Looking for Reggie

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The girls and Sam made it to the castle. Jasmine said, "This is it. The place where I last saw him." Fluttershy asked, "And you sure he's in that castle?" Jasmine said, "Yes. If you don't believe me."

She pointed at the hat that is sitting by the gate. Sam whispered, "Dad..."

Inside the castle, Ratchet was upset that his secret love ran away. Qwark said, "Oh don't feel bad, Ratchet. When she comes back, she won't be rescue anyone. She'll be in prison where she supposed to be. It'll teach her a lesson. Like you, Sly." Sly said, "What? I was trying to be a hospital."

Downstairs, Jasmine opened the door very slowly hopefully she won't get ambush. She motioned everyone to come inside. She hushed them not to make any sound. The others walked around the castle as they looked for Reggie.

"Dad!?" Sam called out loud. Jasmine whispered, "Shh shh shh shhh! Sam, are you trying to get us all kill? That thing will hear you." He whispered, "But I am worried about him." She whispered, "Well, shouting won't help. That beast could be anywhere." Twilight asked, "What does the beast looked like?" Jasmine whispered, "I don't know. He was in darkness. But all I remember that his fur is brown, he has horns on his head with his hat bent cricked, and he has sharp fangs and claws." Sunset asked, "If you have no idea what he looks like and you said he's covering in darkness, how did you saw his fur?" She whispered, "As I was running away, a flash of thunder showed his image for a second when he stepped outside. I'm telling you, it was scary." The others continued looking around the hallway looking for Reggie.

"Dad?" Sam called out loud. Jasmine whispered, "Sam! Shh! What part of 'shh' didn't you understand?" The servants heard the call and took a look. They saw eight girls and a little man.

Ratchet said, "It's Jasmine! She's back!" Sly said, "And she brought seven more girls." Qwark asked, "But aren't they a bit too young for this?" Sly said, "Look, Qwark. One of them are the one. We've been waiting for them to come for years. They have come to break the spell! Come on!" Qwark said, "Wait a minute!"

Sly, Qwark, and Ratchet followed eight girls and a man.

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