Chapter 22

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Chairman Moon gives out the orders to COO Ahn to release the tech for slightly lower version of Dahl phones to rival companies, the Dahl phones almost exceeded expectations that it was named the top phone in Korea. There are small changes to the tech since Chairman Moon is the inventor, the production cost of Dahl is much lower, but the companies will buy the tech so the price is a little higher compared to Dahl, so they still remain the cheapest among them. COO Ahn achieved a negotiation of the much lower price if they will buy at least 10% of the company's stocks which the other companies agreed. In a few months, Moon Byul part-owned almost all rival companies except one, Lee Electronics the second well-known company after Dahl, although there is a wide gap between the two companies Lee Sandeul is still not giving in to Crescents negotiation.

"Lee Corporation didn't take our offer in supplying them the latest tech" Hyejin reported

"Its alright, we don't need to, the majority is enough" Byul decided

"My work is done, what else do you want me to do?"

"Just maintain the company and live your life" Hyejin raised her eyebrow and smirked at her

"What a nice idea"

"How are you and Wheein, did she still... you know?" Byul signals to her chest knowing full well that Hyejin knows what she's talking about

"Yes, from time to time but now she does it more in the hidden places since she doesn't want others to see it while I'm wearing a bathing suit"

"Yeah, Yongsun was ogling your bites when we went to Japan, she didn't discuss it with me but I can tell she's curious"

"Ah, stop it, don't tell unnie" she pointed her fingers at Byul threateningly, Byul holds up both her hands

"Ok, ok, I won't"

Wheein was busy editing another video when Hyejin came home

"Hey, I'm home"

"Hyejinaaaaaaaah!" Wheein run towards Hyejin slamming her body

"Oomph!" she was surprised at the warm welcome

"I missed you! you're gone almost two weeks!" the pup whined, Hyejin grabbed her face and showered her with kisses

"I missed you too, did you eat? I brought food" she signaled at the food on the counter

"You are such a sweetie, I'm hungry I've been busy with the Japan edits"
"Are you going to put Chairman Moon's clip?"

"Yes, I have permission anyways, besides it will bring more views" she winked at Hyejin

They ate their dinner and talked about the work that she's been working on

"You're so busy, you have no time for me" another whine
"Don't worry, I plan to pass my responsibilities and I'll still help on both companies"

"You mean you'll have more time for me?" her face lights up and Hyejin can't help but smile to her adorable pup

"Yes baby" she thought of something to make it up to Wheein

"You want to go somewhere over the weekend?"

"Hmmm, is that a bribe?" she can't help but nod

"I wanna go to Jeju!" Wheein shouted as if excited like a kid, Hyejin can't help but leap with joy since she missed the other girl so much

"Jeju it is"


COO Ahn was at Crescent when she asked Yongsun to come over for an important meeting. She just had the proposed meeting she arranged for Lee Sandeul. He was going out of the company which she willingly escorted him out but before she went back to her office there was a sudden commotion, she saw Yongsun was held by Lee Sandeul by her waist and she can't help but observe.

Yongsun suddenly slipped at the wet floor that is being mopped, fortunately, Lee Sandeul was already there and he caught her before she fell.

"Miss are you ok?" Sandeul asks while holding Yongsun in her arms

"Ah yes, thank you very much!" she bowed when she was able to stand up

"Are you sure you're not hurting anywhere?" he asks concern all over his face
"I'm sure, thank you again" the both of them bowed and left. Sandeul was still looking at Yongsun even before he exits the building, definitely smitten by her beauty and class.


"Can I propose something?" Hyejin asked Byul

"What is it?"

"Can I run Crescent with Yongsun unnie?" Byul raised her eyebrow in question


"Don't you want her to handle the other company? At least she will learn how to if we run it together" Byul was skeptical at her proposal

"What are you planning?"

"Well I think we can close the deal if we let Yongsun unnie negotiate with Lee Electronics," she said confidently

"And how would you know that?"

"Well I think the guy had no clue who she is, he helped unnie when she almost fell and I think he was interested in her" Byuls eyes are wide in surprise, she didn't know something like that happened and she's getting irritated that she didn't know anything

"You mean you want me to use Yongsun as a bait?" she asks ridiculously "Besides I don't want to!"

"Is this jealousy I'm sensing?" Hyejin teased

"Yes and I want my Yong to like me and only me," she said firmly

"Ok if you say so" Hyejin ended their conversation and went back to her office, she made a phone call and later on Yongsun was entering her office

"Do you need anything?" Yongsun started

"I'm getting straight to the point Yongsun unnie, Lee Electronics is not approving the negotiations of Crescent to offer the tech in exchange for stocks. He is the only one we need to have control over the industry"

"Ok but what does Lee Electronics got to do with me," she asks curiously

"I think Lee Sandeul likes you and we can use it to our advantage"

"Ok, how can you tell when I don't even met him?"

"Oh, you did, he is the one who helped you when you slipped in the company" Hyejin explained, Yongsun was surprised

"That's Lee Sandeul?"

"Yes unnie, you can persuade him to agree or negotiate"

"Why are you so invested in getting his account?" she's now questioning Hyejin's intention

"If we part-owned the company, it will only mean that Byul will own her rivals, she will become one of the most powerful and no one will dare touch her or anything that is important to her, including you" It seems absurd on Yongsun's point of view

"I will help you get Lee Electronics but for the mere purpose of helping Byul but I don't like the intention behind this Hyejin. If I get it well it's nice for all of us but if not you will stop with this, this is not like you do you understand me?" She partially scolded her. Hyejin realized what her unnie is talking about, she was being greedy although not for her own yet her desire is the same.

"Yes unnie, I understand what you mean, I'm sorry I was so determined with acquiring it that I ignored Byul's advice of letting go of that company" she was glad that Yongsun put her head back on her shoulder

"Byul is right, we can still be the top company as long as she's here, so listen to her"

"Yes unnie" she agreed to what Yongsun said. She's lucky to have a friend like that, now, she's absolutely sure there's no other person more suitable for her sister than her.

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