. I thought about you a lot but knowing that you might not return I have to move on and forget about you" Byul was kind of sad hearing what the other girl said

"Yeah I know, at that time I don't even know when I will return, I was building a future in London along with my family, my father's death came like a boulder crashing all the dreams that I have built. But thinking about it now, even though my father is not here anymore I think he gave me a chance at the life I was really hoping for" Yongsun was confused, Byul's words are too deep for her to understand

"Well I hope that you get what you want Byul" she looked at her briefly

"I hope so too".

They arrived at the gallery and Yongsun was surprised that a place like that exist

"Wow it's so nice here"

"I know right" Byul was happy seeing the amazed look on Yongsun's face

The gallery looks like a mansion, its facade was built with brown bricks just like the ones used at the Baker House in MIT-Cambridge where she studied. The interior is made up of two floors modern and airy with high ceilings and a large chandelier that accentuates the whole building, it is perfect for art displays.

"Wow! it's so big!" everywhere Yongsun looks was breathtaking

The curator Lee Cya of the gallery welcomed the two of them

"Good to see you, Chairman Moon, it's nice of you to visit us" the two of them smiled at him and Yongsun liked the artistic vibe of the curator, he looks young as she assessed

"It's nice to see you too Mr. Lee, looks like you took good care of the gallery" Mr. Lee smiled proudly at the praise that he got

"Well I can't let you down, Chairman Moon" the two of them exchange courtesy as Yongsun observed the arts that are currently displayed beside them. All of it is modern art to be exact and it really shows the personality of the curator.

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