Chapter 31

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One morning when Byul is so deep in dreamland, Yongsun sneaks out of the room and went to the garden where they always had their breakfast, she saw Haewon seating alone and drinking her tea. She grabbed some of her favorite bread and coffee and sat next to her girlfriends' mother

"You got up early?" Haewon asks because usually its always Byul who goes down first

"I have to talk to you about something if you don't mind Mrs. Moon" sensing the younger girl has something important to say, Haewon tucked her newspaper and give her full attention to Yongsun

"What is it, child?" Yongsun was still contemplating if this is the right time to ask but she can't postpone this any longer so she gathers up all her courage in the early morning and prepared for the worst

"I... I... Uhm... I want to ask Byul's hand in marriage" she said not even daring to breathe, she looked at Haewon with confused eyes, wondering what she was thinking

"Why?" Haewon asks the obvious, Yongsun cant catch her breath, she remembered the night when Byul was cuddled with her begging her not to leave her. Assurance, that's what she wants Byul to feel, the solid union that can make her sleep at night, the only thing she can give Byul is herself, being her wife, making her feel that she owns her completely. She smiled at that thought, that's why she's here, that's why she's having this conversation with her soon to be mother-in-law whether she approves it or not.

"Because I love Byul and I want her to stop worrying" Haewon was laughing all of a sudden

"Well, I thought you're the one who's worried when I looked at you while my daughter is hugging another woman" Yongsun turned red with embarrassment she didn't know that Haewon was observing her the day they arrived.

"Byul is worried, I know she's been doing everything to become powerful in Korea so that people could accept us" Haewon was thinking, she knows that there is a reason why her daughter is taking big steps for the company and the move of Crescent was so bold it couldn't have been for this sole reason

"Are you sure about that?" Yongsun was surprised at Haewon's question.

"Yes I am" she answered with vindication

"Let me think about it" is Haewon's final answer

Byul and the other girls went down to the garden's to have breakfast

"There you are! I was wondering where you've been" she approached Yongsun, hugging her from the back, then held her chin up aggressively and kiss her neck

"I'm just here having breakfast with your mother" she said clutching Byuls hand from her neck

"Don't ever leave me again" Byul said in a low voice which made the older girls' spine tingle with lust. With enough concentration of Haewon to the two's action, she heard what her daughter said

"I won't" she tugged Byuls' hand and kissed it which made Byul very happy

"I was wondering if you can accompany at the company," Byul asks Yongsun

"Ok I will" she pats Byuls thigh and they started eating again. Haewon was very amused at her daughter's attitude, she was never like this with Dahee. She remembered that Byul was always close with Dahee, with enough resources in her hands, she suspected that the two of them are dating. Although when together it was always Dahee who wants attention from her daughter, Byul is always polite, she has high regard with Dahee that's why she recommended her to work at Dahl. Dahee was a bright woman, she knows how the industry works but her biggest flaw is that she's almost a slave to Byuls' attention. When Kanghyun died and Byul had to go back to Korea, Dahee was the first to be considered as COO of Dahl London, which made her think Byul's doing. She thought Byul was in love with the COO but when the news of Byul and Yongsun dating publicly got out she was out of sorts and can't help but be confused with the situation. She didn't dislike Yongsun if that's what her daughter wants but the feeling she invested with Dahee through all those times, she thought that she will be the one her daughter is going to marry and it left her with a confused feeling.

Yongsun, as she observed, is a very elegant woman, no strings attached, every detail that is investigated about her made her a suitable person for her daughter, some flings couldn't hurt, with a stable family from her own doing she can tell that money isn't an issue. But of course, she still has doubts, she needed to ask Hyejin to clear this cloud over her head. When Byul and Yongsun left for the company she called Hyejin to her office

"Come in" she called from her table and Hyejin peek her head inside

"You called mother," she said walking towards the seat in front of Haewon

"Yongsun ask for Byuls' hand in marriage" the shock on Hyejin's face followed by a wide smile made Haewon suddenly curious

"Wow, that's unexpected"

"Why?" Haewon asks

"Well Byulie was preparing to ask Yongsun to marry her, well I guess she would beat her at this, she already made her move but unnie is still scared to ask Yongsun unnie's parents" 'Oh!' Haewon thought

"Well eventually this wedding will happen sooner than later" the mother assured her daughter

"What did Yongsun unnie said" Hyejin can't help but ask

"She said it's for assurance on Byul's part," she said nonchalantly

"Wow I never thought that unnie will be aware of Byulie's insecurities huh?" that perked Haewon's ears

"Insecurities?" Hyejin let out a big sigh

"As I thought you knew mother that Byulie is in love with Yongsun for quite a long time"

"I do, but I don't think Byul will be insecure about her feelings when she clearly has Dahee on her beck and call," she said clearly confused about her daughters' actions

"Dahee unnie is one aggressive person but also smart and talented at what she does, she likes Byulie a lot and that kid just let her do what she wants but she didn't fall for her even if she wanted too. When she saw Yongsun unnie on the launch of the new products, you can't imagine the torture she's been through mother. She tried so hard not to go back to Korea right then and there, it's not the right time. Dahee unnie tried to distract her but failed, she kept her distance from her and I thought that it almost broke their friendship but Dahee kept herself in check, she doesn't want to fall on Byul's bad side." Hyejin remembered when Byul was drinking so hard almost everyday for a month because she was missing Yongsun, she wanted to go back but her mind told her not to, it was a battle within herself a battle she couldn't win.

"The longing was killing her, I felt so sorry for Byul, I was willing to drag her back but I thought what good would come out of it, it's not like Yongsun would feel the same. Those insecurities were embedded in Byul's heart and mind" Haewon was sad for her oldest child, she didn't know that coming back to London would give her daughter a heartbreak.

"The moment they met again mother, they didn't leave each other, Yongsun is as in love as Byulie, you can already tell that they can't leave each other side for so long not unless there are more important things to do" Haewon was completely heartbroken for her daughter to hold that much loneliness that she didn't think she had.

"Now I can understand Yongsun, she wants to make Byul know that she will never leave her side again"

"I think so too mother"

"Ok I will approve of this marriage, I think you will not tell Byul"

"Oh mother you don't know how much I want to see Byul bawl her eyes out" they both laughed at the idea

"What about Dahee, do you think she will be an obstacle?" she was quite worried since Yongsun is here in London

"No, she witnessed it, those drunk nights how Byul was crying so hard she can't bear it too. If there is someone other than Yongsun that can understand what Byulie is going through its Dahee unnie" Haewon nods

"They've been friends since she entered university, she looks up to her and Dahee loves her so much" Hyejin sighed

"Yeah but she knows that Byul can't love her back, she knows about Yongsun, Byul felt guilty that she can't return the love Dahee showers her that's why she lets her do what she wants to her if that's what makes her happy," she told her mother in confidence.

"Chairman Moon is coming to Dahl in an hour with Kim Yongsun" she puts down the phone

"Kim Yongsun, so it is you" Lee Dahee is looking at Yongsun's file that was once sat on Byul's table

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