Chapter 20

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Yongsun was looking at the window in one of the smaller conference rooms, she's waiting for her parents to arrive thinking about what to say to them. Byul was willing to greet the couple but Yongsun opted to talk to them alone first. The door finally opened

"Omma, Appa" Yongsun walked forward and gave each of them kisses on the cheek

The couple sat and look at their daughter ready to say something

"What is this Yongsun-ah, what are you up to now," her mother said and she just sighed

"Is this about money, Yong? You can have anything now, you don't have to do this" She was somewhat disappointed at her fathers' words

"You think I'm with her because of money?" her father was ashamed when he realized what he said

"I-I am sorry my love, I didn't mean to..." he said lowering his head

"Yongsun-ah, why can't you just be with a man?" her mother said

"Because I love Byul!" she shouted, she can't believe what she's hearing. She leaned her hands on the table thinking that because Byul is a woman the society can't accept their relationship. She is heartbroken that her parents can't understand why she loves her, her tears are starting to come out

"I c-cant.... I will not allow it... I don't want Byul to leave me again... I love her too much" she told herself panting, crying. Her parents were stunned at their daughter's breakdown

"Again? What do you mean?" her mother asks cautiously

"Byul likes me in high school before she left for London"

"You mean, you know each other before?" Yongsun smiled to them remembering their youth

"Yes, I thought we would never see each other again, that's why I tried living my life but nothing comes close to her gentleness and sincerity" her parents were now realizing the importance of Byul in their daughter's life, they knew that they can't do anything about it now. Ever since Yongsun started working all she did was to give them a better life, they are her priority. They want to give her the happiness she deserves and since Byul is the one that can do that there's nothing they can do but to accept their daughter's decision. They both stood up and hug Yongsun tightly

"I'm sorry Yongsun-ah, We didn't know" her mother caresses her daughter

"I have been close off to the people who want to be with me but I can't bring myself to like them" she explained

"We are going to try hard and understand you Yongsun-ah, we just want what's best for you" the three of them huddled to hug each other

"Come over to the house this Friday lets have a dinner and bring Byul so we can get to know her" She nods at her mother, they kissed her and went to the door but before they closed it her father said

"Don't worry Yongsun-ah, we will try our best to support the two of you" he winked and left.

She cant believe her parents' reaction for giving them a chance, she was still in shock when she went to the chairman's office. Byul sensed Yongsun's presence and greet her

"How was it?" she held Yongsun's shoulder trying to figure out her expression

"I-its good, actually" she looked at Byul blankly

"Ok, that's good right?" she asks, then Yongsun's eyes light up

"And they want to meet you this Friday at my parents' house"

"What!" Byul shouted, now she feels that she's gonna faint


Hyejin was working on Crescent when Byul suddenly appeared in her office

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