Chapter 33

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"Wheeinah! do we really have to do this shot?" Yongsun's knees are quivering with fear

"Unnie just stay still" Wheein ordered the older girl

"I didn't know you're afraid of this" Byul said concerned at her girlfriend who is having a hard time to sit down at the cabin of the London Eye

"Actually I think I'm getting dizzy," she said while sitting down on the floor

"I feel like I'm going to fall"

"Unnie don't be ridiculous, look!" Wheein started jumping and Yongsun's eyes shut and her lips turned into a line and she's trying hard not to scream or better yet not breathe

"Just relax for a moment so I can take your photos" Yongsun tried hard to concentrate so Wheein can finish her shots

"Ok, just one more if.."

"Wheeinah, I think it's enough," Byul said sensing the discomfort, she almost feels the pain herself

"Ok," Wheein said pouting, "I think I have enough footage"

"Oh thank God!" Yongsun cried out loud, Byul hurriedly picked her up in her arms and hugged the scared girl

"Come on let's have some fancy dinner nearby before we get home and prepare our stuff for the flight tomorrow," Byul said still clutching the colorless girl in her arms.

"I love you Byul-ah! I hate you Wheein!" Yongsun blurted out of nowhere

"You can't hate me because of that Unnie" Wheein defended, Hyejin was just watching their drama and laughing to herself

"Babe, don't worry I'm here I'll protect you from those unnies" Wheein was smiling widely at her protector

"Come on let's enjoy the rest of the day, stop fighting like kids" Byul said still hugging her scared girlfriend

They stroll along Queen's walk and enjoyed the surroundings till the sun sets, Wheein was looking at her video for a while and satisfied that they pretty much covered the city in seven days. Yongsun and Byul are sitting in one of the benches and looking over river Thames, the sun is setting and the view is just breathtaking. Yongsun was so happy that they spent a lot of time together in the past week, the places they have been, and how Byul was always attentive to her needs so she always shower her with love during the night. She could live a life like this with Byul on her side, she looked at her studying every feature of her face, the way she looks at people and at the river, she is so relaxed and contented, she wondered what could make her feel that way. She breathes a lot of air into her lungs and exhaled getting the attention of the beautiful girl beside her

"What is it?" Byul asks her

"I was just wondering what made you look so solemn, what are you thinking?" she said, Byul sighed and look over the river her hand holding one of Yongsun's

"I'm just happy being with you like this" Yongsun's heart melted at that

"Byul-ah" she called the younger girl, while her other hand searches her pocket

"What is it unnie?" Byul was so calm while looking at Yongsun

"I know the things you have done for me and remembering that night when you clutched at my chest begging me to not leave you made me realize that I don't want you to leave me too. Holding you so fragile that time when you slept in my arms thinking what can I do for you to not feel that doubt again" she stopped and look at the questioning eyes of the younger girl, Byul was holding Yongsun's hand tightly not wanting to let go

"You don't have to be scared anymore, you own my body and soul" Yongsun left Byul's grip and kneel in front of the girl, heart beating wildly, she brushed the younger girl's thighs caressing it to make her calm

"Byul-ah I love you and I know you love me too so much that I'm willing to take this next step with you, I think you have waited long enough for me since we were kids so now I will gladly give you what you want for so long" now Byul is in shock she was looking around, she caught Wheein filming from a few meters, Hyejin was smiling and crying at the same time, her mother and sisters were standing looking at them with tears streaking their cheeks, she can't believe this is actually happening. She looked at Yongsun again, kneeling between her legs holding a small diamond ring, leaving her speechless

"Moon Byul E will you marry me?" her heart bursts, she can't help but cry, the girl she's been dreaming for so long is finally hers

"Yes! Kim Yongsun... Yes!" she kissed the girl and hugged her ever so tightly, she can't help but scream with happiness, she has to let it out, the relief, its like doors in her heart opened widely

"Byul, don't cry, I'm here baby, I'm not going anywhere" Yongsun assured her

"I love you so much Yongsun" she held the older girl's face between her hands and kissed her deeply

"I love you too Byulie".

"How?" she asks the older girl while waiting for the food with the whole family

"Well there's what you call group chat" the other girls laugh at Byul's obliviousness

"But the ring, we are always together, I don't think you'll be able to buy that here unless you ask Hyejin" Yongsun smiled

"Why hammy, do you think I just thought of this while we're here?"

"Uhm, no?" the chairman asks unsure

"I bought this in Korea, like two weeks ago" she admitted, Byul was touched, 'Yongsun really thought about this through' she thought at the same time she was tearing up again

"Aigoo! Byul-ah stop crying!" the older girl cooed, hugging her tightly

"I never thought unnie is such a crybaby" Yesol laughed, Haewon is so happy that her first child is finally having Yongsun as her fiancé

"Come on now, stop crying and let's make a toast" Haewon stood up and raise her glass

"To Byul and Yongsun"

"To Byul and Yongsun" everybody said and cheered

Haewon thought a lot of things when they went back home, the future of the company is not that important to her since she knew her daughters will succeed in anything no matter what, her worries are now composed of the new daughter-in-law. As much as Yongsun appears strong, she can't help but think about her parents' opinion, marriage with a woman is not common in Korea unlike on the other side of the world. She can pack up everything and support Byul to go to other countries just to marry Yongsun if that's what makes her happy. She knows by the way Byul had acted since she saw her with the other girl that this is it if it isn't Yongsun then there's no one else. As a mother, she has to do something

"Madam" the other line responded

"Byul and Yongsun are now engaged" she can hear a gasped

"That's good news" the voice is evidently worried

"Prepare an article about the two of them and have it publish the morning a day after tomorrow," she said calmly

"Yes madam" the line went silent

"Anything else Madam?"

"Seoho prepare everything for our arrival tomorrow, Me and the kids are going back to Korea"

"Why all of a sudden?"

"I have to meet Yongsun's parents".

A/N: I always wanted Yongsun to propose ever since the start of the story, you know if it's our shy Byulie it might take forever. I hope you enjoy the story, leave a comment on what you think :)

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