Snerz's Plan Began

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Reggie opened his eyes to see his son. "Sam?" Sam said, "It's alright, Dad. We're home." He said before hugging him, "I thought I'd never see you again." Sam said, "I missed you so much. I was total wreaked." Reggie asked, "Wait a minute. The beast. How did you and your friends escape?" Pinkie said, "Actually, we didn't escape. He let us go?" Mr I-Am asked disbelieving, "That same horrible beast?" Sam said, "It's okay, Dad. He changed. Somehow." Sunset said, "Not only that. We got ourselves a few stowaways." Jasmine asked, "Stowaways?"

Twilight used her magic to bring out EB and the other six girls who were hiding in the closet. EB said, "Hi." Jasmine said, "No way!" She ran to her six best friends and hugged them. Tirzah asked, "You thought you can leave without saying goodbye, haven't you?" Jasmine said, "I'm sorry. We were in such a rush and we have to rescue Reggie." EB asked, "Sam, why did you go away? Don't you like us anymore?" Sam said, "EB, of course I liked you and everyone back at the castle. It's just that we..." Then, someone was knocking on the door.

Sam answered the door and sees a Goat. And he wasn't alone. A lot of people are here too.

Sam asked, "May I help you?" Goat said, "Yes, you see, I have come to collect your father." He asked in shocked, "My father?" Goat said, "Don't worry, amigo. We'll take good care of him." Jasmine walked to her friend with the others behind her and asked, "Sam? What's going on? Who are those guys and why all of these people are here?" Sam answered Jasmine's questions while glaring at the Goat, "They're here to take away my father who is not crazy!" Twilight said, "This is nuts! We can't let this happen." Reggie appeared too and asked, " What's going on here?"

Yes Man said, "Oh, Mr I-Am. Mind telling us again how big was this 'beast'?" Reggie said, "It was huge. It was like 10 ft." Nobody believed him as they all laughing at him. Yes Man said, "You don't get much crazier than that." He said, "It's a truth! Really!" Two guys carried Reggie to the cart.

Sam yelled, "No! You can't take him!" Snerz appeared and said, "You poor poor Sam. It's a real shame about your father. I 'actually' started to feel so sorry for you." Sam asked, "Snerz, can you please tell everyone that my father is not crazy?" He said, "I could. I would easily tell them that your father is telling the truth. If..." Sam asked, "If what?" "...If you agree to marry me." The girls and Sam stared at Snerz not very pleased.

Rarity growled, "You sick being!" Sunset said, "Forcing Sam to marry you by sending Reggie away is the most despicable thing you've ever done." Pinkie said, "Like he ever want to agree to be with you." Snerz didn't listen to the girls and said to Sam, "Come on, Sammy. Just one little word. And everything will be back to normal like it never happened." Sam pushed him away and yelled, "Never!" He said, "Fine then." Jasmine asked, "This is bad. How are we gonna prove everyone that Reggie is not crazy?" Twilight said, "If only we have a proof that Guy is real."

Sam then remembered that he has a magic mirror. He ran back inside the house and later came back with the mirror in his hand. "Everyone, listen up! My father is not crazy! My friends and I have all been there and we also seen it! And I can prove it to you all with this! Show me the Beast!" With a magic mirror, he showed everyone the image of the Beast-Guy-Am-I.

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