The West Wing

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As few servants, Sam, and fourteen girls are walking in the hall, Qwark was telling his story about himself during the tour. He later then noticed that Sam isn't with the group.

Qwark asked one of the Equestria girls, "Um, girls? Where's Sam?" Pinkie said, "Oh! He's over there by the huge steps. He wants to see what's up the stairs." She pointed at where Sam is. The servants gasped. They know what those stairs leads to. The room that no guests should be allowed. The West Wing. Tirzah said, "Oh no." Dexter yelled, "Stop him!" The servants ran to Sam and blocked his way.

Sam asked, "What's up there?" Qwark said, "Um, nothing. Nothing in the West Wing." The servants including Mr Jenkins facepalm. Sam said, "Ohh, so this is the West Wing." Ratchet said sarcastically, "Way to go, Qwark."

He said, "I wonder what he is hiding up there." Sly lied, "Who? The Master? No, no. He wasn't hiding anything." Sam asked, "If he's not hiding anything, then why is it forbidden?" Dexter said, "It's not." "I knew it." Sam said before walking up more the stairs until he was blocked by Ratchet, Jak, and Sly. Ratchet said, "It is! Trust me on this. We could go some places else." He got around them and said, "Whatever we have to go, we can check on it later. I want to see what's up there." Six girls quickly ran in front of Sam blocking his away again. Laura said, "But we haven't told you that we have the garden and a library." Sam asked in excitement, "Really?" Jasmine said, "No way! You guys are pulling my leg." Twilight asked, "You have a library?" The servants smiled. They got him. Amy said, "Of course. There's a lots of books. Mountains of them. Come. You'll love it."

As the servants were walking down the hall, the Equestria girls looked behind them and saw Sam are walking up the stairs instead of following the others. The girls hurried followed Sam to the West Wing trying to convince Sam that it is a very bad idea to explore in the place that is forbidden. They all looked around finding a big mess in the hallway.

Rainbow said, "Whoa. It looks like someone got into a fight and lost." Fluttershy said when she looked at the broken mirror, "Or hate to look at themselves." The girls saw Sam already by the door with the lion's head handle and ready to open it.

Sunset warned, "Sam, do not open that door." Sam started, "But..." She said, "Guy just said that we're not allow to be in that room." Sam said, "He won't know. And besides, don't you want to know what's in it?" He opened the door ignored their warnings.

"Whoa." Jasmine said when everyone saw a huge mess in the room. So many ripped rugs and currents, destroyed vases, and damaged tables, chairs, and furniture. The others looked around the whole mess. Sam then saw a ripped picture of someone who almost looked like Guy. Sam took a closer look, but Sunset said, "Sam, come on. Let's go before Guy see us."

Sam was walking out with the girls until a bright pink light caught his eyes. He looked behind him and saw a rose in the case. "What a beautiful rose." Sam said and walked to the shining flower. Twilight whispered, "Sam, no! Get back here! We don't know what that rose could do. It could be dangerous." Jasmine added, "And Guy could be back here any minute." Sam said before he removed the case, "I just want to touch it." He reached his hand out ready to grab the rose.

But then, Guy came in, moved Sam away from the rose, and put the case back to the rose before glared at Sam.

Guy growled angrily, "What did you do?" Sam said backing away, "N-nothing." Oh man, this is scary! And I thought the Disney's Beast was this angry! Tell me when it's over, I can't watch!

Guy yelled, "Don't you know what would've happen if you mess around with it?" He backhanded the table after Twilight used her magic to move Sam away. Fluttershy begged, "Please, stop! I promise it won't happen again." Guy roared, "Get out!" The Equestria girls and Sam ran out of the West Wing while avoiding his attacks. "GET OUT!!!!!" As soon they all were out, Guy then realized that he did an awful thing. Not controlling his temper and scared them off.

Sly, six other girls, and Qwark saw the others grabbed their coats and ran to the front door. Mavis asked, "Hey, what's going on?" Tirzah asked, "Where are you all going? Why are you running away? Did something happen?" Sam said, "Sorry everyone, but promise or not, we're not staying here! We're getting out of here!" Talwyn yelled, "What? No! Wait! Come back!" Laura said, "It's too dangerous! There are wolves out there!" Qwark said, "They're going to get kill!"

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