Chapter 14 (TW)

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The marketing team is having a field day since the new phones are launching within two weeks, Wheein is shooting nonstop for three days and since Chairman Moon is staying in her office for the entire preparation, Hyejin is always with Wheein, taking care of her needs, accompanying her in every shoot and pick up or drop off her home. The week before the launch Wheein is editing some of her vlogs during the shoot and plan to release it when the phones are already launched for the post promotion. She was so used to having Hyejin around that she called her for some coffee but realized she's at home doing her work.

She can't help but messaged the fierce president

Wheein: Lion where are you?

Lion: At the office, why pup?

Wheein: can you come here? I'm bored :(

Lion: I'm your manager, not your entertainer

Wheein: But I miss you and I don't have anyone to talk too

Lion: Then sleep

Wheein: Ahn Hyejin! come here right now!

Hyejin sighed since that first night she didn't think that there will come a time where she will be dominated by one person, but she can't help to fall in love with the sweet but very demanding girl. Wheein wants Hyejin all for herself, the cute girl is very fatal when doing aegyo where she usually uses it for her advantage. Hyejin can't help but cooed and do everything Wheein asks her to do, although they are quite simple like helping her set up the home studio or going around while filming in location. Hyejin was reluctant to admit that she's falling in love with the famous YouTuber day by day, Wheein can hold her in the palm of her hand and she would gladly oblige.

Hyejin went to Byul's office to check her on what she's doing

"Hey" the lioness ask the chairman

"Hey there yourself, what brings you here? you know I'm busy with the production for distribution and will stay here till the launch"

"Well I'm just checking up on you, you know, if you need something" Hyejin shrugged

"I can very well take care of myself, Yongsun unnie and I will have dinner later since she's also busy"

"Are you sure?" Hyejin asked one more time

"If you have somewhere to go Hyejinah now is the right time to do so, stop bothering me" the chairman smirked at her sister

"Alright," the lioness smiled and leave the chairman's office and proceed to the place where she is most needed.

Before Hyejin went to Wheein's place she stopped by at the girl's favorite cafe and ordered food for them, she's beginning to become a regular here since she met the pup. The girl at the counter already know what she'll order and prepared it when she saw her walking by the cafe, Hyejin was glad that they were taking care of their customers that she didn't waste time and proceeded to go to Wheeins. She doesn't have to knock since she is practically summoned by her and entered the apartment code.

"Finally!" Wheein shouted from the studio

"Miss me pup?" she says while putting the paper bags on the island counter

Wheein was running towards her and jumped for her embrace

"Aigoo Wheeinah, you really miss me huh?" Wheein smelled Hyejins neck and attack her with kisses causing Hyejin to squirm making her ticklish

"What did you bring me?" she looked at her lioness

"Of course your favorite!"

"Yey! gosh I'm so craving for this"

"Why didn't you go out and buy it yourself"

"I have you" she shrugged

"Oh, now I'm your maid?" Wheein looked at her with a question on her face

"I thought you're my assistant?" Hyejin can't help but laugh

"You know, if I didn't know that you're an obsessive domineering girlfriend, I would be offended" Wheein just snickered at her

They enjoyed their snack and talk a lot about the upcoming projects that Wheein is planning after promotions, Hyejin also reminds her that she will be having a lot of interviews on talk shows and variety shows.

"Really? You got that for me?" Wheein was excited

"Just show them your bubbly personality and not this dominant one, its only for me" Hyejin gestured at Wheein and shakes her head

"Who told you that you can own me?" Wheein now was putting down her drink and pushed Hyejin forcefully onto the couch. Hyejin was taken aback but she felt hot at the way Wheein crawled on her.

Wheein started to bite on Hyejin so hard that it leaves a mark, then she licked it as a way to caress the bite that she just created. Hyejin was enjoying every attention that the pup was giving her, her mind says 'I don't mind getting used to this every day', Wheein keep doing the biting in every part of Hyejins body, marking the lioness as her own, she can hear Hyejin whimpers when she gets hurts but then it is replaced with hundred of kisses. The lioness was having a great afternoon delight, she doesn't do anything much about Wheein unless she is told to do so or if the pup is really horny at that time but mostly its Wheein who gets to pleasure her and it stayed that way until they fall asleep.

Hyejin woke up with a sleeping Wheein on top of her, she was naked but Wheein is still fully dressed in her usual home attire. She slides off under Wheein carefully as to not wake up the sleeping pup and went to the bathroom to freshen up, she saw herself in the mirror and she just laughs at herself thinking why would she want this kind of kink. Her body is covered with bites old and new, few spaces were left out but it's not gonna be long until it will, she doesn't know for when Wheein is saving it for. She took a shower and it felt good but she wants Wheein's scent all over her body so she used her perfume after bathing, she called for take-out so the food will be ready before Wheein wakes up.

As the lioness was preparing their dinner, the pup woke up oblivious maybe because she thought Hyejin went home. She looks around to find her lover taking out the food from their container, she smiled and went over to her and hugged her from behind.

"Did you have a good sleep?" Hyejin ask the pup

"Mhmmm" she mumbled in assurance

"Come on, sit down so we can eat" Wheein bit Hyejin's shoulder before sitting

"Aish, slow down pup" Wheein pouted and started eating the food.

"Are you going to stay tonight?"

"It depends," Hyejin said nonchalantly

"Depends on what?" the lioness chuckled

"Depends on you, sleepyhead" Hyejin smiled and ruffled Wheein's hair

"Then you sleep here!" said the pup happily

"That's settled then." after they eat Hyejin clean up the dishes, Wheein decided to take a short bath so that she will be done with her night routine while Hyejin turns off the equipment and the lights in the living room before going to bed. They both laid down and had some cuddling and kissing before drifting off to sleep.

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