Chapter 21

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"Good Morning" Byul stretched as she looked at the person beside her, looking at her intensely

"What?" She asks Yongsun since the girl has been staring at her for a long time now

"Nothing, I was just thinking how lucky I am to be with you" She smiled at her lovingly but the mischievous chairman was thinking of other things. She grabbed the naked body and press it into hers, she crashed their lips together and put herself on top of Yongsun, they rocked their bodies back and forth feeling each other.

"Do you want to have breakfast outside?" Yongsun thinks for a while

"Yes, but let me have a shower first"

"Ok" Byul lets go of her and when Yongsun went to the bathroom she picks up her phone and made a call

They left the mansion early, Yongsun thought that Byul is kind of excited for this meal. Then when she thought that they will go to some kind of restaurant, it turns out they are heading to a private hangar near Incheon.

"Where are we going? I thought we'll be eating?" Byul smirked

"Yes we are, but I'm craving for something authentic" Yongsun just followed Byul at the tarmac and they are able to see a small but gorgeous plane. She saw Hyejin giving instructions to everyone, a lot of crew were inspecting the plane and making last-minute changes

"Hyejin you're here!" she said giving Hyejin some hugs

"Well I got a very early phone call" Byul smiled at her sister and give her some hugs too

"Go on up, I'm finishing something here and then we'll go" she instructed the two

Yongsun went up the plane and was surprised to see her friend sitting inside

"Wheein-ah!" the young girl was happy seeing her unnie, even though she is still a little bit cranky for waking up too early

"Unnie! Where are we going? Jinnie don't want to tell me anything, she said its a surprise as if I'm not surprised enough to be on this plane" she said rolling her eyes

"Well same," she said looking at Byul who settled herself in one of the seats, she also sat down beside her and cuddled the chairman

Hyejin went up inside and the stewardess started making announcements over the comms for the safety measures, after that the captain speaks

"Welcome this is your captain speaking, our estimated time of arrival in Osaka is in 1 hour and 50 minutes, thank you and enjoy the ride" the two friends look at each other

"We're going to Japan!" they both shouted together

They arrived at Osaka and was whisked away by a Bentley from the tarmac and as they went into the city, Yongsun and Wheein were looking outside taking in the scenery passing by. They arrived at a very beautiful resort, they were welcomed by uniformed staffs and offered with refreshments, the design of the resort is like a traditional house, when inside instead of tatami and fusuma they are made of wooden light beige floor panels and sliding glass doors which made the interior bright, airy and big. They can see the garden outside with pool and onsen, the two girls were in awe at the sight, they were ushered at the alfresco and was welcomed by 3 chefs cooking traditional Japanese food.

"Where are we?" Yongsun asks, her mouth hanging open as if taking in the serenity of the place

"This is my private resort here in Japan," Byul said, the two girls were looking at her like they are not believing what she's saying

"You mean you own this place?" Wheein asks surprised

"Yes, this was my grandfathers' he loves Japan and since we are doing quite a lot of business here, it's much better to invest in some properties" she smiled while looking at the food she was missing for the past year

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