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In the town far from the enchanted castle, there are people were having a normal time of their lives. There was one person who is different than anyone in town. And that someone is Sam-I-Am. They said that Sam is the most beautiful man in town and they're calling him odd. Because unlike the people, he loves to read books and always thinks. But everyone in town always keep saying that learning from books can be bad. That is why Sam was the only one who always visits library. Sam doesn't care. He wants to let people know that learning from books are very good thing and can never judge it by its cover.

In the library, Sam was reading his favorite book. He enjoyed reading books in the library, including at home.

Donna who is a librarian asked, "How's your reading, Sam?" Sam said, "Oh, it's amazing. I loved this book. I better get back to home soon. My dad is waiting for me since I told him that I'll be here. You know, I could take this book with me so I can continuing reading. I might as well check..." Donna said, "You can have it. After all, you are my best customer. Well, my only best customer." Sam said, "Wow, thanks. I'll take good care of it. See you later, Donna." She said, "See you Sam."

He walked out the library with the book he's reading. Sam walked back home as he reading it. Unknown to him, someone was eyeing on Sam for a while. His name is Snerz. Everybody loves him. They said that Snerz is great at everything and nobody can do whatever he can do like him. Snerz is also a bonny hunter. He's good at making a great shots and never misses. Also, Snerz was trying to make Sam his, but no matter what he do or will, Sam always give him a same answer. No.

Snerz followed Sam through the town while getting past the crowd. Sam sees one of his female friends who is working in the diner. He called, "Hey! Cotton Candy!" Her real name is Pinkie Pie. But only Sam get to call her Cotton Candy.

Pinkie noticed Sam coming and said, "Hi Sam! Visit to the library again, I see." Sam said, "Sure did. I already brought a book with me. It's one of my favorite."

As two of them talking, Snerz walked to Sam with a bunch of flowers in his hand. "Is it the same book that you were reading? You know, about magic spells, princes in disguises, and far off places?" Pinkie asked as she took out a flying pan and smacked Snerz in the face like she knows who's coming.

Pinkie is like a bodyguard. Always protect Sam from Snerz. Sam asked, "Yes, how did you know?" She asked, "Lucky guess." Snerz fell and rolled down the small hill until he smashed in the barrel filled with dead fish. "I hate that girl." Snerz groaned.

Later, Pinkie decided to walked Sam home. Then, Snerz appeared in front of them and said, "Hello Sam. Pinkie." Pinkie said, "Snerz." Sam said not bother to look up from his book, "Hey Snerz." Snerz snatched the book from Sam's hand.

"Snerz, that's my book. Can I have it back?" Snerz asked, " How can you even read this? There's no pictures." Sam said, "That's the thing. You have to use your imagination. That way, you'll see what is going on in your head." He said before tossed the book to Yes Man, "Listen Sam, you have to get your head out of those books and pay attention to things around you. Like me. The whole town was talking about it. It's not okay for anyone to read. Soon, they get ideas and thinking."

Sam and Pinkie rolled their eyes. Pinkie said before snatched the book from Yes Man and gave it back to Sam, "Well, that's the thing. People supposed to get ideas from the book." Snerz ignored Pinkie and said, "Say Sammy, how about you and I come to my place. I've got great animals and trophies." Sam said, "Hmm, let me think. What was the word that I was looking for? Oh yes. No. You always give me those offers and keep asking me on the date. And I have to keep giving you the same answer. And besides, I have to get back to my father."

Yes Man said, "Oh yes. The crazy man." He said, "Hey! Don't talk to my father that way!" Pinkie agreed, "Yeah! Don't talk to Sam's father that way! And he is not crazy." Sam said, "That's right. He's a genius."

There was then a explosion inside of Sam's house. Both Sam and Pinkie ran to the house as Snerz and Yes Man started to laughed.

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