Taking Care of Guy

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The others returned to the castle, put Guy in bed, and with some help from the servants, Sam dapped on Guy's painful arm with a wet cloth which made him roar in pain.

"That hurt!" Guy roared. Sam yelled, "If you hold still, it wouldn't hurt that much!" "If you and your friends didn't run away, this wouldn't happened!" "If you haven't frightening us, we wouldn't run away!" "Well, you all shouldn't be in the West Wing!" "Well, you should control your temper!" Pinkie commented, "Wow, he got you there, Guy." But Guy didn't replied as he turned his back facing everyone. Sam said, "Fine, get some sleep. I'll check on you tomorrow." He walked out of Guy's room with the others following behind him.

Everyone in the castle were a bit upset now. Including Guy. He remembered the time when his parents died in the ship wrecked and only his advisor took care of him and make him like he is right now. Especially before he became the beast.

Kid Guy:

Days in the sun

When my life has barely began

Not until my whole life is done

Will I ever leave you


Will I tremble again

To my dear one's gorgeous refrain?

Sunset Shimmer and Dr Nefarious:

Will you now forever remain

Out of reach of my arms?


All those days in the sun

What I'd give to relive just one

Undo what's done

And bring back the light


Oh, I could sing

Of the pain these dark days bring

The spell they're under

Still it's the wonder of us, I sing of tonight

Twilight Sparkle:

How in the midst of all this sorrow

Can so much hope and love endure?

I was innocent and certain

Now I'm wiser but unsure


I can't go back into my childhood (Rarity: All those precious days)

One that my father made secure (Rarity: Couldn't last)

I can feel a change in me (Rarity: Oh, hold me closer)

I'm stronger, but still not free

Almost everyone in the castle:

Days in the sun will return

We must believe as lovers do

That days in the sun

Will come shining through

The next day came and the servants and the girls watched Sam taking care of Guy from the outside of the West Wing. Jasmine was looking at the enchanting rose and asked the servants, "What's so special about that rose?" Tirzah said, "I'm sorry, Jas. I wish we could tell you, but we made a promise not to tell anyone about it. Not even you guys." Sunset said, "You all don't have to." She touched one of the servants and saw what happened from the past ten years.

From the time Guy who was normal boy was being so mean to his servants, pushing them out of his way, met a old begar woman who happens to be a beautiful enchantress, and she placed a powerful spell on the castle and Guy who became the beast. She also gave him the magic rose that wasn't blossom.

Sunset shook her head and asked, "What would it happen if the last rose petal falls?" The servants looked at each other knowing that they couldn't hide it. Jak said, "The Master will stay as the beast forever." Murray said, "And those who living here in the castle will never leave. We'll be trap in here also forever." Twilight said, "We can help you. We have to break the spell and save your master." Rainbow Dash said, "Yeah! Tell us how are we gonna break it." Talwyn said, "We really preceded, but you all don't have to." Jasmine said, "Yes we do. Let us help you to save your master." Ratchet started, "Jas..." She said, "Please! You guys are our friends and we don't want anything bad happen." Fluttershy said, "Jasmine is right. Please. Please tell us how are we gonna break that spell?"

The servants looked at the Equestria girls pleaded eyes. They all wanted to help. Especially they don't want to be stuck in the castle while their prince remain as the beast forever.

Sly decided to let them help. "There is a way to break the spell. The Master has learn to love that person and the same one will return the love." Applejack said, "Well, we already know who will save your master and it isn't going to be any of us." Everyone looked at Sam who didn't know what's going on. Clank said, "The Master did called Sam beautiful." Bentley said, "Then we have no other choice. We have to make those two fall in love." Jasmine said, "That won't be easy. They did had the argument last night." Sly said, "Then we have to give it a try. But for now, no one tell Sam about any of it." Everyone nodded and the next rose petal falls.

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