Chapter 30

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Looking at her girlfriend in another woman's arms didn't sit well with Yongsun, she never felt jealous of anyone before since she knew that she's Byul's only love but still she isn't confident in herself. She knew she loved Byul when she came back from London but the chairman's life in that place is a complete mystery to her. Now that she realized she doesn't know anything about Byul's relationships and vice versa, they haven't talked about their past lovers which are for her is a complete zero, there are some flings and one night stands but other than that no real relationship prepared her for Byul. She didn't know how to deal with jealousy, she restrained herself from taking Byul away from that woman out of respect for Byul's mother. But hearing the two sisters talk made her think that there is something more with Byul and Lee Dahee. Sensing some change in the atmosphere from the table Haewon stood and walked over to the two executives.

"I know that this is a nice reunion for the two of you but I think Miss Lee didn't come here just to chat" Haewon interrupted looking at her daughter and signaling her eyes towards Yongsun

"Oh... I'll leave the two of you omma, Dahee-unnie" Dahee bowed to Byul, and then she returned to Yongsun's side whose aura changed like a dragon ready to breathe fire.

"Unnie would you like to go inside?" Byul is beginning to sense some scolding will be on its way

"Let's go," Yongsun said coldly

When they arrived at Byul's room, Yongsun was amazed at the number of things displayed, it's so different from her room in Korea where there are no personal items except what the designer intended to do to the room. She looked at the pictures posted at one of the walls and she saw a pic of Byul and Dahee so close with one arm wrapped around Byul's shoulder while kissing her on the cheek. Byul looked so happy at the photo that made her suspicions even more clear.

"Did you two date?" Yongsun asks Byul which made her swallow hard

"We... uh... we're friends... with benefits" she honestly confessed, 'really there's no point of hiding it' she thought to herself. Yongsun breathe deeply

"Is this going on before you return to Korea?"

"No, we stopped when I launched the new tech in Korea, I couldnt bring myself to be with anyone else" she explained

"So you didn't sleep with her anymore?" Byul nodded

"So how do you keep your sex life active" Yongsun is blatantly asking questions now that she wants to know, they haven't talked about things like this since she doesn't want Byul to be uncomfortable but she doesn't want to be kept in the dark anymore. Byul was so nervous at the interrogation but it is needed for her to be able to let it out in the open before she goes further with the girl she is crazily in love with.

"I go out, pretty much a lot of one night stands," Byul said honestly

"Then why do I feel like Dahee still likes you?" she ambushed Byul and with the way, the two sisters are talking about it is somewhat suspicious

"Because she still does" Byul didn't hesitate at all, she walked over her bed, dragging Yongsun with her, she sat at the edge and made Yongsun straddle her and then hugged the girl tightly

"She wants to be in a relationship but I didn't, I couldn't give myself to her because you always have my heart, I don't want to be unfair to her when she's loving me but I can't give it back. I ask her to be friends if she wants to stay in my life and she accepted, that's why we stopped with the benefits thing because it's not right, she will only get hurt more in the process" Byul said while Yongsun gently stroking her hair

"I love you Yongsun, please don't get angry with me," she said when Yongsun doesn't respond to her story, she felt the older girl sighed

"I'm no different from you Byul-ah, I'm not that innocent, I just want to know and this is the right time to ask for it" They both looked at each other, Byul looking at her while feeling sorry and Yongsun just wants to kiss the girl below her.

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