Chapter 24

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Yongsun prepared the materials she needs for the meeting, it was fortunate enough that Lee Electronics still gave them the opportunity to revise and schedule another meeting with them. She walked out of her office and made her way to Byul's office.

"I'm leaving for-" she was stopped with her thoughts by Byul's attire

"What is that you're wearing? You look like one of your bodyguards" Byul smiled and walked up to her

"I'm going to pretend to be your bodyguard" she smiled like her idea is one of the brightest

"You're going with me?" Yongsun looked at her girlfriend with doubt on her face

"I told Hyejin that if you're going to Lee Electronics, I won't just sit here and do nothing, I don't want my girlfriend to be eaten alive by that guy" Yongsun smirked at her confession

"You don't trust me?"

"I trust you," she said with confidence

"But I don't trust him, don't worry I won't get in your way with the negotiations, I'll just quietly stand behind you and make threatening looks if he ever tries to hit on you," she said cutely, Yongsun was not prepared by her cuteness, she was flustered and Byul can definitely saw the pinkish tinge on her cute cheeks.

"Come on, I don't want to be late" Yongsun said hurriedly

Yongsun definitely draws attention when she walked at the lobby of their building since she commands attention, they didn't see their chairman blending in with the guards. Byul felt victorious with her attempt since she removed her glasses and made her hair into a sleek ponytail with the tailored black suit that her guards wear. They entered the car and drive to their destination.

"Is everything ready?" she looked at Yongsun who's reviewing her notes, she gave her a once-over taking in the professional attire that she wore. A blue dress hugging her body and a slight v-cut giving her smooth chest a nice view, Byul can't help but stare

"You have drool on your chin" Yongsun said without looking, which made Byul go out of her trance and make her hand brush on her chin to feel if there's really some drool on her face

"Hahaha! I'm joking honey, you stare at me like you want to eat me, I can feel it from here!" Byul went shy, she averted her gaze towards her side of the window

"Sorry," she said quietly

"Are you sure you're gonna be ok?" Yongsun asks concerned

"Yes babe, I will"

They arrived at their destination and went up to the conference room where Sandeul's secretary ushered them to, there are two bodyguards waiting outside and two other ones who will look out for Byul while she is the one who will look out for Yongsun. Sandeul entered the room with his advisers and some executives, He was surprised to see Yongsun in there that he approached her once he recognized her

"Welcome to Lee Electronics, I never thought I would see you again" he offered his hand for Yongsun to shake

"It was nice meeting you again too, Mr. Lee and thank you again for allowing us to have this meeting, I'm Kim Yongsun co-chair of Crescent Industries" she smiled while giving him the handshake. Byul was rolling her eyes at their meeting and steadied herself beside Yongsun, the two other guards were looking at each other because of Byul's reaction and suppress themselves from laughing at their boss.

"Sit down so we can start," Sandeul offered and then they started their meeting. She showed their facilities in London and Korea, she also shared the sales they made for the year, although she didn't reveal anything in connection with Dahl, she made her presentation as impressive as possible, Byul was so proud with her that she can't hide the smile on her face. Sandeul was also impressed but sometimes he was distracted with Yongsun's beauty that he sometimes asks his advisers from time to time. Byul can see that the guy really is smitten by her girl that he gave him glares which the guy notices once in a while. Yongsun finished her presentation and Sandeul ask them to wait outside while they discuss their decision.

"Miss Kim, will you please come inside," the secretary asks her while the other advisers and executives were leaving the room. Byul was coming along when the secretary told her that only Miss Kim can enter, she looked at Yongsun in panic

"It's okay, I will handle this" she put her hand on Byul's chest to assure her that everything is going to be ok

"I will be here, just shout if you need me" she whispered to her, Yongsun can't help but chuckle and nods to her worried girlfriend.

She entered the room and saw Sandeul standing by the window looking down at the street below, she coughed a little to inform him of her presence.

"I will be very honest with you Miss Kim, I'm still not interested in buying tech from your company, as my executives have made some research that your company already bought shares from almost all companies in this industry besides Dahl and Lee." Yongsun was not surprised, she had an idea since it was hard to convince this company so she was cool with it.

"But because knowing you co-owned this company, it made me think twice" Sandeul had a playful look on his face, its the look that Yongsun knew all too well

"What are you trying to say" she knew where this is going, might as well play the game

"We can talk about this intimately over dinner tonight, what do you say?" Yongsun thought about the evening news where she and Byul were kissing in the lobby, she was different from before, less sophisticated compared to now and since her name was not brought out from the news this guy has no clue who she is or just don't watch the news.

"Ok, just send the information at my office" she agreed and walk out of the office before Sandeul had a chance to say something else.

Byul hurriedly went to her girlfriend and inspect every part of her

"Are you ok?" Byul looked too worried

"Let's get out of here and I'll explain it in the car" Byul nods and the entourage left after they had the go signal from the guards below. They entered the car and drive off, Byul was so eager to know what went on inside the conference room that Yongsun can't help but grin at the fidgeting person beside her

"I'm going on a date with Sandeul tonight," she said casually

"What!" Byul was going hysterical

"Don't worry honey, I've got this everything under control" Byul looked at Yongsun, she'd seen this mischievous face before and she knows Sandeul will definitely not like it.

A/N: I thought yesterday was Friday, so here's another chapter just because its Friday :D

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