Chapter 4

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They plan on getting Yongsun's attention by presenting Byul as much as possible, Hyejin asks where Yongsun usually go to, where is her favorite hang out place or just straight up making Yongsun aware that Byul is stalking her since the poor girl was always doing it from afar. One time Yongsun almost fell when there was a slippery floor since Byul is always nearby she immediately caught her."Uhm thank you," Yongsun said to her savior but Byul just smiled at her and left immediately"Hmm, she looks familiar, it's like I've seen her before," Yongsun said to herself but shrugged it off since she is going to be late for class.Byul always crosses paths with Yongsun, now that she has more confidence she started smiling at her and Yongsun always smiles back. During the lunch break at the canteen, despite sitting where she and Hyejin usually seat which is at the far corner, now they always sit where Yongsun would notice them although its always two tables apart, they make sure Byul is in Yongsuns' line of sight."This is getting funny" Hyejin said smiling"What is?" Byul asks"This! the whole stalking thing, I bet she is already recognizing you and getting familiar with you, it's just a matter of time when she gets curious and starts talking to you" Hyejin said dreamily"Oh, I wish," Byul said but deep inside she is nervous as she was before.Yongsun was finally noticing Moon Byul, when they are having lunch she asks her friends if they know her. And one of her friends from elementary, Chorong was laughing at her."You are so oblivious aren't you Yongsun" she didn't like it one bit, not knowing anything"Why, do I know her?" Chorong cracked up "Of course you do, that's Moon Byul, the genius kid from elementary! Didn't you know that all the girls in this school are having a crush on her?" she explained to her oblivious friend"Really?" she asks surprised"Well look at her, but she is rather shy and she is always with Hyejin, who is, by the way, the champion martial arts star in our elementary. They are friends since 5th grade, girls would like to confess to Byul but afraid that Hyejin will strike them if anyone comes near her." Chorong confessed"Wow a genius and a martial artist, pretty much you say that Hyejin is Byuls' bodyguard" Yongsun laughed"Well they live together, I heard that Hyejin was adopted by Byuls' father" now everyone in their table is curious"So they're technically sisters?" one of their friends asked"Yes, I was beside Hyejin when Byul asked her to be her friend and after that, they are attached to the hip" Chorong ended her storyYongsun is now curious about Moon Byul, she is looking at the girl in front of her a little too long, then she caught Byuls' eyes, she smiled at her and Byul smiled back. There was this warm feeling inside her and she doesn't know what caused it but she felt happy."You think Yongsun is beginning to notice me?" Byul asks Hyejin"Well, I heard rumors that Yongsun talked about you with her friends" she eyed Byul carefully"Really!? Why?" Hyejin smiled "I think she likes you, I don't know how or what kind but she seems interested with you" "So it's working?" Byul wide-eyed at the information"Yes dummy, now I think we have to go to the next step" Hyejin smirked"What are you thinking about? Don't do any rash actions Hyejin" Byul was worried, she doesn't want this opportunity to go down the drain. For a month Byul still didn't find the courage to confess but she always goes out of her way to make Yongsun notice her. She always makes sure that wherever gathering they go or even during lunch she made sure that she always sees her, for her, it's better that they are acquainted than Yongsun doesn't know she exists at all.The timing seems to get in their way, Byul and Hyejin were again in the competition since they are pretty much known in the academic and sports within schools. Yongsun is also busy with exams for the end of the year, everything is hectic and the students are preparing for the transition of the next school year. Byul is getting anxious since none of the plans Hyejin made was put into action and her father's deadline is near. Then one fine day, she was walking behind the school grounds to look for something in her Biology class. She went to the garden to find what she's looking for when she saw Yongsun sitting near a tree immersed in her book. She became nervous, its like faith is doing something for her to tell Yongsun how she feels. She went to her slowly as not to scare her and Yongsun felt that someone is approaching so she looked up. She saw Moon Byul smiling at her and she felt that happiness again, so she stood up and face her"Hello, I'm Moon Byul," she said nervously"Hi, I'm Kim Yongsun" they shook hands, touching Yongsun made Byul's heart giddy"Sorry to interrupt, I was just here to pick something for my class, I didn't know anyone will be here," she said honestly"It's okay, it's not like I own this place, I just like to read alone" "Oh, in that case, I should leave you alone now" Byul started to back out but Yongsun held her hand"Wait! you don't have to go" she stopped, Byul is contemplating whether to tell her or not but she feels like she will not have another opportunity like this again"Uhm Yongsun, I want to tell you something" that's it, she can't stop now"What is it?" Yongsun is really curious"For the longest time actually since preschool, I like to be your friend but I was just too shy and you have a lot of friends around and I'm not good at people. Then during elementary, I still dreamed to be your friend but as the years go by, I don't want to be your friend... I-I mean I don't want to be just your friend, I cared for you a lot, I may not be able to show it because I'm a coward but I do, I want what's best for you and I always support you, that's why I always follow you whatever school you're going because I'm waiting for the time that somehow I could show it to you. I like you too much Kim Yongsun, my world revolved around you for a long time and here I am finally pouring out to you everything, my heart, and my soul but..." Byul is getting teary and Yongsun is waiting for her to continue"But I have to leave soon, I know you just met me and maybe weirded out by me telling you about these feelings I have for you for so long and then suddenly leave you." Yongsun was surprised she didn't expect this"You're leaving?""I have to go back to London and finish my studies there, I just ask this one year from my father because I wanted to confess to you, but I think the time is not on my side," Byul said looking at the ground"I think so too, honestly I don't know what to do with this, you're telling me all of this now and you don't even give me a chance to at least get close to you or be your friend because you're leaving already. But in any consolation Moon Byul-ssi, your confession is the truest and heartfelt I have ever received, I couldn't give you my answer, I couldn't even reject you because if time permits, I would have given you a chance to get close to me and see where it leads too. But I think this thing between us if we are truly destined to meet again, the best we could do is to give it time" Byul is neither happy nor sad, its unfortunate but that's the reality"I think we should just see what faith stored for us then" Yongsun nods"So this is Hello and Goodbye" Yongsun shake Moonbyuls' waiting hands and they went on their separate ways.

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