Snerz Proposes Sam

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Next morning, Snerz got everything ready for the wedding.

Yes Man asked, "Sam will get surprise in his life, isn't he, Mr Snerz?" Snerz said, "Of course. This is his lucky day. Now remember what you have to do. When Sam and I come out of that door..." Yes Man said, "Oh yes, Mr Snerz. I struck up the band. Good luck, Mr Snerz." He said before straighten up his flerz, "I don't need luck."

Inside the house, six girls were doing their girl time while Sam is reading his book with Twilight. They all heard a knock on the door.

Rainbow Dash answered the door and groaned. "Rainbow, who's at the door?" Sam asked. Rainbow said, "You are not going to believe who's at the door again. Only this time, he's wearing a tuxedo." Sam asked, "Tuxedo? What does he want now?" She said, "Probably a dinner or something." Snerz said, "Oh it's something alright."

Sam put down his book, walked to the door, and said, "Hey Snerz. Nice suit." Snerz said, "I knew you'll like it. You know, Sam, there's a lot of cute creatures in town who would love to be in your shoes. So, today is the day that your dreams will come true." He asked, "My dreams? What do you know about it?" Snerz said before walked to the table and rest his feet on Sam's book, "Plenty. Picture this. In the cutting lodge, resting by the fire, seven maidens cleaning our home, and my little husband rubbing my feet." Twilight asked suspensionly, "Seven maids?"

He said, "Of course. Somebody has to keeping our house clean." Sunset asked, "Hold on. Why were you looking at us while saying seven maidens?" Snerz said, "Because you all have to watch over it and our kids." Applejack asked, "Now kids?"

Sam said after taking his book off of Snerz's feet and cleaning it up, "Imagine that." Snerz asked before walked to Sam who put his book back to the self, "Do you know who's going to be my husband?" He said, "No. Who?" Snerz said before pinned him to the wall with his arms in between Sam's head, "You, Sam. That's who." The girls asked in shocked, "What?"

Sam said, "What? Wow, I'm speechless. I really don't know what to say." He said, "That's easy. Say that you'll marry me." Sam said, "I'm really sorry, Snerz. But I don't deserve you." Snerz said, "Then maybe this will change your mind." He leaning his head towards Sam going to kiss him. Sam moves his head away so he won't get kiss. Then just the nick of time, Pinkie saved Sam by wack Snerz's head with a powerful swing of a flying pan. Sam said, "Thanks Cotton."

Snerz got thrown out of the house and into the mud as the band started playing the music. "And stay out you crazy varmint!" Applejack shouted before slammed the door. Yes Man sees his boss in the mud before ordered the band to kill the music.

Snerz got out of the mud looking mad. Yes Man asked, "So, how did it go? I suppose he said no, right, Mr Snerz?" Snerz grabbed Yes Man by the tie and said, "I'll have Sam for my husband! Make no mistake about that!" He tossed Yes Man to the mud and angrily walked away. He said, "Touching."

Later after everyone cleaned everything up, Twilight looked outside from the door cracked open. "Is he gone?" Sam asked. Twilight said, "Yes, everyone's gone."

Sam said, "That's good. Can you imagine? He asked me to marry him." Sunset said, "Not only that. He also going to treat us like slaves." Rarity said, "I am so glad that you said no to him, Sam. I would never clean up any mess that Snerz will left." "Uh, everyone. There's someone coming this way." Twilight said when she saw something.

Sam asked, "Oh no. Is it Snerz again?" She said, "No, I don't think so. I think it's Jasmine. And she sounded like she's in trouble."

The others ran to Jasmine who was shouting, "Help! Help! Somebody help!" Applejack said, "Whoa nellie. Calm down. What's going on?" Sam notice that Reggie isn't with her and asked, "Jasmine, where's my father?" Jasmine said, "It's that thing! He got him!" Rainbow asked, "Who?" She said, "A beast! I managed to get away alive!" Rarity said, "And I could see that scratch mark on your shirt."

Sam said, "We have to find him. Jasmine, you have to take me to him." Jasmine said, "What? Are you crazy? No way I'm going back there. There's a beast in the castle." He said, "Then we have no choice. Please, Jasmine. We have to save my father."

Jasmine looked at Sam's pleading eyes. She said, "Get your horses. I'll take you all to the last place I seen him." The girls and Sam smiled before headed to the stable to get their horses.

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